Warmists Watch Wrong Weather Warnings

Climateers keep trumpeting alarms that glaciers and ice sheets are melting, thus threatening land-based life with rising seas and supporting their dubious claims that Earth faces catastrophic global warming.

Life on Earth cannot be extinguished by a sun-warmed atmosphere or retreating ice – sea levels merely rise steadily as land-based ice melts, animals and plants migrate, and the slowly warming seas expel carbon dioxide.  This allows the biosphere to thrive with more ice-free land in a benign, warmer, wetter, carbon-rich world. 

The threats we should fear are the periodic violent eras of volcanism and the life-killing ice ages, many of which start with massive snow/hail storms, such as the one that suddenly extinguished the mammoths.  This is why many ancient peoples celebrated the warmth of spring and worshiped the Sun God.  â€¨â€¨For too long the Western world has been misled by alarmist claims that a tiny trace of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere will cause catastrophic global warming.

In the continuing drama of natural climate change, global temperatures are the result of far greater forces.  Climate research should focus more on the cycles of the sun and solar system and their effect on global climate and on the periodic eruptions along our vast sub-marine volcanic belts.  These control the ebb and flow of ice ages and most of the many extinction events that Earth has suffered.

Most geological eras have ended with massive volcanism on land and in the long volcanic/tectonic rifts beneath the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic Oceans.  Outpouring of lava under the seas causes ocean warming and increased evaporation, while the dust from land-based volcanoes darkens the skies, creating a frigid atmosphere.  Warm seas and cold skies cause heavy precipitation of rain, hail, and snow.  The increased snow cover then reflects any solar energy that gets through the volcanic dust, thus maintaining surface cooling.  That is how the life-killing ice sheets grow.

Atmospheric modelers have dominated the climate debate for too long. It is time to ask well-informed geologists about Earth’s ever-changing climate history which is written indelibly in the rocks.  Instead of wasting billions on bigger computers for yet more atmospheric models, let’s do some factual research on volcanoes beneath the oceans.  Then ask some astro-physicists about the possible influence of solar cycles, sunspots, cosmic rays, cloud formation, earth magnetism, rogue asteroids and movements of the solar system through the galaxy.

To believe that mankind can counter the effects of these powerful natural climate controllers by trading carbon credits and capturing a few sea breezes and sunbeams using green energy toys is, indeed, a sad sign of the modern climate madness.

For those who would like to read more:

Global Cooling?:


Volcano found under West  Antarctica:




Largest Volcano on Earth found under the Pacific Ocean:


Underwater volcanoes discovered in Southern Ocean:


Volcanic Carbon Dioxide:


Not by Fire but by Ice:

A book by Robert W. Felix, 2000, ISBN: 0-9648746-8-7, Sugarhouse Publishing

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