American Thinker Blog
May 31, 2014
Charlie Rose's contemptible interview with Susan RiceMay 31, 2014
See-Saw race in GOP Senate primary in MississippiMay 31, 2014
Scientist confesses he made up polar bear population estimatesMay 31, 2014
Boehner eyes mid-June immigration voteMay 31, 2014
Drug bust results in infant being horribly burned by 'flash-bang' grenadeMay 31, 2014
CO Commission rules cake baker must serve gay couplesMay 31, 2014
The Excessive, Unbearable Self-Regard of Hillary ClintonMay 31, 2014
Chinese Communist propaganda in American public schoolsMay 31, 2014
Will President Obama give himself credit for Syria?May 31, 2014
The era of big government is really over nowMay 31, 2014
Faithfulness is the Key to Restoring AmericaMay 31, 2014
Minimum Wage: Denying OpportunityMay 31, 2014
Call them JillaryMay 31, 2014
Kerry's Definition of 'Success'May 31, 2014
Chicago police not registering sex offendersMay 30, 2014
Jay Carney resignsMay 30, 2014
New York Times apparently thinks Asians are now 'white'May 30, 2014
Is it time yet to talk honestly about Maya Angelou?May 30, 2014
Why is Hillary mum on VA scandal?May 30, 2014
FL Dem defends VA in her stateMay 30, 2014
Is Shineski on his way out? Update: resignation accepted by ObamaMay 30, 2014
Condemned Sudanese woman gave birth in chainsMay 30, 2014
Is 'Chexting' the new 'Sexting'?May 30, 2014
Bloomberg speaks out for tolerance at HarvardMay 30, 2014
9/11 Museum pulls 'commemorative cheese platter' from gift shopMay 30, 2014
When outing a CIA agent is a 'mistake' and when it's 'treason'May 30, 2014
Texas Democrats' trick won't do them any goodMay 30, 2014
Reporters laugh at claim Obama 'doesn't give himself enough credit' on foreign policy (video)May 30, 2014
Mark Pryor: Another Democrat LiarMay 30, 2014
Michelle Gone Wild: First Lady Targets White Potatoes and RepublicansMay 30, 2014
The Obamacare Economic SlowdownMay 29, 2014
Obama's West Point Speech signals a presidency in deep troubleMay 29, 2014
Hilarious: Al Sharpton versus the Teleprompter, Part DeuxMay 29, 2014
French tax increases bring in about half of expected revenueMay 29, 2014
Heckuva job, Barry: US economy shrinks in first quarterMay 29, 2014
Chicago mayor to crack down on legal gun salesMay 29, 2014
Waves of illegal minors overwhelms border facilitiesMay 29, 2014
VA scandal ballooning: Delayed care everywhereMay 29, 2014
Global Warming Insanity Has Gone Beyond SatireMay 29, 2014
General Shinseki, Duty, Honor, CountryMay 29, 2014
It's Down to 'FIFA Go Home' in BrazilMay 29, 2014
The Main Event This Weekend: Slavery vs FreedomMay 29, 2014
Climate May Days in OzMay 29, 2014
UN Inspectors in Syria Attacked by... Who?May 28, 2014
The IDF soldier who Influenced Foggy BottomMay 28, 2014
The Pope Greets the MuftiMay 28, 2014
Are Muslims Misunderstood Good Neighbors?May 28, 2014
Did you hear about the Memorial Day riots in Ft. Lauderdale?May 28, 2014
Obama Meets Congressional Resistance, Selectively SulksMay 28, 2014
The Climate Moe'uhane in HawaiiMay 28, 2014
Ralph Hall defeated in primaryMay 28, 2014
Michael Moore is One Disturbed White MaleMay 28, 2014
'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'May 28, 2014
Doctor reveals the VA Hospitals' real problemMay 28, 2014
Will Scott Walker sell out his conservative allies?May 28, 2014
US to keep 9800 troops in Afghanistan after 2014May 28, 2014
Michelle Nunn, nonprofit profiteerMay 28, 2014
State Department urges US citizens to leave Libya 'immediately'May 28, 2014
Tea Party, Establishment unite behind Ernst in IowaMay 27, 2014
Hometown VoicesMay 27, 2014
Climate Change in the Northwest: More Problems with the NCAMay 27, 2014
Julian Castro would add little to a Hillary Clinton ticketMay 27, 2014
New IRS rule limits employee insurance options for employersMay 27, 2014
Don't bury European nationalism just yetMay 27, 2014
Nigeria says they know where kidnapped girls areMay 27, 2014
'Dead' Tea Party set for big wins in Texas primaryMay 27, 2014
Obama timidity in foreign policy strikes fear in America's friendsMay 27, 2014
The Dems' plot to control America rolls onMay 27, 2014
Should vets have the option of private care?May 27, 2014
Familes of 9/11 fallen etch their love on to museum nameplatesMay 27, 2014
CAIR official questions whether troops deserve honor on Memorial DayMay 27, 2014
Moran vs. Moran: Terry Moran of ABC News guests on brother Rick's showMay 27, 2014
Millennials Can't Afford Memorial Weekend TripsMay 27, 2014
Emma Thompson Takes a BreakMay 27, 2014
French Sweep Piketty into Dustbin of HistoryMay 26, 2014
Hypocrisy on Memorial DayMay 26, 2014
Mitt Romney Wins -- in UkraineMay 26, 2014
Two Charts and Their PortentMay 26, 2014
White House PR outs Kabul CIA station chief during Obama's Afghanistan visitMay 26, 2014
Democrat disquiet over Hillary as nomineeMay 26, 2014
Faites attention, Monsieur BoehnerMay 26, 2014
Abolish Renewable Energy Targets, NowMay 26, 2014
Parking among the LiberalsMay 26, 2014
Heat-Resistant Chickens and Climate ChangeMay 26, 2014
Memorial Day: Two Vets and a Gold Star MomMay 26, 2014
Hmmm...May 25, 2014
Premature suicide belt explosion dampens jihadi partyMay 25, 2014
Democrats turning on Obama in (semi) privateMay 25, 2014
Isla Vista rampage killer's parents blame gunsMay 25, 2014
ObamaCare numbers no longer being releasedMay 25, 2014
Was Elliot Rodger on anti-depressants?May 25, 2014
The downfall of American journalistsMay 25, 2014
Hot Times in the American Southeast?May 25, 2014
Like a Boss?May 25, 2014
Belgium's Historical Tragedy: From Saving Jews to Killing ThemMay 25, 2014
The war on women (Communist Cuba version)May 25, 2014
Thinking ahead to the 2016 platformMay 24, 2014
Was the DOD Embracing the Cloud a Smart Move?May 24, 2014
De Blasio's War on Girls?May 24, 2014
Piketty, darling of the left, appears to have fudged his dataMay 24, 2014
Paul Ehrlich, of 'Population Bomb' infamy, now predicts we will be eating our deadMay 24, 2014
Tough love from PolandMay 24, 2014
Obama Unhappy with America's Constitutional Balance of PowersMay 24, 2014
How Hillary's Chinese baggage could see the light of dayMay 24, 2014
Fantasizing over Hot Days in the NortheastMay 24, 2014
Don't make Shinseki a scapegoat for the failures of socialized medicine at the VAMay 24, 2014
Kerry seeks to limit testimony on BenghaziMay 24, 2014
Oh-oh, here comes another crisis for ObamaMay 24, 2014
Rahm on the rocksMay 24, 2014
'You're a conservative, aren't you?'May 24, 2014
British elections dismay establishment leftistsMay 24, 2014
The technocrats' dream crumblesMay 23, 2014
The Ugly Truth behind the Florida Core Standards TestMay 23, 2014
Australia's Extreme Climate HysteriaMay 23, 2014
Bonnie & Clyde: 80 years ago and people still interestedMay 23, 2014
Why both Mark Cuban and Jesse Jackson are frightened by blacks wearing hoodiesMay 23, 2014
CGI Gets Rewarded for Scamming TaxpayersMay 23, 2014
IRS delays rules governing political activity for non-profitsMay 23, 2014
Nuclear missile silo security team failed training exercise last yearMay 23, 2014
Tea Party VP charged in Cochrane affairMay 23, 2014
Liberals once touted VA as a model of socialized medicineMay 23, 2014
Senator Rockefeller won't back down on smear of GOPMay 23, 2014
Harry Reid, meet Tom SteyerMay 23, 2014
Ed Schultz's radio show canceledMay 23, 2014
Shameful: Gitmo detainees get better medical treatment than our vetsMay 23, 2014
Senate Dems stand behind doing nothing about the VA scandalMay 23, 2014
Our masters in the federal bureaucracy scoff at paying taxesMay 22, 2014
Because They're Not Happy in IranMay 22, 2014
Clinton team begged Dems to to protect Hillary at Benghazi hearingsMay 22, 2014
'How dumb does Obama think we are'?May 22, 2014
DHS headquarters a sink hole for taxpayer moneyMay 22, 2014
Feds probe Cover Oregon debacleMay 22, 2014
Did the Obama administration defraud purchasers of GM shares?May 22, 2014
Targets of O'Keefe sting, Hollywood big shots ask FBI to investigateMay 22, 2014
False Alarms in the Frigid Zone.May 22, 2014
Homeland Security likely to remain homelessMay 22, 2014
How the NYT libels IsraelMay 22, 2014
The Fed has Built a BombMay 22, 2014
Communism Works?May 22, 2014
Palin unloads both barrels on partisan mediaMay 22, 2014
Amigo, 'que pasa' in the United States?May 21, 2014
China and Russia Agree to Contain the United StatesMay 21, 2014
A bad economy for the groups that Democrats need to turn outMay 21, 2014
Leftists Cancel School Honors Night - Too 'Exclusive'May 21, 2014
Hollywood biggies caught on tape agreeing to hide Middle East funding for anti-fracking filmMay 21, 2014
Primaries show Tea Party impact on GOPMay 21, 2014
McConnell coasts to victory in Kentucky primaryMay 21, 2014
Perdue, Kingston top GOP primary field in GeorgiaMay 21, 2014
Support for gay marriage at all time high: GallupMay 21, 2014
Obama administration creates slush fund to bribe insurance companies to keep rates lowMay 21, 2014
Welcome to the Holy Land, Pope FrancisMay 21, 2014
'What's the Worst That Can Happen?'May 21, 2014
We'd Court-Martial the Lot of Them, Stand Some against the WallMay 21, 2014
Does ObamaCare Travel the Road to Socialized Medicine?May 21, 2014
Keeping a Promise to Honor a HeroMay 20, 2014
Cuban Americans and Cuban independence dayMay 20, 2014
Michelle Obama's racially skewed version of historyMay 20, 2014
War on Wehby continues; new police report leakedMay 20, 2014
Democracy Alliance fills the coffers of liberal activist groupsMay 20, 2014
Australia to cut spending on climate change by 90%May 20, 2014
Rush: Racehorse gets faster health care ruling than our vetsMay 20, 2014
Immigration reform advocate says ignore federal immigration lawsMay 20, 2014
Report: NoKo's close to developing nuclear warhead for missileMay 20, 2014
Obama transition team told of VA scheduling problems in 2008May 20, 2014
Obama says Americans are better off now than when he came into officeMay 20, 2014
Climate Change Lawsuits and Flooding in ChicagoMay 20, 2014
The Sooner State is not Drying UpMay 20, 2014
The Quiet Sesquicentennial of the War between the StatesMay 20, 2014
The Weaponization of the Federal BureaucracyMay 20, 2014
Destroying the CanardMay 19, 2014
Teaching the Three Rs -- or NotMay 19, 2014
Will Belmont Curtail California Chrome's Quest for the Triple Crown?May 19, 2014
The State of our Young People in Year 6 of "hope and change"May 19, 2014
Haiti earthquake recovery a debacle under management of Mr. and Mrs. ClintonMay 19, 2014
Politico Poll: 'Mounting danger for Dems'May 19, 2014
Dem Rep wants $50 billion for more SolyndrasMay 19, 2014
Introducing the 9/11 Museum...Gift shop?May 19, 2014
A Question for those Who Believe in Homosexual ScoutsMay 19, 2014
Think Tank Question: Russia is to the Ukraine as China is to what?May 19, 2014
The Democrat's 'war on women' in OregonMay 19, 2014
For warming advocates, when in doubt - lieMay 19, 2014
Commencement speaker chastizes students for protesting speakersMay 19, 2014
Gun sellers in the government's crosshairsMay 19, 2014
Making the Best of the BumsMay 19, 2014
Well, What Hasn't 'Long Suffered from Delays and a Dysfunctional Bureaucracy'?May 18, 2014
Alaska Responds to EPA power grabMay 18, 2014
Times Takes Palestinian View of '48 WarMay 18, 2014
Protecting America from Smoke (and Mirror) 'Inhalation'May 18, 2014
California GOP Debate a Microcosm for Establishment vs. GrassrootsMay 18, 2014
'Dude that was 5 millions dollars ago'!May 18, 2014
Renegade general fighting Ansar al-Sharia in LibyaMay 18, 2014
Adolescent president shows his stuffMay 18, 2014
President Obama and US Embassies ignore Armed Forces Day, but honored 'International Day Against Homophobia Or Transphobia' yesterdayMay 18, 2014
Some good numbers from the Texas economy againMay 18, 2014
Blogger arrested for sneaking into room of Senator Cochran's bedridden wifeMay 18, 2014
Hillary criticizing Obama economic performanceMay 18, 2014
Riots in Vietnam against Chinese territorial claimsMay 18, 2014
Swiss reject $25 per hour minimum wageMay 18, 2014
What does it take for some federal agencies to respond to conservative media requests?May 18, 2014
Obama 'madder than hell' over VA scandalMay 17, 2014
Stunning election in IndiaMay 17, 2014
EPA readies rules on CO2May 17, 2014
Study finds racial bias in UCLA admissionsMay 17, 2014
Dem Senator: Boko Haram not part of IslamMay 17, 2014
More than a million insured by Obamacare are getting too much or too little subsidiesMay 17, 2014
'Vile at Vassar'May 17, 2014
'Operation American Spring' falls short of expectationsMay 17, 2014
Sun Trust Banks quickly reverses decision to cut ties with Benham BrothersMay 17, 2014
Obama-Approved Illegal Alien AssailantsMay 17, 2014
Just Who's Getting Clipped Here?May 17, 2014
Is this the dumbest editorial - Ever?May 17, 2014
Protests? It must be World Cup 2014 in BrazilMay 17, 2014
Purdue University and my 'hate speech'May 17, 2014
'Hump Day' celebration nixed due to racist camelMay 17, 2014
No explosionMay 16, 2014
Government ethics attorneys say Obama's IG system is brokenMay 16, 2014
Iran nuclear deal alienating Saudis and Gulf emiratesMay 16, 2014
Damning email shows how climate advocates suppress skepticsMay 16, 2014
Rove Needs Head Examined for Hillary's BrainTumor RemarksMay 16, 2014
Perhaps the most despicable thing Debbie Wasserman Schultz has said yetMay 16, 2014
Sudanese woman sentenced to hang for apostasyMay 16, 2014
Shineski 'mad as hell' about VA scandal; won't resignMay 16, 2014
1972 and the day that George Wallace was shotMay 16, 2014
A Very, Very, Very Late-Term AbortionMay 16, 2014
Spring Precipitation in the American Midwest: Another NCA FailMay 16, 2014
Unbelievable: State Dept. official says 'Just Not Accurate' to call Boko Haram as Muslim philosophyMay 16, 2014
Report: US threatened Nigeria with sanctions in 2013 for fighting Boko HaramMay 16, 2014
Have you Seen the Rallies?May 16, 2014
WaPo Gives Readers False History of 1948May 16, 2014
Illegal Immigrant Criminals are 'Good to GoMay 15, 2014
Calif. Dems vote down bill outlawing sex-selection abortionMay 15, 2014
Rep. Kinzinger on the VA: 'This is like the medical version of the DMV'May 15, 2014
HHS nominee promises to use 'full extent of the law' to recover Obamacare funds from statesMay 15, 2014
Why does the Department of Agriculture need submachine guns?May 15, 2014
Taxpayer-funded 'white privilege' conference goes off the railsMay 15, 2014
Bill now says it took Hillary 6 months to recover from concussionMay 15, 2014
Judge issues stay on implementing IL pension reformMay 15, 2014
Documents reveal lies on IRS scandalMay 15, 2014
Federal bureaucrats don't get fired for serious misbehaviorMay 15, 2014
Warmists pressure skeptical scientist to resignMay 15, 2014
Controversy over 9/11 Museum film that mentions the 'you-know-whos' who attacked usMay 15, 2014
Push on for deal with Iran that would allow weapons-making capabilityMay 15, 2014
The Cuba that the tourists do not seeMay 15, 2014
Jill Abramson fired as executive editor at New York TimesMay 15, 2014
New York Times' Agenda Shines Through on Olmert CoverageMay 14, 2014
John McCain Never LearnsMay 14, 2014
1981: We almost lost Pope John Paul IIMay 14, 2014
Might Hillary Clinton Have Suffered a Stroke?May 14, 2014
Tea Party's Sasse wins Nebraska Senate primaryMay 14, 2014
Huge Dem bungle: no candidate in competitive House raceMay 14, 2014
Harvard School of Government adds a 'check your privilege' course to orientationMay 14, 2014
Chelsea's mother-in-law may have a lot of time to play with her new grandchildMay 14, 2014
'Robust evidence' found that Fed leaked interest rate announcementsMay 14, 2014
Immigration officials released dozens of murderers, thousands of felons from custody last yearMay 14, 2014
Anti-incumbent sentiment strongest in 20 yearsMay 14, 2014
Obamacare insurer: Americans must be broken of 'choice habit'May 14, 2014
Dem voter ID fear-mongering collides with reality in rural North CarolinaMay 14, 2014
Who gets to be a 'journalist'?May 14, 2014
Bernie Sanders blames Koch Brothers for VA scandalMay 14, 2014
George Soros Speaks Before the United States State DepartmentMay 13, 2014
My guess is that Rep. Gowdy took the job because he believes that there is something thereMay 13, 2014
Chamber president gives ultimatum to GOPMay 13, 2014
Darkness again falls on Europe: Jews fleeing FranceMay 13, 2014
NC Congressional candidate Keith Crisco diesMay 13, 2014
Karl Rove asks if Hillary suffered brain injuryMay 13, 2014
Has Christopher Columbus's flagship been found?May 13, 2014
Tweet of the dayMay 13, 2014
Hilarious: Correlation is not causationMay 13, 2014
What the House Select Committee Must SubpoenaMay 13, 2014
The Boko Haram-Benghazi linkMay 13, 2014
Sabato: 'How Big a GOP Wave'?May 13, 2014
Punishing the Prudent. Rewarding the Irresponsible.May 13, 2014
Illinois voters don't want tax money going for Obama libraryMay 13, 2014
Death of the Dollar Menu shows Fed's Wage ErosionMay 13, 2014
The Fromage-Frescoed MoMathMay 12, 2014
The Obama Administration's Characterization of Russia ChangesMay 12, 2014
Climate Change Hysteria and Droughts in IllinoisMay 12, 2014
Tax Farming in AmericaMay 12, 2014
Doesn't the President of the US always call the 249th pick in the NFL draft?May 12, 2014
Lessons for Israel from the Failed Peace TalksMay 12, 2014
Eleanor Clift: Amb. Stevens wasn't murdered in a terrorist attackMay 12, 2014
UK Guardian: climate change is responsible for Boko HaramMay 12, 2014
Boko Haram leader says he'll trade kidnapped girls for prisonersMay 12, 2014
Turnaround at the IRSMay 12, 2014
Rep. Rogers: Foreign policy more than 'hashtags and selfies'May 12, 2014
Separatists declare victory in referendumMay 12, 2014
Oberlin considers banning gender pronouns in athletic departmentMay 12, 2014
All of a sudden, Hillary's not feeling the love from DemocratsMay 12, 2014
Sad, yet hilariousMay 12, 2014
Save the Jumping Mouse!May 11, 2014
NPR names new CEO, a major Democrat donorMay 11, 2014
Market Discipline and the Glaring Correlation that Bernanke and Yellen IgnoreMay 11, 2014
Michael Sam drafted by NFL's St. Louis RamsMay 11, 2014
Did forbidden science cost 30 year New York Times writer his job?May 11, 2014
Half a billion for 4 failed Obamacare state exchangesMay 11, 2014
Conservatives defeat Cantor's choice to lead GOP his home districtMay 11, 2014
Another Secret Service scandalMay 11, 2014
Hawaii health care exchange spent $10,800 per enrolleeMay 11, 2014
What's in a hashtag?May 11, 2014
John Conyers may not qualify for primary ballotMay 11, 2014
Biden takes shot at Clintons in South Carolina speechMay 11, 2014
The case for giving Lois Lerner immunityMay 11, 2014
From 'California dreamin' to 'California "leavin''May 11, 2014
2013 Was Not the Fourth-Hottest Year for the United StatesMay 11, 2014
The Democrat War on the First AmendmentMay 10, 2014
Chicago suburb tells feds to keep their money -- and their regulationsMay 10, 2014
The first openly gay NFL player? Maybe notMay 10, 2014
The case that Snowden was an espionage agentMay 10, 2014
Pope Francis urges governments to 'redistribute' wealthMay 10, 2014
DOJ official's testimony demonstrates that Holder's IRS probe 'a joke'May 10, 2014
Email shows WY VA employee urging others to falsify scheduling recordsMay 10, 2014
Rand Paul says Voter ID laws offend peopleMay 10, 2014
Boehner names the members of Benghazi select committeeMay 10, 2014
Common Core opponents labeled 'far right extremists' by far left SPLCMay 10, 2014
Obama clinging to drones and religionMay 10, 2014
Did the Nigerian army know that the school girls were going to be kidnapped?May 10, 2014
Tina Brown Exemplifies the 'War on Women'May 10, 2014
And Obama's Pinocchio nose just keeps on growingMay 10, 2014
Ukraine Cancels Victory over the Nazis DayMay 10, 2014
Graduation and The Decline of AmericaMay 9, 2014
Winters in the United States Are Getting ColderMay 9, 2014
Schools that cost money but produce unprepared graduatesMay 9, 2014
Why are green leaders white?May 9, 2014
Cotton stands tall, takes down Dem hypocrisyMay 9, 2014
Dem congresswoman suggests putting one Democrat on Benghazi CommitteeMay 9, 2014
Dr. King's dream betrayedMay 9, 2014
Hope dims for recovery of Nigerian school girlsMay 9, 2014
IRS relents: Will give House Committee Lerner emailsMay 9, 2014
GOP trying to cut the number of primary debatesMay 9, 2014
Obama Pegs Benghazi Miles Behind Boston Marathon In ImportanceMay 9, 2014
Biggest lobbying firm in DC caught in Ecuador mess, pays $15 million settlement to ChevronMay 9, 2014
A Dear John letter you want to readMay 9, 2014
The U.S. Postal Service: Junk in, junk outMay 9, 2014
A Democratic Congressman Wants to Beef Up Border Security: In MexicoMay 9, 2014
How the ACLU made vote fraud legalMay 8, 2014
Michelle Malkin Wants to Debate Michelle Rhee on Common CoreMay 8, 2014
Brazil Loses World Cup Before a Game is PlayedMay 8, 2014
Summers in Texas Ain't Getting Hotter or DryerMay 8, 2014
House votes contempt citation for Lois LernerMay 8, 2014
Was an EMP Attack Just Tested on the United States?May 8, 2014
The swaggering bravado of Iran's 'Gunboat Admiral ' Ali FadaviMay 8, 2014
IRS audits 10% of Tea Party donorsMay 8, 2014
Rahm Emanuel shocked, shocked to discover he's been speeding and running red lightsMay 8, 2014
Startling testimony of corruption and wrongdoing at EPA by IG's officeMay 8, 2014
HUD Looks for Housing Discrimination for LGBTMay 8, 2014
More than 300 massacred in Nigerian town used as base by military to find abducted girlsMay 8, 2014
GAO Report: Only one government employee lost their job due to sequesterMay 8, 2014
Another North Carolina Senate PrimaryMay 8, 2014
'The world (that would be us) seems to disappoint him'May 8, 2014
Rude Behavior at RutgersMay 7, 2014
Bachmann Reprises, Feiglin Surprises at Israeli Independence Day GalaMay 7, 2014
The Obama team messed up Benghazi 100%May 7, 2014
Did you know the EPA has an 'Office of Homeland Security'?May 7, 2014
Benghazi panel to have broad powers, access to classified intelMay 7, 2014
Just 7% of journalists identify as RepublicanMay 7, 2014
Researchers call White House Climate report 'pseudoscience'May 7, 2014
GOP establishment strikes back in primariesMay 7, 2014
Obamanomics: More businesses going under than are being createdMay 7, 2014
'Rogue law enforcement agency' inside EPA the subject of testimony todayMay 7, 2014
Eight more Nigerian school girls kidnapped by Boko HaramMay 7, 2014
The United States Has Not Warmed Since 1991May 7, 2014
The comedy stylings of Nancy PelosiMay 7, 2014
Red Light Rahm doesn't let traffic rules get in his wayMay 7, 2014
<em>Town of Greece</em> Challenges Liberal Religion Clause DogmaMay 7, 2014
The Blame GameMay 6, 2014
Is Tom Donilon the key to Benghazigate?May 6, 2014
Liberal Obama biographer: 'the world seems to disappoint him'May 6, 2014
Bad Polling News for Dems on BenghaziMay 6, 2014
'Racist' American flag wavers on Cinco de MayoMay 6, 2014
Israel's 66th Independence DayMay 6, 2014
Supreme Court OK's prayer before Town Council meetingsMay 6, 2014
Massachusetts pulls the plug on faulty Obamacare websiteMay 6, 2014
It looks like China is seriously worried about North Korea's nuclear warheadsMay 6, 2014
Good Luck with that Benghazi Thing, Mr. GowdyMay 6, 2014
Boehner taps Gowdy to chair Benghazi select committeeMay 6, 2014
Woman films own abortion to show people it's not so scaryMay 6, 2014
Another agency head caught using secret private emails for official businessMay 6, 2014
Is anti-Semitism in Latin America a result of Growing Iranian Influence?May 6, 2014
Sandinista-Chinese Canal to Compete with Panama CanalMay 6, 2014
Time to Resurrect the Misery IndexMay 5, 2014
Tuesday, May 6: Boehner Rebuke Hoped By Tea PartyMay 5, 2014
Establishment goes all in for Tillis in NC Senate primaryMay 5, 2014
Joni Ernst is back with another attention-grabbing commercialMay 5, 2014
Dems Anxious for the Truth yet Boycotting Congressional Investigatory Committee.May 5, 2014
Pew: GOP holds upper hand in mid term ballotMay 5, 2014
The left's idea of a 'fair and balanced' mediaMay 5, 2014
Another 'green' vehicle company Obama visited in troubleMay 5, 2014
Odessa Jews worry about spreading violenceMay 5, 2014
Indiana to host meeting for planning Constitutional ConventionMay 5, 2014
How the Benghazi cover-up is keeping the killers at largeMay 5, 2014
Here Comes the Judge...May 5, 2014
Is the Left Still Controlling the Benghazi Narrative?May 5, 2014
NYT Cheers Islamic JihadMay 5, 2014
July 2012 was <em>Not</em> the Hottest Month in U.S. HistoryMay 5, 2014
Cut Climatism CostsMay 4, 2014
New Dem Benghazi strategy floated: boycott Select CommitteeMay 4, 2014
Benghazi cover-up is starting to unravelMay 4, 2014
Venezuela's socialist paradise: New food rationing cardMay 4, 2014
Will a $15 an hour minimum wage be the end of Seattle?May 4, 2014
Let Two More be 'Botched'May 4, 2014
Pro-Russian forces attack Odessa police stationMay 4, 2014
Incredible: Planned Parenthood thinks no need to reveal you have AIDS to sex partnerMay 4, 2014
Are non-English-speakers fast tracked for disability payments?May 4, 2014
At WHCD, Joel McHale only zinged Obama onceMay 4, 2014
Condi Rice declines invite to speak at Rutgers commencementMay 4, 2014
<em>Sissel v. HHS</em> and Humpty DumptyMay 4, 2014
It's time to Isolate and Target Obama's BFF Al SharptonMay 4, 2014
The Panama Canal expansion will make it more difficult for California to compete with TexasMay 4, 2014
Bacon Is Good for YouMay 4, 2014
WaPo weeps for Palestinian terrorist, but not for his victimsMay 3, 2014
A lot of Hispanics not signing up for ObamaCareMay 3, 2014
Reporter fesses up to taping Kerry's Israel 'Apartheid' remarksMay 3, 2014
How the GOP establishment plans to defeat conservativesMay 3, 2014
The Democrats' war on womenMay 3, 2014
Rep. John Conyers may be barred from primary ballot due to lack of legal signaturesMay 3, 2014
Tommy Vietor ComixMay 3, 2014
42 dead in Odessa rioting as Eastern Ukraine eruptsMay 3, 2014
And When the Feds Lie To You?May 3, 2014
Rep. Thompson doubles down on racist commentsMay 3, 2014
The tangled web of media-Obama administration tiesMay 3, 2014
Cantor calls for Special Prosecutor for Lerner, IRS scandalMay 3, 2014
Beating your Kids is Worse than being a RacistMay 3, 2014
Was Obama Hiring of Criminal Lawyer Due to Benghazi E-mails?May 3, 2014
Did Nikita Nail It?May 3, 2014
Let 'The Rise of Al-Qaeda' RollMay 2, 2014
Boehner reported to OK House Select Committee on Benghazi with Trey Gowdy as chairMay 2, 2014
The appalling Obama foreign policy team: The case of Tommy VietorMay 2, 2014
CBS struggling with the appearance of conflict of interest with Rhodes BrosMay 2, 2014
Hillary fangirl: 'Don't Run for President, Hillary'May 2, 2014
Wisconsin Democratic gubernatorial candidate to hand out KKK hoods at GOP eventMay 2, 2014
Labor participation rate falls sharply in March while unemployment rate shrinksMay 2, 2014
How funny is President Obama?May 2, 2014
Flat Earthers and Global Warmers: Two Peas in a PodMay 2, 2014
Conservative activists fight back on immigrationMay 2, 2014
Putin: 'Final Hope' for peace ended by Ukraine offensiveMay 2, 2014
A 'Real Man' Conservative Republican Running for CongressMay 2, 2014
Los Angeles NAACP President Resigns in Wake of Sterling FiascoMay 2, 2014
A few more thoughts about Toyota moving to North TexasMay 2, 2014
Janice Hahn, Abortion CongresswomanMay 2, 2014
Extreme Heat Hysteria FailMay 2, 2014
Grand jury launches criminal probe of Illinois anti-crime programMay 1, 2014
Kevin Johnson's Laughable Lecture on MoralityMay 1, 2014
Busted: Only 67% of Obamacare enrollees paid their first month's premiumMay 1, 2014
State Department Report: 40% rise in terrorism last yearMay 1, 2014
Senator Markey looks to regulate all media for 'hate crimes'May 1, 2014
Benghazigate enters new phaseMay 1, 2014
Obama's $40 Million Travel TabMay 1, 2014
Bird conservation group taking feds to court over windmill slaughter of eaglesMay 1, 2014
Coming soon: Interstate highways to become toll roadsMay 1, 2014
Maureen Dowd to Obama: Be more like Babe Ruth!May 1, 2014
The Social Contract with Owners of Dangerous DogsMay 1, 2014
Bill moving ahead in Knesset to silence Israel's conservative newspaperMay 1, 2014
Skittish Republicans in 2016May 1, 2014
A Quantum Fail on Climate Change CommunicationMay 1, 2014
Laying open the soul of the NBAMay 1, 2014
NYT Camouflages Real J Street
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- Bernie's astroturf rally
- Remembering an inspiring story about Sir Michael Caine
- Are Turkish President Recip Erdoğan's days numbered?
- Leftists are finally embracing their Inner Fascist
- In praise of Elon Musk
- For 47 years, I’ve dreamed of what Trump is doing now