Charleston and Chicago
According to the Chicago Sun-Times, ten African-Americans have been killed in the city since the Charleston church murders on June 17. Read about them here.
The Chicago news and entertainment website Redeye lists 16 murders between the 10th and 17th.
The victims, of course, are almost all young men, and no one was killed in church. These black lives matter to their family and friends, but not to the national media.
If racism were endemic in American society, would the mass murder of blacks by whites have happened just once in the last half-century?
Serial murders or rampage killings of whites by blacks are rare, but they’ve occurred a number of times. Probably the most notorious were the Zebra murders in San Francisco in 1973 and 1974, where somewhere between 16 and 80 whites were killed, some trussed like turkeys and tortured. Readers will remember at least a few others: Aaron Alexis, who killed twelve whites at the Washington Navy Yard; Omar Thornton, who killed eight whites at a beer distributor in Hartford; and Colin Ferguson, who shot to death six whites on a Long Island commuter train.
In Ferguson’s case, his attorneys invoked the “black rage” defense: racism made him do it. Never mind that there was no evidence the murderer had personally experienced any discrimination or hostility.
A reasonable response to the horrific murders at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church is that this is the exception that proves the rule.
Instead, we are being told the Confederate flag is to blame, along with a website that links articles from local papers about black-on-white crime. If a psychotic young Jewish man, looking up anti-Semitic hate crimes on the ADL’s site, took vengeance on Evangelicals in a Baptist church, would anyone blame Abe Foxman?
But we live in the Orwellian world of political correctness, politicheskaya pravil’nost’ in the lexicon of the USSR. And the last thing we can expect from the media is a dispassionate, reasonable response to a crime that, one has to feel, journalists have been awaiting for decades.