Kickstarter goes hard left

Kickstarter has been in the spotlight recently for rejecting conservative projects from its "diverse" crowdfunding platform. 

They just rejected two pro-life films from being funded on their platform by using their "Community Guidelines" as they see fit to reject anything that doesn't fit their liberal agenda. They rejected Gosnell -- a movie about the "doctor" who murdered newborn babies with scissors -- because the phrase "1000s of babies stabbed to death" didn't fit their "standards." Right afterwards, they rejected Stolen Moments, a movie about aborted babies that never had a chance.

But they allowed a movie that glorified George Tiller to be funded and let the creators send out condoms arranged like a bouquet as a thank you.

Now, they've taken it a step further by denying a project that wants to bring our jobs back. Glen Lee is an inventor who's raising money for his WokMon invention to be made in the U.S., and was denied by Kickstarter because he said in his pitch that he wants to bring jobs back to America. Because Glen said in his crowdfunding pitch that he only wants WokMon made in America by Americans earning decent wages, Kickstarter deemed this to be "objectionable content" and rejected the project. His pro American job message is the only thing that (in a dysfunctional left wing brain) could be called content. 

Sounds like more liberal bullcrap to me and just fear of seeing a strong conservative backing on a project. with a patriotic message.  How else does it make sense? Movies about killing babies and other filth are perfectly fine with them, but a man keeping jobs in his own country isn't?

Glenn is a former colleague of mine (we fixed commercial airplanes together in the 80s). He was pretty hurt that his idea would be rejected for his trying to do right by the country that he loves. Here's the email he sent me of his rejection from Shitstarter....I mean Kickstarter

Here's the rejection email from Kickstarter that Glen forwarded to me:

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