Walker Derangement Syndrome appearing in mainstream media
The Democratic-media establishment is rolling out the hate for Scott Walker. An article in the New Yorker (“The Dangerous Candidacy of Scott Walker”) by John Cassidy gives away the game in its first sentence:
Let’s stipulate up front that Scott Walker, the governor of Wisconsin, is an odious politician whose ascension to the Presidency would be a disaster.
Richard Baehr points out that the early 1984 style hate campaign suggests that either Dems are not so comfortable that Clinton is a sure winner, or that they see how well the anti-Romney stuff worked by defining him early for people who were not Republican or engaged in following politics, so they are trying to take down the top candidates on our side early. So far that looks like Bush and Walker, who seem to be breaking apart from the filed in different ways -- Jeb with money, and establishment support, Walker among conservative voters.