Cruel Democrat Chestnuts Fall in Arkansas This Year

Three things I’ve learned about my former political party: they have no conscience, no shame, and no new ideas.  Confronted with serious competition from Republican candidates, they seldom show us any new, creative concepts in their television advertising.  In fact, they could probably save a lot of bucks by simply running their old campaign ads and dubbing in the current names of the candidates.  I’m serious: how many years now has the Democratic Party in the closing months of political campaigns trotted out the old political chestnuts that Republicans are going to eliminate Social Security and Medicare, in the hope they’ll terrify the old folks into voting a straight Democrat ticket? 

Mark Pryor, the Democrat senator running for re-election, is in a very tough contest, as he should be.  A senator from an essentially conservative state, Pryor has shown his constituents that in his eagerness to adhere to holy Democrat dogma, he is willing to be one of Father Reid’s all too eager altar boys.  Any examination of his voting record shows that Mark votes Democrat, not Arkansas.  His reward for that loyalty to the party and disloyalty to his constituents has brought him some serious backing from liberals in California, where he goes to raise campaign funds.  I can just hear the behind-the-hands snickering by those Left Coast sophisticates as Mark offers up his pleas and promises in his best Arkansas lawyer delivery.

But all that aside, what truly pains this seasoned citizen is the Democrats’ willingness – nay, eagerness – to open up the graves of past campaigns and extract the malodorous corporeal remnants of their old poisonous lies buried there and try to prop them up as alive and well in 2014.  They know it’s worked for them in the past, so who cares how bad it smells to the general electorate?  It will scare the hell out of the old folks...and they always vote.

My wife and I cared for her parents in their last years.  Intelligent, successful people, but very old, they believed what they saw and heard on the major networks.  They never watched FOX because the big three networks pronounced it evil.  Bush was the devil, and Republicans were going to take away their Medicare and Social Security.  They were seriously fearful of the Republican Party because of all the left-wing propaganda pumped out of that screen they watched all day long.  As much as I tried to alleviate those fears, the Democrats and their network/media henchmen had succeeded in making these people so afraid that they would ignore any reasoned efforts to dissuade them, to assure them that the Republicans weren’t the bogey-men.

Democrats terrorized those two old people whom we loved and cared for, and for that we can never forgive them.  They robbed those two old people of the comfort and security we were doing our best to provide in their very last years.  For their deliberate and despicable attempts to scare vulnerable seniors into voting for them, I, a former Democrat, will, until my last breath, forever hold the Democratic Party in utter and complete contempt.

And here we are in Arkansas in 2014, and those cruel, cynical Democrats are doing it again.

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