Straight America's Problem with the Gay Agenda

To listen to the run of the mill “victim group” advocate, one would get the impression that (insert your victim group here; blacks, non-white Hispanics - sorry George Zimmerman, you don’t make this cut -  “other” minorities, illegal immigrants, Muslims, lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals, transgendered, etc. etc...

But I digress.Tthey all claim to “just want to be treated like everybody else.”

Most of we “middle Americans” (or as the media would characterize us; gun toting, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, tea bagging, racist Troglodytes,) don’t care what color your skin is, which god you pray to, who you choose to love, which party you support (OK we might care a little about this but we’re not really going to do anything about it,) and unless it’s criminal, we don’t care what you do to make a living.

But all of this isn’t enough to sate the demands of today’s sophisticated and media savvy victim groups.  Here’s an example; Michael Sam, the first openly gay player to be drafted in the NFL. To be fair, I don’t know if Mr. Sam asked for the microscope he’s been put under, but that’s beside the point.  He has been designated by the media as the poster child for gay football players and whether or not he signed on for this roll or not no longer matters.

Mr. Sam was drafted in the seventh round by the St. Louis Rams whose head coach Jeff Fisher has likely dreaded this decision since the day he made it.  I’m confident that Mr. Fisher drafted Mr. Sam for all the right reasons, he had established himself as an accomplished college football player at the University of Missouri and had obviously shown promise as an NFL prospect.

But once the agenda driven media latched on to this story absolutely none of this was relevant.  The only thing that mattered was Mr. Sam’s “gayness."  That is what differentiated him from not only every other player in the draft, but also every other player in the league.  And because of this, this man’s life has become a three ring media circus.  But this circus isn’t limited to him.  It has encompassed the team (the Rams) and the coach (Jeff Fisher) that drafted him, and as such, I have to think that this episode has done far more damage than good to the cause of equal rights for gay Americans.

Most of the blame for this can be laid squarely at the feet of the media that sensationalized this story in a supposed effort to champion the cause of gay rights to begin with.  And now we have that bastion of sports journalism, ESPN, breathlessly questioning Mr. Sam’s showering habits.  I don’t recall any stories about John Elway’s or Michael Jordan’s showering habits.  Thanks ESPN, for being so much more “enlightened” than the Joe Sixpacks that watch your programming.

And today ESPN dedicated considerable air time to the story of Mr. Sam being cut from the Rams.  When was the last time ESPN featured a story on an NFL player being cut from an NFL roster?

If members of victim groups truly want to be treated like everybody else, you really, really need to get this message to the media.  Once they begin to treat you like everybody else it will be much easier for the rest of us to treat you like everybody else.

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