Reminder: As President, Hillary Could be Subject to Blackmail

If Hillary Clinton’s emails were intercepted by the Russians or Chinese (or other governments with active cyber war programs), she would be subject to blackmail since her “missing” emails could well have embarrassing (or worse) details of the nature of both the donations to the Clinton Foundation and the extravagant speaking fees for Bill.

Early in her term as Secretary of State, Hillary traveled to Beijing to meet with China’s Foreign Minister.  At that time, her email account was not encrypted and it would have been relatively easy for any traffic on her Blackberry to be intercepted by the Chinese government including her email password.  Even after encryption, her emails could be intercepted as long as the password had not changed. Her email server might have been hacked as well.

Her key traveling aide, Huma Abedin, also used the email system and her email account could have been compromised as well.

Even if the Chinese or other governments had not intercepted the emails, the very fact that they could have been intercepted, would open up Hillary to blackmail. A foreign minister meeting with President Hillary Clinton could hint at the prospect of releasing emails inimical to her future as president, and that country would have enormous influence over the conduct of her foreign policy.

We are well into a dangerous period of conflict and aggression in many parts of the world. The very prospect of a future president who is subject to blackmail would seriously undermine the ability of the United States to counter that aggression.

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