There Is a Storm Coming

Along with Tax Day, this year April 15th marked Holocaust Remembrance Day, to remind us of the horrors perpetrated by Nazi Germany and its European allies against the stateless and hapless Jews a mere 70 years ago. The largest Jewish cemetery in the world is called Europe.

Before the Second World War, there were some 18 million Jews. After the war there were only 12 million remaining. The six million who perished soaked the benighted soil of Europe with their blood and filled the skies with their ashes.

But these were the Jewish victims of the 20th century. For nearly two millennia, millions more had died and suffered cruel martyrdom.

Yet the continued existence of the Jews throughout terrible and persistent persecutions remains one of the greatest of all miracles, surpassed only by the rebirth of Israel.   

We often call the horrors inflicted upon the Jewish people and faith by its nineteenth-century term: anti-Semitism. But it is a poison within humanity, a persistent virus that remains impervious to eradication. Simply put, it is Jew hatred. It has erupted again throughout Europe and mirrors in its perversions and mindless violence the stark memories of the Third Reich.

France has given us great literature and wondrous music. But that nation also gave us the notorious Dreyfus Affair and the Vichy regime that happily rounded up its Jewish citizens and sent them to the German death camps. That same nation is now submerged under a vast influx of Muslim immigrants who spew Jew hatred learned by rote from the Koran and the Hadith.

Many Frenchmen and women joined them in an orgy of utter hate against the embattled but reconstituted Jewish homeland: Israel. That ugly spectacle contained within it the old virus: Jew hatred.

The Muslim thugs are terminally corroded by their ideology wrapped in a religion (to quote Winston Churchill) and not until they jettison their adherence to Islam will they be free from it. But non-Muslims who attack Israel and the Jews are the useful idiots who have drunk the Kool aid, which is the relentless propaganda war waged against the Jewish state.

The hypocrisy of the shrieking anti-Jewish and anti-Israel mobs in Paris was apparent When we consider that last week, the Syrian regime dropped barrel bombs upon civilians and destroyed the Palestine hospital in Yarmouk, a southern suburb of Damascus, populated by Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.

Hundreds were killed and injured. One Yarmouk resident said: “They slaughtered them in the streets.” This was not in Gaza or in any areas occupied and controlled by the Palestinian Authority.

Now compare this massacre in Syria to the false stories of a “massacre in Gaza” in 2014.

Hamas propagandists filled Facebook feeds with pictures of dead children, most of whom were not even in Gaza and some who were later seen getting off their stretchers and walking away.

The mainstream media shamefully did not check or verify the false claims made by Hamas who cynically manipulated the foreign “reporters” who now admit their abandonment of objectivity for fear of violent reprisals by Palestinian terrorists.

But the damage was done and the Jewish state was unjustly demonized.

In Syria there are real massacres of Palestinians. But where are the Muslim mobs and their European useful idiots? Where are the drones chanting in the streets of Paris? Where are the thousands of tweets we saw in 2014? They don’t exist because Israel was not involved, which reveals the utter hypocrisy and malevolence behind the execrable anti-Jewish and anti-Israel campaign.

Shelley Neese, who is Vice President of a Christian Zionist website called “The Jerusalem Connection”, has produced a remarkable music video "There is a Storm Coming",about the rise of anti-Jewish prejudice and bigotry.

She compares it to the horrors of seventy years ago. She also warns the French Jewish community that time is short and their future lies in the ancestral and biblical Jewish homeland: Israel.

She was assisted by Andrew McKain, a talented musician and rapper whose hard-hitting lyrics should particularly appeal to young people who so desperately need to learn the past and what the present may foretell.

They should know how the totalitarian movements defeated in the 20th century have mutated and how the Islamo-Nazis and today’s far left are making common cause to the same end as their predecessors -- the destruction of the Jews and of freedom worldwide.

Victor Sharpe is a freelance writer and author of several books including the trilogy, Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.

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