Will same-sex marriage be the nail in the coffin?

It appears that the the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling on same-sex marriage may have forced the black church to finally admit to the Democratic Party’s stance on the fundamental beliefs of the Christian Church.  One would think that the black church would have gotten a clue when the Democrats booed when God was reintroduced into their party's platform at their 2012 convention.  Even after they witnessed such disrespect for the God they claim to love, honor, and serve, black pastors and their congregations remained loyal to the Democratic Party.  Although many black Christians voiced their disapproval when President Obama claimed that his support for same-sex marriage had evolved, they continued to support the first black president and voted him back into office for a second term.

Now, after the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, all of a sudden some black pastors are questioning their relationship with the Democratic Party.  Commenting on the same-sex marriage ruling, members of the Mt. Hebron Missionary Baptist Church in Houston and their pastor, Rev. Max A. Miller, Jr., made some sobering comments in an article in the LA Times:

“If we really look at our values, they're more conservative,” the Rev. Miller said. “Democrats treat us like a 2 a.m. phone call: They come by late in the election, they do nothing for the neighborhood, they give speeches and they sell us out.”

According to the article, members of the his congregation as well as members from other black churches voiced their regret for voting for President Obama and vowed to do a better job vetting candidates in the future:

Sylvia Sims, 59, the church office administrator, said Christian families had “made allowances” for relatives who had come out of the closet. They have accepted gay and lesbian politicians, including Houston's three-term mayor, Annise Parker. Now Sims sees the ruling as a divine wake-up call.

“President Obama was wrong. Those people were wrong. But they were wrong because we let them be. We let a gay mayor in. And God said, ‘I’m going to show you because you let this in,’” Sims said. “God is sick and tired of us as Christians not standing up for what’s right.” Sims has been a straight-ticket Democratic voter, but said no more. Rhonda Miller agreed.

Fisher, a firewood salesman, noted that he had voted for Obama. “Ask me if I regret it,” said Fisher, still holding his Bible. “I do. If I could take it back, I would -- on this issue alone. We expect him to rule this nation based on the beliefs in this book.” After the high court’s ruling, Fisher said he initially vowed never to vote for a Democrat again. Now he wants to be a more discerning voter.

Church members were also appalled at President Obama’s decision to light up the White House in rainbow colors after the Supreme Court’s ruling on the same day he gave the eulogy at the funeral for Rev. Clementa Pinckney, the pastor gunned down at the AME Church in Charleston, SC.  Soon after he praised the Supreme Court’s decision, President Obama stood on stage surrounded by black pastors, prayed, and then sang the song “Amazing Grace.”

“Singing ‘Amazing Grace’ after he led the charge -- what a shame,” Fisher said. “The church is under siege; it’s just coming from different directions.”

While it is good to see the error of our ways, I cannot understand why any of these individuals is surprised by the actions of President Obama and the Democratic Party.  What did they think was going to happen once President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage?  Some black pastors have voiced their opposition to the same-sex marriage ruling but have attempted to distance President Obama from the entire decision (although he came out immediately, voiced his enthusiasm, and lit up the White House in rainbow colors).  Everything that the Democratic Party stands for is anti-God.  Every liberal policy from abortion to climate change to same-sex marriage is in opposition to biblical teachings.  Either the black pastors and their congregants were not informed as to what their chosen political party stands for or they just closed their eyes, ears, and minds in denial.

Will we see the black church carry out a mass exodus from the Democratic Party?  While it would be a positive move for both the black community and the country, I am not going to hold my breath.

Christian Commentary (http://patriciascornerblog.com), or contact the author at dicksonpat@sky.com.  Follow me on twitter@Patrici15767099.

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