Arrogant Greenpeace creeps damage ancient site that cannot be repaired

Radical environmentalists are religious fanatics, convinced that their beliefs can save the world and arrogantly dismissive of all other considerations.  How else to explain the unspeakable damage done in Peru to one of the world’s most precious artifacts of ancient civilizations?

Ben Spencer of the U.K. Daily Mail:

Greenpeace activists have been forced to apologise after damaging an ancient Peruvian monument during a publicity stunt.

Activists from Greenpeace placed a banner next to a figure of a hummingbird, carved more than 1,500 years ago, in a bid to highlight the case for action at the UN climate summit in Lima.

The Peruvian government said it would press criminal charges against Greenpeace activists who left footprints close to the carvings.

This is utterly sickening.  Even if global warming were not a fraud, this self-righteous appropriation of the precious cultural heritage of mankind would be out of bounds.  The damage cannot be repaired:

Mr Castillo added: ‘They are absolutely fragile. They are black rocks on a white background. You walk there and the footprint is going to last hundreds or thousands of years.

‘And the line that they have destroyed is the most visible and most recognised of all.’

The vandals may be in for prison sentences of up to 6 years.  I am pretty sure that the Peruvians they meet in prison will not be impressed with the gravity of the cause for which the foreign greenies destroyed one of the proudest monuments to the ancient culture of their native land.  They will have their consciousness raised.  

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