HuffPo: Feminism is cleaning toilets and sex talk with strangers

There was a little known TV movie in the 1970's called "Planet Earth", made by Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. It was supposed to be a TV pilot for a futurist series in a post-disaster Earth where everything was destroyed except for an underground civilization and a really, really excellent mass transit system. But on the ruined surface, women ruled and men were drugged and obedient slaves, taught to accept the dominance of leather wearing, whip wielding ladies in tall boots.

Fast forward to 2015. The Huffington Post ran an unintentionally hilarious agit/prop piece by a thoroughly whipped man describing his joy at living with a feminist lady. I would call the feminist lady his "wife," since she had children with him, but the man never referred to her by that archaic title, merely referring to her as his "partner," as if they merely both worked in the same law firm together.

I've spent the last 10 years getting to know my feminist more. And you know what's weird? She's awesome. She's amazing. She's an amazing feminist person. She fixes our toilet while teaching me new swear words…

It sounds like she's in charge of all the plumbing--both his and hers.

…has quite literally zero idea how to load a dishwasher…

Can you guess who does all the kitchen work around the house?

…has helped young women make informed choices for themselves about their sexual health

Wait? Where did this come from? I didn't see anything in the article about the feminist partner being a teacher. Does she simply go up to young ladies and talk with them about sex?

...likes men...

...likes women...

Oh oh. Likes men and women. Does that mean that she simply likes them, or is that code for something she has in common with the governor of Oregon?

When women have their right to make decisions for themselves taken away, she gets angry.

Do you think his feminist partner complains about women getting beaten, beheaded, and otherwise subjugated in the Middle East? Or is she more concerned about having the right to decide on an abortion in the ninth month?

When girls are apologized to because there are only "boy toys" to play with she gets upset.

What does this even mean?  I don't know.

I'm also happy to be living in a house with multiple feminists. My daughters are smart, strong-willed, caring people who are learning from the best. They have a wonderful role-model in front of them. I'm so glad I'm the partner of a feminist.

Yeah yeah yeah. Sounds like he's the junior partner.

It was curious how this agit/prop avoids ever defining exactly what a feminist is. That's because if it did, you might not like the result. They constantly attack men for perceived injustices that have nothing to do with discrimination, and demand both equality and preferential treatment in the same breath. Meanwhile, they have no problem being sexually dominated by ISIS.

It's ironic that liberals have mostly gotten their way in government policies but the one thing they haven't won yet is the war on labels. Words like "liberal" and "feminist" and "socialism" are still dirty words and this is part of the continuing effort of the Left to rehabilitate them.

By the way, I found the follow-on ad links at the end of the article intriguing enough to copy here. I am pretty sure they are paid ad links, generated via keyword algorithms. But they do provide a window on the things linked to feminism these days.

Pedro Gonzales is the editor of, the conservative news site. He thinks calling a wife a "partner" is like calling a girlfriend a "team member."

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