The loss of climate significance

The NOAA National Climatic Data Center has released the complete 2014 dataset of state, regional, and national climate data.  This allows us to look for which regions have statistically significant trends in annual temperatures over the past three decades – the period over which climate alarmists tell us that climate change impacts should be evident.

The results are not promising for the alarmists.

The contiguous United States as a whole has absolutely no sign of a significant trend in its annual temperature since 1985.  Only two of nine climate regions – the Northeast and Southwest – have significant trends over this time.

Out of the 48 contiguous states, we are now down to just 11 with significant trends in annual temperatures – Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Texas, and Vermont.

During the past two decades (i.e., since 1995), the non-parametric correlation in the contiguous U.S. annual temperature has turned negative – toward cooling, not warming.  Since 1998, there is very nearly (p=0.06) a statistically significant cooling trend in the temperature of the contiguous United States.

Looks like there could be some interesting times ahead for the alarmists if Senator James Inhofe does what he indicated in a recent interview witht the Daily Caller once he becomes chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, "which has the largest jurisdiction of any Senate committee":

Inhofe also noted his committee would hold hearings on the science behind global warming, countering claims made by Democrats that 'the science is settled' when it comes to global temperature rises.

'We're going to have a committee hearing on the science,' Inhofe told The DCNF [The Daily Caller News Foundation]. 'People are going to hear the other side of the story.'

As the recent trends in U.S. temperatures show, there certainly is another side to the alarmist story that needs to be told to this Senate committee.

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