More trouble for Jeb Bush (and his establishment backers)

Common Core- and amnesty-loving Jeb Bush may be winning the so-called money primary, where big donors choose their candidate for president, but a little farther down the income scale, it looks like there is trouble for Jeb.  Matthew Boyle of Breitbart reports:

A minuscule 4 percent of Americans think that former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush represents middle class values well, numbers far worse than Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama or either political party, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds.

The elephant in the room for the 2016 election is populism.  People in the United States are thoroughly alienated from what they perceive is a system rigged for the wealthy and connected.  Not just the Wall Street moneyed interests, but those connected to the government, from Lois Lerner to Solyndra, to the Secret Service officers allowed to walk away after hitting a security barrier outside the White House.

Respondents were asked the following question about Obama, Clinton, Bush, the Republican Party and the Democrat Party: “Let me read you a list of some groups and individuals, and I would like you to tell me how well each one represents the values of the middle class–very well, fairly well, just somewhat well, or not very well. If you don’t know the name, please just say so.”

A whopping 22 percent gave Obama a “very well” rating, and 18 percent did so for Clinton. The Democratic Party got 15 percent “very well” rating and Republicans got 7 percent. But Bush only managed to muster 4 percent, an abysmally low performance among arguably the most important part of the American public for any political candidate: the middle class.

Elizabeth Warren is well-suited to take advantage of this mood, as are Scott Walker, John Kasich, and a number of other people.  Hillary Clinton is not, which is why, I believe, so many MSM outlets are piling on her e-mail scandal.  What would it take for the GOP establishment to wise up?  It is time for the big money to look beyond Bush.

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