Coverup: ISIS camp a few miles from US border

Mexican law enforcement authorities have confirmed to Judicial Watch that Islamic State has set up a camp just 6 miles from the US border in Mexico near El Paso, TX.

The group further reports that when the story broke earlier in the week, FBI supervisors convened an urgent meeting in Mexico with national law enforcement representatives to deal with the press leaks and develop a press strategy to deny the report.

Fox News:

The Judicial Watch report, which cited an unnamed Mexican Army officer and a Mexican police inspector, raises new fears that the fight with ISIS is closer to the U.S. than previously thought.

The report identified the locations of the two bases, and said one is as close as 8 miles from Texas in a town west of Juarez. Mexican authorities found possible evidence -- plans written in Arabic and Urdu -- last week in the town of "Anapra," the sources said. These sources told the watchdog that "coyotes" who work for drug cartels assist in smuggling terrorists between Fort Hancock, Texas, and other undisclosed locations.

The U.S. State Department and the Department of Homeland Security did not immediately respond to an inquiry from to confirm the report. But the Mexican border has long been seen as a potential vulnerability.

Judicial Watch reports on a raid conducted last week in Mexico that turned up some surprising evidence:

Publicly, U.S. and Mexico have denied that Islamic terrorists are operating in the southern border region, but the rapid deployment of FBI brass in the aftermath of JW’s report seems to indicate otherwise. A Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector were among the sources that confirmed to JW that ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas. The base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm. During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss – the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation.

Why deny the obvious? Debra Heine of PJ Media explains:

Garcia said: “He wants better relations with Mexico, he’s allowing this influx of illegal immigrants coming in, he’s now facilitating with a program that Judicial Watch just broke, last week, where he’s flying the minors in, now because it’s too treacherous to cross the desert. If there’s terrorists right nearby – that would of course ruin that plan. A lot of it is denial – a lot of it is negligence – it’s downright insane and certainly deplorable that this is happening so close to our border, and yet the administration continues to officially say, that the border is secure – that this is unfounded.”

Garcia explained that ISIS is trying to enter the country through two ports of entry – El Paso and an area on the New Mexico border.

She referenced a Judicial Watch report from last August exposing a leaked DHS warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border that had been issued within the agency and was not meant to go public.

Garcia ended by noting that a U.S. government report a few years ago acknowledged that Middle Eastern Islamic terrorists have teamed up with drug cartels on the border.

This is one case where the dots connect themselves. The fact is, Islamic State, Hezb'allah, AQAP -- they're already here. The government knows it, but doesn't want to alarm the public. Everyone knows an attack is coming. The only questions are where, when - and how many will die.



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