Obama told the Israelis to reflect on their attitudes yesterday. Again.
How many times has Obama told the Israelis to reflect on their attitudes? He just did it again yesterday:
“The violence engulfing the region today has made too many Israelis ready to abandon the hard work of peace,” he said. “That’s something worthy of reflection within Israel. Because let’s be clear: the status quo in the West Bank and Gaza is not sustainable.” 

Obama also hectored American Jewish “leaders” back in 2009 that “Israel must engage in self-reflection.”
Did he ever think this would be a great time to wish Jews a Happy New Year? Or did he think that again insulting Jews on their New Years was insensitive (to say the least)? After all, this was the guy who said he knew more about Judaism than any other president and had done more to fight anti-Semitism than anyone else.
Self-reflection is something Jews do quite a bit of (see the number of Jewish psychologists, psychiatrists; see also Woody Allen , Phillip Roth, etc.)
Here is some self-reflection for you Barack -- you lied about your own mother’s death; that is shameful. So why don’t you reflect on that fact?
You repeatedly pledged to do everything in your power to prevent Iran from getting a bomb-you have eased their path.
Here is some more self-reflection: you continuously lied about ObamaCare -- premiums are not lowered, people may not be able to keep their doctors or health plans, and it is not saving money for the federal government but costing hundreds of billions.
The Israelis reflect that every time they have left territory it has been used as launching pads for enemies to kill Israelis (see Gaza, see Lebanon, see the West Bank). The Israelis can reflect that their “neighbors” have made clear their intention to kill all of them (at least the Jewish and Christian ones) and are teaching their children to fulfill that mission.
Reflect on that Barack. But we know the only reflection you care about is the one you see in the mirror each day.