The Ebola Information Fraud
If you are in the White House when the “s--- hits the fan,” then you are to blame for the consequences of the “s--- hitting the fan.”
It was the case when the rescue effort aimed at freeing the U.S. hostages in Tehran failed. Carter took the hit.
When TWA 800 crashed off the coast of Long Island just before the 1996 elections, Clinton would have taken the hit. But because Clinton inserted the FBI into control of the investigation – and thereby limited the NTSB from doing a truly comprehensive assessment of the crash – Clinton was able to skate away with little damage. Without his skullduggery, Clinton would surely have lost his re-election effort. He knew that, and the rest is tainted history.
It was also the case when Hurricane Katrina decimated New Orleans. Bush took the hit.
Now Ebola has arrived at our shores. And Obama, in typical fashion, is telling America that there is no danger. Funny again: the midterm elections are one month away. Obama has to downplay the threat and the damage because he cannot take any more hits. ISIS has damaged his credibility. The economy has shown him to be an amateur. The endless scandals stand as monuments to his lack of honesty.
But what separates the Ebola crisis from others is that the impacts of the Ebola virus threat can expand rapidly and last for years – maybe even decades. Obama says there is no threat of Ebola being spread. He says it is not airborne. Then why does everyone surrounding the sick wear a mask? What if an infected patient sneezes and coughs, spewing an aerosol of Ebola viral germs into the air? What if animals become carriers without exhibiting the symptoms and ultimate death from the virus? We don’t know the full extent of the risks we face.
No, my friends. Obama cannot have the Ebola crisis hung around his neck going into the midterm elections. He will lie and threaten and cajole any in a position to speak the truth. The very fact that Obama has voiced assurances should be a giant red flag. He doesn’t know, because the medical community doesn’t know. We may be in the battle for our very lives.
Jihadists can be killed. Can Ebola?