MSNBC's Toure explains how to end the war on terror

Touré Neblett is giving Al Sharpton a run for his money for the coveted title of MSNBC’s most deranged and morally obtuse commentator. In Touré-world, the concept of jihad, holy war against the infidels, has nothing to do with the attacks we have suffered and against which we are defending ourselves.  Nope, it is unemployment. Seriously. Watch this video clip:



Touré tells us we must talk to them. Evidently, he has not been listening to them, because they have been more than happy to explain to us that our failure to embrace Islam, our wicked permitting of women to dress as they please and our tolerance for free speech, homosexuality, Jews, Israel, and a host of other transgressions amounting to Koranic impurity are why they will keep attacking us until the establishment of a global caliphate based on Mohammed’s prescriptions in the seventh century.

Hat tip: The Right Scoop

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