What Doors Has Hillary Opened For Women?

While appearing on MSNBC's the Morning Joe show, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina was chastised by Mika Brzezinski for her criticism of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Carly Fiorina has been publicly criticizing Hillary’s lack of accomplishments. Apparently, Mika Brzezinski is upset by the public searing of Madam Hillary by the former Hewlett-Packard CEO and decided to remind her of what Hillary has supposedly done for women. She defended Clinton by reminding Fiorina of her (Fiorina’s) own failures in both the private sector as well as her failed run for the California Senate seat:

Brzezinski then said, “I’ve been reading and listening to your criticisms of her, which really are quite searing, again, focusing on her track record of accomplishment. And I’m just wondering, when you talk about blemishes, you have an amazing round of accomplishments in your life, but someone could say it like this, you ran for Senate and lost. You worked for john McCain, you were moved off that campaign, and he lost. You had a tenure at Hewlett-Packard that a lot of people describe as extremely rocky, destroying jobs, and destroying the company’s reputation. Are you really the right person to be criticizing Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments or lack thereof?”

Carly Fiorina stood her ground and defended both her record of accomplishments at Hewlett-Packard and what she sees as a successful run for the senate:

Fiorina responded, “well, you’ve clearly have been reading the Democratic talking points, to which Brzezinski stated, “I’m reading Fortune, I’m reading the New York Times,”

Fiorina continued, “we accomplished a lot at Hewlett-Packard. We doubled the size of the company to almost $90 billion. We quadrupled the growth rate from 2% to 9%, we tripled the rate of innovation to 11 patents a day, we quadrupled cash flow, we went from lagging to leading in every product category, and every market segment, and in technology, if you’re lagging, you’re failing. If you’re leading, you’re growing jobs, and growing products, which we did. With regard to California, yes, absolutely I lost that general campaign, but I won more Republican votes, more Democratic votes, and more Independent votes than virtually anyone else running at any point in that cycle. That’s how big California is, and it’s a demonstration of the fact that a conservative non-politician can reach beyond our party and talk with Democrats and Independents alike.”

According to Mika Brzezinski, accomplishments boil down to a matter of opinion:

Brzezinski then replied, “that same description of your accomplishments could be applied, Steve Rattner, to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as head of the State Department, some say that she did amazing things around the world for women, and for access to capital for women, and for opening doors to the true leaders of countries around the world, or you could see it the way Republicans see it and they can talk about Benghazi. It’s all about how you look at those accomplishments.”

It is obvious that the media will attempt to create accomplishments out of thin air for Hillary Clinton. I have yet to hear anyone articulate exactly what doors Hillary has opened for women or what she has actually done for women. The Left will continue to repeat the narrative throughout the presidential campaign until some Republican with a spine asks for the specifics. Even Fiorina repeated the narrative along with the unsupported claim of Hillary’s intelligence:

Fiorina concluded, “Hillary Clinton has opened doors for women, and of course she is a highly intelligent hardworking woman, who has dedicated her life to public service, and that is a tribute to her…we also have to be able to talk beyond gender, and talk actually about track record and accomplishment and policies, and I think that’s the ground upon which this debate needs to be waged.”

Christian Commentary (http://patriciascornerblog.com), or contact the author at dicksonpat@sky.com. Follow me on twitter@Patrici15767099.


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