More testiness, please

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul was recently accused by the sissy left of being testy in speaking to a hostile, long-winded interviewer from NBC.  NBC has such a history of undisguised bias against Republican candidates that the Republican National Committee (RNC) should, as the default mode, blackball most interviewers from NBC.  Any interviews granted to that biased news agency need to acknowledge the bias and include ground rules that include canned responses like “Thank you for asking brief questions, then shutting your pie-hole.”

Essential anger is the emotional mortar holding together a stand against injustice, falsehood, and harmfulness.  Essential anger can be conceptualized through a religiously based worldview or a psychological perspective as righteous or healthy anger, respectively.  Recent Republican presidential candidates have been severely deficient in essential anger.  John McCain was such a custard cup that he could not even say his opponent’s name and stood mute while Obama, the sorest, most graceless winner imaginable, reminded McCain what a loser he was.  One wondered if the lengthy and harrowing ordeals of McCain’s younger years rendered him unable to express healthy anger.

Meanwhile, the hyper-domestication of Mormon men might have been a factor in causing Mitt Romney's mute, smiling accommodation of Candy Crowley’s ambush during the October 16, 2012 debate with Obama.

Conservatives are less narcissistic than progressives and more apt to follow traditional manners and decorum.  But the lack of healthy, righteous anger from the RNC and Republican candidates in dealing with media antipathy has lost elections and immeasurably damaged this nation.

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