American Thinker Blog
September 30, 2014
GOP's Tillis rolls the dice in North Carolina Senate raceSeptember 30, 2014
Voters divided over role of governmentSeptember 30, 2014
Judge allows Detroit to continue to shut off water service for unpaid billsSeptember 30, 2014
Is the Ryder Cup Irrelevant?September 30, 2014
Sandra Fluke will have no cakewalk in her run for political officeSeptember 30, 2014
Ooops. US nearly bombed our only allies in Syria by mistakeSeptember 30, 2014
Obama will pay a price for blaming intelligence services for ISIS failures. The only question is how high it will be.September 30, 2014
The president's security is in the very best of handsSeptember 30, 2014
US and Afghanistan sign status of forces agreementSeptember 30, 2014
Supreme Court blocks expansion of Ohio early votingSeptember 30, 2014
ISIS blames bad intelligence for its successSeptember 30, 2014
Camille Paglia: College Females Clueless about 'Sexy Clothes' and Males' 'Savage Natures'September 30, 2014
Revisionism in Reporting of OK Workplace BeheadingSeptember 30, 2014
D'Souza to be Sent to Re-education CampSeptember 30, 2014
President Obama Needs to Stop Blaming People for ISISSeptember 29, 2014
Obama: US better off but people aren't 'feeling it'September 29, 2014
'Settled science' and spritesSeptember 29, 2014
Ernst and Braley butt heads over immigration in Iowa Senate debateSeptember 29, 2014
Dem rep in CT arrested for crime that 'doesn't exist'September 29, 2014
Did our intel agencies really miss the rise of ISIS?September 29, 2014
Motto of the Obama Administration: A Nation of CowardsSeptember 29, 2014
NY Post celebrates Clinton grandchild; Libs go nutsSeptember 29, 2014
'Umbrella Revolution' continues in Hong Kong as police fall backSeptember 29, 2014
'Bizarre coincidence': Another Oklahoma Muslim threatened co-worker with beheading last weekSeptember 29, 2014
Democrats think we are stupidSeptember 29, 2014
US troops in Liberia struggle to catch up to Ebola outbreakSeptember 29, 2014
Boehner says he'd recall Congress for ISIS voteSeptember 29, 2014
Kansas? My eye is on IowaSeptember 29, 2014
Penguins Pray for Global Warming.September 29, 2014
Obama blames intelligence officials for the rise of ISISSeptember 28, 2014
Spoiled Biden Attacks CEOsSeptember 28, 2014
'La Gigante Fantasia': Hispanics and President ObamaSeptember 28, 2014
Joni Ernst up 6 points over Dem Bruce Braley in Iowa Senate raceSeptember 28, 2014
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Dempsey should resignSeptember 28, 2014
Showdown between protestors and police coming in Hong KongSeptember 28, 2014
Ted Cruz wins Values Voter Summit straw pollSeptember 28, 2014
New polls in LA, NC Senate contests show races too close to callSeptember 28, 2014
Muslim leaders play victim in Oklahoma beheadingSeptember 28, 2014
Obama and Holder friend predicts next AG nominee will be a womanSeptember 28, 2014
Ebola conspiracy theories spreading in AfricaSeptember 28, 2014
A conversation with Herb MeyerSeptember 28, 2014
Government giving $400 million in contracts to ineligible 'small businesses'September 28, 2014
Tom Friedman says Reagan had it easy compared to ObamaSeptember 28, 2014
Will Obama force a nomination fight for new AG in lame duck session?September 28, 2014
Brits have joined the fight but do we know what we're doing?September 27, 2014
Abbas on Slanderous Rampage against Israel at U.N.September 27, 2014
New York Times Off Base in Portraying Gaza as 'Occupied Territory'September 27, 2014
The Country Does Not Need Another HolderSeptember 27, 2014
Bill Maher Thinks Beheading on American Soil a Laughing MatterSeptember 27, 2014
The Democrats' War on AmericaSeptember 27, 2014
Will Obama Try to Put Holder on the Supreme Court?September 27, 2014
Beheading in the heartlandSeptember 27, 2014
Khorasan Group a made-up name for Al Qaeda in SyriaSeptember 27, 2014
Will Eric Holder's chickens come home to roost?September 27, 2014
Almost one quarter of Americans between 25-54 not workingSeptember 27, 2014
Despite air strikes, ISIS closes in on Kurdish border townSeptember 27, 2014
A very, very bad sign on Obama administration Iran nuke policySeptember 27, 2014
Jah'Keem Yisrael and Protecting Muslim SensibilitiesSeptember 27, 2014
More good polling news for GOP Senate hopesSeptember 27, 2014
A video reminder of why Eric Holder is the worst AG in historySeptember 26, 2014
Citigroup funding left wing immigrant voter registration driveSeptember 26, 2014
Obama's 'Green' Machine Ignores His Styrofoam Slip-UpSeptember 26, 2014
40,000 released illegals fail to report to ICE as orderedSeptember 26, 2014
Amnesty and John Ellis (Jeb) BushSeptember 26, 2014
Where is North Korea's dictator Kim Jong Un?September 26, 2014
Social conservatives launch campaign to defeat heretic Republican candidatesSeptember 26, 2014
Are bird-watchers racist?September 26, 2014
Revised GDP figures show growth in second quarter at 4.6%September 26, 2014
Official German body says incest a 'fundamental right'September 26, 2014
It's All About System Change (to Socialism), Not Climate ChangeSeptember 26, 2014
If Only Obama Could Leave with HolderSeptember 26, 2014
Eric Holder Out, Special Prosecutor to Follow?September 26, 2014
It's official: trolls are fiendishSeptember 25, 2014
Wealth: Personal vs. NationalSeptember 25, 2014
Obama told the Israelis to reflect on their attitudes yesterday. Again.September 25, 2014
Johnny Cougar Lays it all DownSeptember 25, 2014
'Ground Troops' Comments Will Haunt ObamaSeptember 25, 2014
Obama Lies, World SighsSeptember 25, 2014
State Department won't say how missing records for $6 billion were storedSeptember 25, 2014
Obamacare price tag since 2010: $73 billion and countingSeptember 25, 2014
Air Power vs. ISIS: What to expectSeptember 25, 2014
Nigerian Military claims Boko Haram fighters surrenderedSeptember 25, 2014
The Forest Service wants reporters to pay for the privilege of photographing in national parksSeptember 25, 2014
Bitter abortion advocate demonstrates to Rush Limbaugh that no good deed goes unpunishedSeptember 25, 2014
Court rules Walker witch hunt can resumeSeptember 25, 2014
Immigration surges from Muslim-majority countriesSeptember 25, 2014
Cuban perfumer creates colognes to honor Che and ChavezSeptember 24, 2014
Why wouldn't ISIS try to come in through a porous border?September 24, 2014
Note to Freedom from Religion Foundation: Removing the Cross Is 'Un-American'September 24, 2014
War of the Words: Using the Lincoln Strategy against the Islamic StateSeptember 24, 2014
Obama under fire for insult to militarySeptember 24, 2014
Ken Burns and HispanicsSeptember 24, 2014
NY Times calls Obama Syria policy a 'wrong turn'September 24, 2014
Naked, Contemptuous Assault on Constitution by Obama IRS UnmaskedSeptember 24, 2014
Michael Brown memorial burns and Ferguson explodesSeptember 24, 2014
Revealed: White House has been censoring pool reportsSeptember 24, 2014
No jail time for Dinesh D'SouzaSeptember 24, 2014
Fed regulations shut down special needs students' food cartSeptember 24, 2014
The plot to seize the speakership from John BoehnerSeptember 24, 2014
Um...about that 'coalition' bombing ISIS in Syria...September 23, 2014
Al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria more of a threat to America than ISIS, says governmentSeptember 23, 2014
Biden warned in 2012 that Romney 'ready to go to war' in SyriaSeptember 23, 2014
Meanwhile, in Iraq, ISIS overruns army base in AnbarSeptember 23, 2014
Navy used 47 Tomahawks last night, 47% of planned 2015 purchasesSeptember 23, 2014
NY Times: Ebola outbreak far worse than authorities letting onSeptember 23, 2014
Treasury Sec. Jack Lew announces executive action to prevent companies moving HQ overseas to escape world's highest corporate taxesSeptember 23, 2014
Government watchdog unable to figure out how much the administration is spending on parts of ObamacareSeptember 23, 2014
ISIS calls for lone wolf attacks on civilians in the WestSeptember 23, 2014
US, Arab allies hit ISIS in SyriaSeptember 23, 2014
We Are Losing WWIIISeptember 23, 2014
Google chairman Eric Schmidt calls climate skeptics liarsSeptember 23, 2014
Mr. Panetta: You could have resignedSeptember 23, 2014
What's with Kerry and Climate Change?September 23, 2014
Cruel Democrat Chestnuts Fall in Arkansas This YearSeptember 23, 2014
Heterosexual Marriage Is Logical as Well as RightSeptember 22, 2014
Why Ezekiel Emanuel is evil and a fool (illustrated edition)September 22, 2014
Protecting the Integrity of the VoteSeptember 22, 2014
What will the next President inherit from Obama?September 22, 2014
Politico does weepy story about poor Lois LernerSeptember 22, 2014
Watch RFK, Jr. lose it at climate change march when confronted about his hypocrisySeptember 22, 2014
The return of national security as a campaign issue worries dovish DemsSeptember 22, 2014
Panetta: Arming the FSA in 2012 might have prevented the rise of ISISSeptember 22, 2014
130,000 Syrian Kurds cross border into Turkey in 2 daysSeptember 22, 2014
Climate apocalypse march Sunday draws true believersSeptember 22, 2014
Wendy Davis is a liberal in a very conservative stateSeptember 22, 2014
NJ Newspaper calls for Mandatory Gun BuybacksSeptember 22, 2014
How Many Straws?September 22, 2014
So Why Are We Allowing ISIS to Export Oil?September 22, 2014
Ignorance (of Ebola) is Not BlissSeptember 22, 2014
David Horowitz dishes it out to liberals (i.e., tells the truth)September 21, 2014
Democrat candidate's war on women in MaineSeptember 21, 2014
Afghan factions reach agreement on power sharingSeptember 21, 2014
ISIS on the move in SyriaSeptember 21, 2014
Heisman Trophy-winner, vulgarity, and the 'war on women'September 21, 2014
Family of former SEAL killed at Benghazi looks for justice from the governmentSeptember 21, 2014
A problem Obama desperately wants you to forget aboutSeptember 21, 2014
Iran's Quds Force fighting in Iraq - with the administration's blessingSeptember 21, 2014
The Hidden Danger in Obama's ISIS PlanSeptember 21, 2014
Incompetence at the State Department is the charitable explanationSeptember 21, 2014
The White House Deports Two Border CrashersSeptember 21, 2014
Two White House intruders in 24 hours prompts inquirySeptember 21, 2014
Montana mayor fires back at CAIRSeptember 21, 2014
NY Times Applauds Met's Decision to Perform anti-Semitic OperaSeptember 21, 2014
Climate Change: The MusicalSeptember 21, 2014
Maybe He Wasn't Cut Out to Be PresidentSeptember 20, 2014
Party fundraising in August favors GOPSeptember 20, 2014
Al Jazeera sues Al GoreSeptember 20, 2014
The Biden gaffe machine keeps rollingSeptember 20, 2014
Defense Secretary Hagel to review Pentagon NFL tiesSeptember 20, 2014
Susan Rice bolts from podium, unable to answer reporters' questions at White House press briefingSeptember 20, 2014
'Moderate' Bishop will head Chicago archdioceseSeptember 20, 2014
Suit filed to force Dems to replace Taylor on Senate ballotSeptember 20, 2014
Turkish hostages freed by ISISSeptember 20, 2014
Stunning: ex-SecDef Panetta on Obama's pullout from IraqSeptember 20, 2014
US fighters intercept Russian MIG's near AlaskaSeptember 20, 2014
Compare and contrastSeptember 20, 2014
The Moms Who Could Flip the U.S. SenateSeptember 20, 2014
Keep On Keeping OnSeptember 20, 2014
Lauri B. Regan on the airSeptember 19, 2014
Scottish independence vote watched closely in CataloniaSeptember 19, 2014
Rahm cancels plan to name Chicago school after ObamaSeptember 19, 2014
OFA offering fire sale discounts on Obama merchandiseSeptember 19, 2014
Kansas supreme court rules Democrat off the Senate ballotSeptember 19, 2014
Ezekiel Emanuel says 75 years is enoughSeptember 19, 2014
'Bridgegate' witch hunt of Christie may be overSeptember 19, 2014
Unions criticize Scott Walker for lack of safety gear in adSeptember 19, 2014
'Dying in America' Encourages the Establishment of Death PanelsSeptember 19, 2014
Scots reject independence by 10-point marginSeptember 19, 2014
Honesty, Common Sense, and A Sound MindSeptember 19, 2014
The 'Rift' Cannot Be Good for Military MoraleSeptember 19, 2014
The end of market rate interestSeptember 19, 2014
The money in pro sports attracts the lawyersSeptember 19, 2014
An Affinity for PassionSeptember 18, 2014
House passes bill to arm 'moderate' Syrian rebelsSeptember 18, 2014
Harmful help hurts blacksSeptember 18, 2014
Aussies thwart gruesome terrorist plotSeptember 18, 2014
Will the United Kingdom survive the day united?September 18, 2014
What have the founders of Occupy Wall Street been up to?September 18, 2014
The long knives are out for Debbie Wasserman SchultzSeptember 18, 2014
There they go againSeptember 18, 2014
The Pretzel Logic of Global WarmingSeptember 18, 2014
Jay Carney and the latest spin about IraqSeptember 18, 2014
Enviro-HypocritesSeptember 18, 2014
Un-Scientific AmericanSeptember 18, 2014
The NFL and Domestic ViolenceSeptember 18, 2014
'ISIL' and Defeatist PsychologySeptember 17, 2014
Centers for Disease Control Quiet about Open Border Policy. Why?September 17, 2014
United States Military Action in Syria. A Cocktail for Disaster? A Trap?September 17, 2014
Holder Issues FatwaSeptember 17, 2014
Historic Anti-Semitism Conference at U.N.September 17, 2014
Whom is President Obama really listening to?September 17, 2014
Don't get cocky Republicans: The election still ain't over 'til it's over part deuxSeptember 17, 2014
Brussels synagogue torchedSeptember 17, 2014
Obama will send 3,000 troops to Africa to fight EbolaSeptember 17, 2014
'Climate summit' turning into an embarrassment for Obama and UNSeptember 17, 2014
Air passengers forced to wait 2 hours for VIP politician stage revolt, kick him off flightSeptember 17, 2014
JCS chairman off the reservation on Iraq ground troopsSeptember 17, 2014
Obama's Syria plan runs into bi-partisan oppositionSeptember 17, 2014
Great poll numbers today for GOPSeptember 17, 2014
One half of Iraqi army incapable of facing ISIS: DempseySeptember 17, 2014
California winery put out of business for using volunteersSeptember 16, 2014
Obamacare plans subsidizing abortions: GAOSeptember 16, 2014
Docs show the government didn't care that Obamacare website was riddled with security flawsSeptember 16, 2014
TCM's Israeli Film Festival Tonight!September 16, 2014
PJ Media's Bill Straub guests on Moran's showSeptember 16, 2014
Why Britain's Labor Party politicians turned a blind eye to rapeSeptember 16, 2014
House Republican bill on arming Syrian rebels would restrict Obama's powerSeptember 16, 2014
Pelosi says we are not at 'war' with ISIS, after allSeptember 16, 2014
Obama's Biggest Flip-Flop on IraqSeptember 16, 2014
Elizabeth Warren says it is 'fair' to compare Israel's actions in Gaza to HolocaustSeptember 16, 2014
Where is the outcry for a new war resolution?September 16, 2014
Al Gore vs. Reality on Planetary Ice Caps and Global WarmingSeptember 16, 2014
Independent Scotland Would Generate $17,217 per Family in Energy TaxesSeptember 16, 2014
DoT's equivalent of Michelle's Starvation Diet for School KidsSeptember 16, 2014
Report on the Sunday, September 14 rally against biased mediaSeptember 16, 2014
PM Modi's Visit to AmericaSeptember 16, 2014
Israpundit changes URL after a serious hackSeptember 15, 2014
Some Arab states to supply air power to ISIS warSeptember 15, 2014
Kerry was against calling action against ISIS 'war' before he was for itSeptember 15, 2014
Does Obama face a 'mutiny' in his administration?September 15, 2014
Benghazi bombshell: Diplomat tells of secret operation to withhold damaging docs from review boardSeptember 15, 2014
US ranks 32nd in tax burden on businessSeptember 15, 2014
ISIS, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, and the futility of Obama's strategySeptember 15, 2014
Now that Ray Rice has placed violence against women on the table...September 15, 2014
Ex-CIA director predicts US to have 5,000 ground troops in Iraq by DecemberSeptember 15, 2014
Bizarre: Obama tells us what he'd do if he was advising ISISSeptember 15, 2014
The Democrats are boasting of their success in controlling America for decades to comeSeptember 15, 2014
Obama Betrays the Constitution, his Voters and TraditionSeptember 15, 2014
A Little 'Scottish Fever' in Europe?September 14, 2014
Scottish independence vote too close to callSeptember 14, 2014
In search if the elusive 'moderate' Syrian rebelSeptember 14, 2014
How much fraud is there really in the SNAP program?September 14, 2014
The presidency as a private joke between the ObamasSeptember 14, 2014
Obama's terrible, awful, really not good at all choice of words in condemning David Haines beheadingSeptember 14, 2014
Fear-Monger Nancy Pelosi and Civilization as We Know ItSeptember 14, 2014
Kerry woos Egypt looking for help in fighting ISISSeptember 14, 2014
Cameron vows 'justice' after ISIS beheads British aid workerSeptember 14, 2014
Weapons Obama sends to Free Syrian Army will be used to fight Assad, not ISISSeptember 14, 2014
The Red Line ReturnsSeptember 14, 2014
President Obama Needs to Get Real about Fighting ISISSeptember 14, 2014
State Department can't account for $6 billion in last 6 yearsSeptember 14, 2014
Degrade and Destroy?September 14, 2014
The end of Turkey as an ally?September 14, 2014
What Jodi Rudoren Didn't Tell YouSeptember 13, 2014
A Granite State Diamond for the GOP?September 13, 2014
The Economist Strains to Salvage AGW TheorySeptember 13, 2014
It was a lot easier to talk coalition than about the 'yes we can election rally'September 13, 2014
Connecting the Dots on Enterovirus EV-D68 Spreading Among Our ChildrenSeptember 13, 2014
Exactly how much 'training' does the Iraq military need?September 13, 2014
Somebody get these guys in the White House a mapSeptember 13, 2014
More costly free stuff in the land of entitlementsSeptember 13, 2014
Government threatened hostage families with prosecution if they raised ransom moneySeptember 13, 2014
Vote fraud investigation roils Georgia Senate raceSeptember 13, 2014
DoJ, IRS, and Democrats march in lockstep to undermine investigationSeptember 13, 2014
Good news for GOP in upstate New YorkSeptember 13, 2014
German Green Energy Policies Making Electricity a Luxury GoodSeptember 13, 2014
Where have all the anti-war protestors gone?September 12, 2014
Russia warns attack on Syria would constitute 'aggression'September 12, 2014
Gallup: GOP holds 23 point lead over Democrats as party best able to keep US safeSeptember 12, 2014
Hey Dems! How's that 'war on inversions' going?September 12, 2014
Unprovoked machete attack by illegal aliens caught on camera in ChicagoSeptember 12, 2014
Obama's speech bombs in Middle EastSeptember 12, 2014
America, 2014: The Land of EntitlementsSeptember 12, 2014
Could negative ads backfire on the Democrats?September 12, 2014
Decarbonization Equals Lower Economic GrowthSeptember 12, 2014
Not Impressed by President Obama's ISIS MessageSeptember 12, 2014
Obama's models: Yemen and SomaliaSeptember 12, 2014
Jay Carney Is Still Defending President ObamaSeptember 12, 2014
It is Time for Roger Goodell to goSeptember 11, 2014
IRS chief: 'Whenever we can, we follow the law'September 11, 2014
Obama's speech strategy: open with your biggest lieSeptember 11, 2014
Firefighters suspended for displaying American flag stickersSeptember 11, 2014
Prosecutor wants jail time for Dinesh D'SouzaSeptember 11, 2014
Obama's poll-driven ISIS speech pleases almost no oneSeptember 11, 2014
Obama's omen: From halos to hornsSeptember 11, 2014
Assad crosses red line again; world yawnsSeptember 11, 2014
They aren't who they say they are, really.September 11, 2014
Obama's Looking Up...September 11, 2014
Politicians: Why Aren't You in Mexico Helping Our Marine?September 11, 2014
Tag Team for Futuristic Hysteria in ChicagoSeptember 11, 2014
Military Uniforms Off-Limits in MichiganSeptember 11, 2014
A Wake-Up Call for Latin AmericaSeptember 11, 2014
NY Times Shows Classic Bias on Israeli 'State Lands'September 11, 2014
Ebola I Hardly Knew YaSeptember 10, 2014
Final primaries feature huge upset in MA House raceSeptember 10, 2014
Reid: Why didn't those obstructionist Republicans obstruct a vote to debate my anti-First Amendment bill?September 10, 2014
The administration's 'War on inspectors general' continuesSeptember 10, 2014
Cheney attacks Obama support for Muslim Brotherhood in closed door meeting with House RepublicansSeptember 10, 2014
Study by Rutgers University psychologist claims minorities are obese because of racismSeptember 10, 2014
President Obama says he doesn't need congressional authorization to go to war in SyriaSeptember 10, 2014
Hillary aides unsheathe stiletto and slip it into 'passive' ObamaSeptember 10, 2014
Holder aide's wrong number call reveals Department of Justice partisan effort to hinder IRS investigationSeptember 10, 2014
Don't get cocky Republicans: The election ain't over 'til it's overSeptember 10, 2014
GOP Hopes to 'Catch a Wave' in NovemberSeptember 10, 2014
Ray Rice Is Being Profiled!September 10, 2014
Unsettled ScienceSeptember 10, 2014
The Proverbial Loons -- A FIlm ReviewSeptember 9, 2014
Hot Air's Noah Rothman guests on Moran's showSeptember 9, 2014
Teachers, T-shirts, and TattoosSeptember 9, 2014
Chicken Sandwiches and Moral EclipseSeptember 9, 2014
No Trend in UK Rainfall Since Records BeganSeptember 9, 2014
Cameron's Common SenseSeptember 9, 2014
Ebola Comes To Omaha, NebraskaSeptember 9, 2014
Rep. Luis Gutierrez keeps the low information voters misinformedSeptember 9, 2014
The Nixon pardon 40 years laterSeptember 9, 2014
Iraqi parliament votes in new 'unity' governmentSeptember 9, 2014
Video goes viral of black-on-white mob attack in MemphisSeptember 9, 2014
Everybody Knows That about Climate ChangeSeptember 9, 2014
Local DA dismisses criminal charges against climate 'activists' who blocked coal bargeSeptember 9, 2014
Rothenberg predicts 7 seat gain for GOP in SenateSeptember 9, 2014
White House knew of destroyed emails two months before CongressSeptember 8, 2014
Dear Jorge Ramos: I'm not impressed with your tweets of outrageSeptember 8, 2014
Hamas using ceasefire to repair terror tunnels, manufacture more rocketsSeptember 8, 2014
Please pray for 'Liberty Chick'September 8, 2014
Obama on Meet the PressSeptember 8, 2014
Arab League to join war against ISISSeptember 8, 2014
Good news for GOP Senate hopes in new round of pollingSeptember 8, 2014
Venezuelan socialism accomplishes the impossible, starts importing oilSeptember 8, 2014
Senate Dems seek to rewrite First AmendmentSeptember 8, 2014
Irony alert: Obama seeking donations to combat cynicismSeptember 8, 2014
Scottish independence could become a realitySeptember 8, 2014
Saudis building 560 mile long border fence to keep out ISIS infiltratorsSeptember 8, 2014
GOP to play it safe in lead up to mid termsSeptember 8, 2014
Marie Harf Chirps Out Bill O'ReillySeptember 8, 2014
New Horizons in India-Australia RelationsSeptember 7, 2014
Farewell to Joan RiversSeptember 7, 2014
Something is rotten in AmericaSeptember 7, 2014
Reports of Hawai'i's Climate Death are Greatly ExaggeratedSeptember 7, 2014
Why Raising the Minimum Wage Will Help Retirees and Destroy the UnderclassSeptember 7, 2014
Cruz bill would strip American IS jihadis of citizenshipSeptember 7, 2014
Obama delays amnesty decision until after electionsSeptember 7, 2014
Russia exposes Obama's empty security promises to EstoniaSeptember 7, 2014
126 year old DNA evidence unmasks the identity of Jack the RipperSeptember 7, 2014
$4.3 billion system army uses to track spending...can't track spendingSeptember 7, 2014
Dem candidate says GOP worse than ISISSeptember 7, 2014
The happy news: drinking is good for youSeptember 7, 2014
Thanks for the Warning, Mr. PresidentSeptember 7, 2014
Easy Meat MulticulturalismSeptember 6, 2014
A Coherent Strategy Against TerrorSeptember 6, 2014
David Plouffe joins Uber as lobbyistSeptember 6, 2014
Geraldo, You Had Me from 'Declaration'September 6, 2014
White Cop Fatally Shot by Black Felon; No RiotsSeptember 6, 2014
You Want A Higher Minimum Wage? Why Do You Hate The Elderly So Much?September 6, 2014
Hell WeekSeptember 6, 2014
5 more key IRS employees lost emailsSeptember 6, 2014
Sexist Sharks Baffle PC ScientistsSeptember 6, 2014
Jobs report: Inside the numbersSeptember 6, 2014
Scott Walker running behind for re-electionSeptember 6, 2014
Don't ever stand next to Obama in a group photo!September 6, 2014
Ukraine cease fire holding, but for how long?September 6, 2014
'Eminent' prof of 'gender and sexuality studies' pleads guilty to sex with underage boys overseasSeptember 6, 2014
'Because that's where the communists are'September 6, 2014
Climate scientists scrambling for explantions on lack of warmingSeptember 5, 2014
WaPo's Tolerance of Palestinian ViolenceSeptember 5, 2014
ISIL is 200 Proof IslamSeptember 5, 2014
Romney's stinging op-edSeptember 5, 2014
Feds seek Boston man as possible ISIS social media guruSeptember 5, 2014
Ex-Virginia Governor McDonnell guilty on 11 countsSeptember 5, 2014
Apocalyptic Heat Predictions for Los Angeles Raise Serious QuestionsSeptember 5, 2014
Bin Laden document trove kept under wraps to protect re-election narrative that Al Qaeda was 'on the run'?September 5, 2014
Congress can't force a vote on military action on ISISSeptember 5, 2014
Benghazi truth coming out, contradicting Obama administration storySeptember 5, 2014
Middle East Studies directors put on the spot over academic boycott of Israel pledgeSeptember 5, 2014
House to vote on Bergdahl resolution next weekSeptember 5, 2014
Senate Democrats begging Obama to delay immigration putschSeptember 5, 2014
Fast food strikers: meet your replacement robotSeptember 5, 2014
Wasserman-Schultz won't apologize, but says 'shouldn't have used the words I used'September 5, 2014
Jobs report misses expectations by a mileSeptember 5, 2014
Ukraine cease fire in place. Will it hold?September 4, 2014
In Obama's never-never land, 'Borders cannot be redrawn by the barrel of a gun'September 4, 2014
India Opens the Door to JapanSeptember 4, 2014
EU is Being Swept into Ronald Reagan's Dustbin of HistorySeptember 4, 2014
U.S. Crude Oil Production Increasing at Fastest Rate EverSeptember 4, 2014
Mr. President: Don't punish; drop bombsSeptember 4, 2014
Obo Makes Joe Look PresidentialSeptember 4, 2014
Holder to announce major probe of Ferguson policeSeptember 4, 2014
Democratic Senate candidate in Kansas withdrawsSeptember 4, 2014
Wendy Davis says she's a life-long Cowboys fan - or notSeptember 4, 2014
The president's Obamacare promises on health care costs an illusionSeptember 4, 2014
Has Rand Paul changed his position on Islamic terror?September 4, 2014
The turn of Boko HaramSeptember 4, 2014
Progressives exploiting low wage workers with 'fast food strike' todaySeptember 4, 2014
Auto sales booming - except for electric carsSeptember 3, 2014
Did Bush derangement syndrome doom Obama?September 3, 2014
Obama contradicts himself on ISIS strategy in Estonia presserSeptember 3, 2014
Report: 11 Libyan jetliners missing following takeover of Tripoli AirportSeptember 3, 2014
Cease fire in Ukraine? Maybe not.September 3, 2014
Fed autopsy: Michael Brown not shot in the backSeptember 3, 2014
Incumbent Dem senator steps in it, endangers re-electionSeptember 3, 2014
Obama invents rights for illegalsSeptember 3, 2014
Minnesota ISIS terrorist killed in Iraq had 'unfettered acces' to planes at Minneapolis AirportSeptember 3, 2014
CDC Director: Ebola 'spiraling out of control'September 3, 2014
Does Obama even know how to use a can opener?September 3, 2014
Obama: The presidency that wasn't thereSeptember 3, 2014
Ice is NiceSeptember 3, 2014
Devastating ad targets Mary LandrieuSeptember 3, 2014
Advice to Republican VotersSeptember 2, 2014
Are we ready for the next big Central American crisis?September 2, 2014
Lerner email shows bias in favor of unionsSeptember 2, 2014
Poll shows Americans favor military action against Islamic State by 4-1September 2, 2014
Improving economy won't help DemsSeptember 2, 2014
Putin: 'I can take Kiev in two weeks'September 2, 2014
Dems in near-panic over SenateSeptember 2, 2014
Parents of SEAL Team Six soldier killed in action call on Obama to resignSeptember 2, 2014
US strike may have killed al-Shabab leaderSeptember 2, 2014
IS reported to have beheaded second journalistSeptember 2, 2014
All Species are ThreatenedSeptember 2, 2014
Taxpayer Information Naked in the CloudsSeptember 2, 2014
In the End, This Turduck's Still a Damned ChickenSeptember 2, 2014
Cameron gets Tough with British Islamic FightersSeptember 2, 2014
The Real Scoop on Israel's Land DecisionSeptember 2, 2014
The Bigots of RotherhamSeptember 2, 2014
Funding Terrorists via BailoutsSeptember 1, 2014
NYT Throws Cold Water on new Palestinian TownSeptember 1, 2014
Napoleon's Thoughts on PoliticiansSeptember 1, 2014
Those Black Young Men Without FathersSeptember 1, 2014
Is Putin threatening to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine?September 1, 2014
75 years ago today, another invasion started a world warSeptember 1, 2014
How's that Libyan adventure working out for ya, Barry?September 1, 2014
Why the Jewish community won't support Republicans in 2014September 1, 2014
Should Medicare cover end-of-life discussions between patients and doctors?September 1, 2014
Feds Approve Republican Governor's Lipstick on a Pig Medicaid ExpansionSeptember 1, 2014
Too hot for Rick Perry's Twitter AccountSeptember 1, 2014
Military commanders reportedly 'apoplectic' over Obama's 'no plan' remarkSeptember 1, 2014
Casino closings threaten Atlantic CitySeptember 1, 2014
When the Teleprompter Hits the Fan
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Blog Posts
- The president and his policies do make a difference
- Birthright citizenship in America vs. in the world
- What these activist judges are doing to Trump is not about who he is -- it is about who they are
- Does Dr. Mehmet Oz still support transgender medicine?
- The media’s latest lie: TikTok stole Kamala’s presidency
- Usha Vance goes to Greenland -- just as the normally polite Danes are getting pretty hostile
- Why do we think the way we do?
- All we need is Joe, Joe is all we need?
- Trump begins to dismantle Department of Education
- Bernie's astroturf rally
- Remembering an inspiring story about Sir Michael Caine
- Are Turkish President Recip Erdoğan's days numbered?
- Leftists are finally embracing their Inner Fascist
- In praise of Elon Musk
- For 47 years, I’ve dreamed of what Trump is doing now