Media Matters: we should coronate Hillary

The Soros-funded anti-conservative attack dog website Media Matters for America has staked out its territory on the Hillary campaign, warning potential opponents to stay out of the race and let Hillary become the first non-incumbent, non-VP in history to gain a major party nomination without opposition.  Given MMFA’s history of vicious character assassination if those on its enemies list, Elizabeth Warren is no doubt taking heed.

But the kicker in the whole project is the reason Media Matters staff writer Eric Boehlert gives for justifying the coronation. When Democrats run against other Democrats, the media is free to criticize the front-runner and presumed nominee. He points to Al Gore having an opponent, Bill Bradley, in his run for the nomination:

In reality, Gore's at-times brutal treatment from the Beltway press corps during that election cycle may have hit its low point during the Democratic primary season. Looking back, virtually every defining character attack on Gore delivered by the campaign press started during the Democratic primary season when, according to today's wisdom, the media should've been cutting Gore a break and focusing on his opponent. (snip)

Having a primary opponent did nothing to improve Gore's press coverage during his 2000 run. Given the media's often-contemptuous treatment of the current Democratic frontrunner, I suspect the same would be true for Hillary Clinton.

You don’t have to delve very deeply into the analysis before you realize the unspoken premise that if only the GOP nominee is criticizing Hillary, then the media will obediently side with Hillary and downplay or ignore the criticisms of her. This is an amazing feat of legerdemain, playing victim of a mean press that will attack a Democrat, while at the same time counting on the genuine, pervasive, and publicly-understood bias of the media against Republicans, and for Democrats.

Hat tip: Andrew Stiles, WFB and Instapundit.

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