Creeping authoritarianism: Man arrested for having pet deer

A  man was arrested yesterday.  His crime?  Keeping deer as pets.  They weren't other people's deer.  The deer weren't harming anyone.  They weren't mauling children or eating babies.  They were just a man's pets.

See this deer above? This is the face of a deer held captive inside of a house for at least a year, according to West Virginia Natural Resources Police.

Look at the sinister spin the Washington Post puts on this!  The deer was a "captive," like a hostage in Lebanon! If you have a dog or cat, be careful, because you may be accused of keeping your dog "captive" as well.

On Friday, police said they responded to a report that deer were being kept inside of a house in Cabell County. Officers saw a deer standing in the middle of the house when they arrived 

They caught this dangerous criminal red-handed!

The man was charged with two counts of illegal possession of wildlife, with his prosecution pending, according to police. The misdemeanor can carry a penalty of $20 to $300 and the possibility of jail time.

I think I will feel safer with this man behind bars.  Not to mention any deer in the area who is terrorized by tasty snacks and cable TV.

The deer had obviously been terribly mistreated:

The two deer — a six-point buck and a spike — had a healthy supply of hay available to them inside the mobile home and had apparently been living with the man for some time... When we were able to get the subject to release both deer outside of his home, they were very hesitant to leave the dwelling — another indication they were used to residing inside the house.”

Obviously, the deer were terribly unhappy and glad to get their freedom.

Why is this any of the government's business?  No one is being harmed.  No one's private property is being violated.  No one is being addicted to an illegal drug that Rand Paul wants to legalize.  When the government gets this involved in the details of our lives, it can deny us almost anything.  Today it could be deer.  Tomorrow it could be your PlayStation, or your bicycle, or anything else that the government decides it does not like.

This article was produced by, the conservative news site.

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