Yet another #WarmistFail

Global warming is not going to do it for the left, it has now become obvious to everyone but a few bitter enders like Al Gore and billionaire hedge fund-rich San Franciscan Tom Steyer. The latter may be getting a clue, however. Asche Schow reports in the Washington Examiner:

Billionaire Tom Steyer pledged to raise $50 million to make climate change and opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline a 2014 campaign headache for the GOP.

It's not going very well.

“[Steyer's] super PAC, NextGen Climate Action, has raised just $1.2 million from other donors toward that goal, according to still-unreleased figures that his aides shared with Politico,” wrote Politico's Andrew Restuccia and Kenneth P. Vogel. “And he appears to be struggling to woo wealthy allies in his effort to compete with big-money conservative donors - leading some supporters to question whether his fundraising goal is realistic.”

“So far, the only really big donor to the Steyer cause is Steyer himself,” they added.

This is pretty hilarious. People are noticing that we have gone 17 years without any rise in global temperature, as accurately measured by satellites. It’s harder to panic people when the models you are using utterly failed to predict what has actualy happened.

So now we are left with a few plutocrats like Steyer, Al Gore, and Henry Paulson flogging a dead horse. Voters are not scared, and apparently neither are Democrat donors.

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