Jorge Ramos: Hero to Latinos!

The liberal media tells us that every ethnic group has its own issues based on their ethnicity.  There are black issues for black people, Native American issues for Native Americans, and of course, Latino issues for Latinos.  If you're born into a particular ethnic group, you have certain positions and needs distinct from other groups.  There is no such thing as an individual view on taxes or war or welfare or immigration..

That's why I'm extremely gratified that Jorge Ramos of Univision has stepped out so boldly to inform the world about the single, united Latino view on immigration.  The New York Times had a gushing piece on him that describes his efforts to skewer mush-mouth Republicans on the issue of illegal immigration.

Jorge Ramos, the Univision and Fusion television anchor who is often called the Walter Cronkite of Latino America was in his suburban Miami broadcast studio when he all but pounced on the chairman of the Republican Party, Reince Priebus, who was appearing from Washington. The Republicans' immigration policy is "deportations, deportations, deportations," Mr. Ramos said. "Why?"

I have the same question.  Why is it when someone commits a felony, the police have the same answer: arrest, arrest, arrest?

"The message," he retorted, "is anti-immigrant."

If you're against illegal aliens, you're anti-immigrant, in Jorge's view.  People who sneak across the border and demand their "rights" are identical to people who fill out the paperwork, get vetted, and sometimes wait years to come to America legally.  For Jorge, there is no difference between criminal and legal.

Even after Mr. Obama announced late last year that nearly half of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants could apply to work without fear of deportation, Mr. Ramos confronted him during a Nashville forum for having "destroyed many families" by not acting sooner.

I love this.  Illegal aliens commit crimes, and when they get caught, they are the virtuous ones, and we are the criminals for "destroying families," whatever that means.  For the record, if one illegal alien is deported, the entire family of illegal aliens is free to go home with him.

This weekend, the Spanish-language Univision, and Fusion, its English-language venture with ABC News, will cover the first gathering of 2016 Republican presidential aspirants, at a conservative forum in Des Moines on Saturday organized by Representative Steve King of Iowa. Mr. King, an immigration hard-liner ...

A hard-liner is evidently someone who supports enforcing the law.  What, then, is someone who supports ignoring the laws?  A soft-liner?  An eye-liner?  A panty-liner?

... is well known to Latinos for remarks like one claiming that most young border-crossers have "calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana."

Some of the illegal aliens do smuggle drugs.  I'll bet they also have bicepses the size of eggplant and pectorals the size of honeydews, because they're also hauling big bags of methamphetamines.

Mr. Ramos is "not only a journalist, he's become the voice of the Latino constituency," Mr. Dowd [a campaign adviser to George W. Bush] said.

Yes, he speaks for all Latinos; all are of one view.  All Latinos want to reward illegal aliens.  Mr. Dowd, you show your brilliance.

"And that's where Republicans have to worry – you don't want to lose Jorge Ramos."

Yes, according to Dowd, you should be concerned more about an advocate for illegal aliens than for the security of citizens of the United States.

Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, who said during the campaign that undocumented residents should "self-deport" – a position he defended in an interview last November on Univision – got only 27 percent of Latinos' votes.

And John McCain, who supported amnesty,  got 31% of the Latino vote, and still lost.  Is trying to out-pander your opponent to criminals really a winning strategy?

Let's be serious. This is a travesty on so many levels.

1) No one person can speak for the Latino community.  First of all, the word "Latino" is so broad as to mean nothing.  Do people from Peru, Argentina, El Salvador, Mexico, Cuba, and Spain really have the same ideology?

2) It insults Latinos in a big way to assume that all Latinos want illegal immigration to be rewarded.  There are many Latinos who live on the southwest borders whose lives have been turned upside-down by all the drug-dealing, killings, and kidnappings going on there.  They want border security, not amnesty.

3) It also insults Latinos to claim that this is their big issue simply because so many illegal aliens are themselves Latino (am I allowed to say that?).  A Latino small business owner may be more interested in lower taxes.  Latino parents may be more interested in school choice.  Pro-life Latinos may be more interested in stopping the subsidy of abortions.

In other words, Latinos may be interested in the same issues as non-Latinos.  Instead of trying to treat them as a group with a monolithic list of needs, why not deal with them as individuals, who have the same interests and needs as everyone else in the country?

Why not go to them and say something like this?  Latinos are like everyone else.  They want freedom, opportunity, and the ability to support themselves.  The Democrats wave amnesty around like a carrot for Latinos to follow, assuming you're simple one-issue voters.  Instead we offer you the rule of law, protection for private property rights, and an environment where it is easier for businesses to grow and create jobs.  Which is more important to you?

But mush-mouth Republicans could never say that.  They simply look tongue-tied and uncomfortable before Jorge, because they don't believe in any of these things.   Which do you think is sadder: Jorge's mischaracterization of Latinos, or the Republicans' inability to articulate for conservatives?

The only thing I have left to say to Jorge is, "Vete!  Vete ahora!"

Pedro Gonzales is editor of, the conservative news site.  All Latinos agree with what he says.

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