American Thinker Blog
April 30, 2014
Donald Sterling, Defender of FreedomApril 30, 2014
Dem governors writing off Wendy DavisApril 30, 2014
Poll finds more Americans are anti-interventionistApril 30, 2014
Why Hillary is being so coy about declaring her candidacyApril 30, 2014
The Black Donald SterlingApril 30, 2014
The <em>real</em> scandal about Donald SterlingApril 30, 2014
Rep. Alan Grayson seeks divorce from his bigamist wifeApril 30, 2014
NBA Commissioner Silver got it half rightApril 30, 2014
Lois Lerner, IRS Sued for Alleged Illegal DisclosuresApril 30, 2014
Gallup Doesn't See Republicans Hurt by Social Media in 2014April 30, 2014
Misplaced OutrageApril 30, 2014
'Ethnic Cleansing' in JerusalemApril 30, 2014
Toyota's not leaving California because they want to spend their summers in TexasApril 30, 2014
Canada's National Temperature and Precipitation FarceApril 29, 2014
Washington Post swallows Abbas lie hook, line, and sinkerApril 29, 2014
Four Dead in Benghazi VideoApril 29, 2014
Clarice Feldman on the airApril 29, 2014
Modelling MadnessApril 29, 2014
Bungling BundyApril 29, 2014
Racist remarks make it impossible to talk seriously about real problems in minority communitiesApril 29, 2014
Did Azusa Pacific College Join Leftists in Censoring Charles Murray?April 29, 2014
Big Chamber of Commerce ad buys in NC, GA primariesApril 29, 2014
Taxman auctions widow's home over $6 billApril 29, 2014
DoJ spending millions to manufacture race grievancesApril 29, 2014
Obama low polls dragging Dems to defeat in NovemberApril 29, 2014
Politico gives away the gameApril 29, 2014
Barack Obama High School plan runs into opposition in ChicagoApril 29, 2014
Kerry: US taping Moscow calls to Ukraine spiesApril 29, 2014
Ben Rhodes at center of plan to whitewash White House on BenghaziApril 28, 2014
Obama's Embarrassing Race RemarksApril 28, 2014
Obama among FriendsApril 28, 2014
Toyota moving marketing HQ out of California to TexasApril 28, 2014
Terrible poll results for Obama and Senate DemsApril 28, 2014
California Dem legislator says Asians not 'people of color'April 28, 2014
A solution for the NBA and ClippersApril 28, 2014
British poll shocker: anti-EU party in first placeApril 28, 2014
David Brock acknowledges Soros 'generosity' to Media MattersApril 28, 2014
UK politician arrested for quoting Churchill, could face 2 years in prisonApril 28, 2014
The New York Times Discovers the Rule of LawApril 28, 2014
Stop Funding the PA/PLO NowApril 28, 2014
Just when you thought academia was hopeless...April 28, 2014
Inflation-adjusted newspaper print advertising revenues now below 1950 levelsApril 28, 2014
How Wash. Post, NY Times inject Palestinian propaganda in 'news' dispatchesApril 27, 2014
Randi Rhodes leaving talk radio, blasts Al Franken and Rachel MaddowApril 27, 2014
Clinton Library document dump reveals 'subprime bubble' responsibilityApril 27, 2014
A version of 'knockout game' stirs outrage in Austin, TexasApril 27, 2014
Immigration bill by August?April 27, 2014
Even Tom Ridge can't work with Bloomberg's anti-gun crusadeApril 27, 2014
Former Michelle Obama staffer creates a new triumph for feminismApril 27, 2014
#4 Republican in the House says Obamacare here to stayApril 27, 2014
Marxist publisher sues over property rightsApril 27, 2014
Dartmouth now bans white people from using the word 'fiesta'April 27, 2014
50th Anniversary of the 1964 New York World's FairApril 27, 2014
Owner of NBA's LA Clippers caught in racist tiradeApril 27, 2014
Are the media finally turning on Obama?April 27, 2014
Raul Castro wants 'los capitalistas americanos' to bail out 'los socialistas cubanos'April 27, 2014
One of the Biggest Fat Cats in America is the BLMApril 27, 2014
Swan Lake or Lake Michigan?April 26, 2014
This Black Does Not Think Bundy is RacistApril 26, 2014
Iran and the UN love each otherApril 26, 2014
ObamaCare and Common Core - both are bad to the boneApril 26, 2014
Maybe Chicago needs General PetraeusApril 26, 2014
Is a Russian invasion of Eastern Ukraine inevitable?April 26, 2014
Much of Obamacare website still under constructionApril 26, 2014
John Paul II canonizedApril 26, 2014
The conservative boomlet for Elizabeth WarrenApril 26, 2014
Reagan Performs Best on Domestic Spending Among Presidents Since WWIIApril 26, 2014
Obama Heats Up Asia Trade WarApril 26, 2014
Hamas Passes WaPo Kosher TestApril 26, 2014
Increase Intelligence Sharing with UkraineApril 26, 2014
Navy Secretary's Speech Illustrates National Security Threats from Obama's Energy PoliciesApril 26, 2014
Following the Setting SunApril 26, 2014
Does Cliven Bundy 'Matter'?April 25, 2014
Tough Questions for Canada-US Oil RelationsApril 25, 2014
Experiencing AmericaApril 25, 2014
Bundy v ShabazzApril 25, 2014
Keystone makes sense for jobs and national securityApril 25, 2014
Obama Speaks Loudly and Carries a Small StickApril 25, 2014
Feds to take over failed Cover Oregon exchangeApril 25, 2014
Wow! Emails expose CNN's propaganda series on Rahm EmanuelApril 25, 2014
Why Obama can't be trusted on immigrationApril 25, 2014
Tensions rising in Ukraine as US threatens additional sanctions on RussiaApril 25, 2014
Samantha Power neglects opportunity to stop Iran from gaining seat UN women's rights body, then tweets her outrageApril 25, 2014
School administrator bans distribution of US Constitution on campusApril 25, 2014
War on Women? How about this major Democrat donor?April 25, 2014
NYT Semantically Purifies Palestinian terrorismApril 25, 2014
Rand Paul and David Axelrod on School ChoiceApril 25, 2014
A new low on the Temple MountApril 24, 2014
Chelsea's Baby Not 'Blood and Tissue'April 24, 2014
Alaska Energy Boom Starts Cranking UpApril 24, 2014
Renewable LiesApril 24, 2014
O, JerusalemApril 24, 2014
Burning BabiesApril 24, 2014
No Pryor ServiceApril 24, 2014
The Sebelius legacy: more than half of Obamacare deadlines missedApril 24, 2014
Confirming that Sotomayor was a bad choice for the high courtApril 24, 2014
FCC switches gears; backs 'fast lane' for some internet providersApril 24, 2014
Vast powers of new Obamacare agencyApril 24, 2014
Holder praises Sotomayor's 'courageous' dissentApril 24, 2014
The 'Wise Latina' jumped the sharkApril 24, 2014
Ukraine battles separatists; Putin warns Kiev of 'consequences'April 24, 2014
28 homeless people given $3,000 each to stop trespassingApril 24, 2014
Burning aborted babies for electricity? Happening right here in the USAApril 23, 2014
Justice Sotomayor and the affirmative action bitter-enders have lost bigtimeApril 23, 2014
Tea Party victory in FL GOP primaryApril 23, 2014
Hilarious: State Department pressed to identify one 'tangible achievement' of Hillary as Secretary of State (video)April 23, 2014
IRS bonus scandal demonstrates that it's time for the GOP to wake up and run against the IRSApril 23, 2014
BLM eyes 90,000 acres in TXApril 23, 2014
Sorry, But Bull Connor was a DemocratApril 23, 2014
Government in Cahoots with its OwnApril 23, 2014
Horrific massacre in South Sudan; hundreds killedApril 23, 2014
Author Gabriel Garcia-Marquez loved Castro more than the Cuban peopleApril 23, 2014
Weather Vs Climate.April 23, 2014
IRS Gives 'Death Penalty' to Conservative CriticApril 23, 2014
Fed Chair Yellen Demands Japan End QEApril 23, 2014
The Obama Race Card keeps being playedApril 23, 2014
Denny Hastert Leads Republican Push for AmnestyApril 23, 2014
Yellen proposes taxing savings at 2% a year until further noticeApril 22, 2014
Putting People First on Earth DayApril 22, 2014
Obama's new White House Counsel is veteran of handling scandals in Clinton White HouseApril 22, 2014
Third world America: phony statisticsApril 22, 2014
Is a floor fight brewing for 2016 on gay marriage?April 22, 2014
Helpful advice to GOP from Dem consultant: nominate Jeb BushApril 22, 2014
Is Rahmbo cooking crime stats in Chicago?April 22, 2014
CNN reporter ignites firestorm overseasApril 22, 2014
Revelation: Jeb Bush and Carlos SlimApril 22, 2014
Are Republicans trying to 'emasculate' Obama?April 22, 2014
Michelle Obama tells us how to eat (again)April 22, 2014
Chicago program to put poor people into subsidized luxury apartments encounters flakApril 22, 2014
Photos prove Putin a liarApril 22, 2014
Dems can't decide whether to embrace Obamacare or run away from itApril 22, 2014
Thousands of jailed non-violent drug offenders to receive clemencyApril 22, 2014
Petition to denounce Tom SteyerApril 22, 2014
Be careful what you wish may get a president that you don't respect!April 21, 2014
Affirmative Action and Process DoctrineApril 21, 2014
Behind those enrollment numbersApril 21, 2014
Politico's dirty little secret blasted by WaPo bloggerApril 21, 2014's helpful reminderApril 21, 2014
Sharyl Attkisson charges Media Matters helps produce news reports for CBSApril 21, 2014
Many conservatives see opposition to Common Core a winning issue in 2014April 21, 2014
Debbie Wasserman Schultz's delusional ranting continuesApril 21, 2014
Obama's legacy: Liar in ChiefApril 21, 2014
Biden goes to Ukraine in show of support for the governmentApril 21, 2014
Government funded, peer-reviewed study concludes biofuels worse than gasoline for the environmentApril 21, 2014
UAW drops complaint in lost election at Tennessee VW plantApril 21, 2014
Health care spending on the riseApril 21, 2014
Unions turning against greens on frackingApril 21, 2014
Retired Justice Stevens lets the cat out of the bag on politicized Supreme CourtApril 21, 2014
NBC hired a psychologist to try to boost David Gregory's ratingsApril 20, 2014
Polls or Proclamations?April 20, 2014
Senate Republicans Try To Lose In NovemberApril 20, 2014
Putting a small group of environmentalists over pipeline jobs?April 20, 2014
White House honors French neo-MarxistApril 20, 2014
What's the matter with Kansas?April 20, 2014
Why did President Clinton send a friendly note to Al Awlaki's 911 mosque?April 20, 2014
More opportunities open up for GOP to gain Senate seatsApril 20, 2014
Latest Obamacare accomplishment: 'Medical Homelessness'April 20, 2014
All enemies, foreign and domesticApril 20, 2014
The Changing of the Land of OpportunityApril 20, 2014
Pope prays for peace, end to terror attacks on ChristiansApril 20, 2014
Still no charges filed in Gibson Guitar raidApril 20, 2014
The vanishing urban middle classApril 19, 2014
Someone in Maduro's government must be held responsible for the deathsApril 19, 2014
Hillary's 'Hard Choices'April 19, 2014
US to send combat troops to PolandApril 19, 2014
A disgraceful Keystone decision delayApril 19, 2014
Lewinsky still too hot to handle for ClintonsApril 19, 2014
Will we be able to image 'Earth's twin'?April 19, 2014
Logic and standards jettisoned in college debate to aid black debatersApril 19, 2014
Elizabeth Warren could face a nightmare on her book tourApril 19, 2014
Reid doubles down on 'domestic terrorist' smear of Bundy protestorsApril 19, 2014
The hilarious history of 'climate tipping points'April 19, 2014
Western states seeking ways to reclaim federal landApril 19, 2014
Wellpoint CEO Says Obamacare Premiums 'Likely' to DoubleApril 19, 2014
'EPA Caught!'April 19, 2014
Barack Obama, National ConversationalistApril 19, 2014
Obama is the Deer in Putin's HeadlightsApril 18, 2014
Immigration reform vote in House looks inevitableApril 18, 2014
Dem consultants telling candidates not to use the word 'recovery'April 18, 2014
GOP candidate ties his opponent to Harry ReidApril 18, 2014
New York the latest state to sign compact to end electoral collegeApril 18, 2014
Harry Reid calls Bundy supporters 'domestic terrorists'April 18, 2014
Hillary Clinton to be a grandmotherApril 18, 2014
GAO to investigate Hawaii's disastrous health care exchangeApril 18, 2014
Deal reached on Ukraine. Will it hold?April 18, 2014
Breaking: Liberals Must Believe Racial Bias is Natural and GoodApril 18, 2014
The Once and Future PeasantsApril 18, 2014
Prog-on-prog conflict as Media Matters rejects union card check effortApril 18, 2014
Powerful Illinois political boss wants state taxpayers to pony up $100 million for Obama presidential libraryApril 18, 2014
Lessons learned on Bay of Pigs anniversaryApril 18, 2014
Major Hillary donor pleads guilty on fundraisingApril 18, 2014
Identity Theft as Rationale for Tax EvasionApril 17, 2014
Pulitzer food fight between ABC News and Center for Public IntegrityApril 17, 2014
US, Russia, and EU meet over Ukraine crisisApril 17, 2014
BLM trashes Bundy's land during withdrawalApril 17, 2014
Elizabeth Warren's new book features whining and positioningApril 17, 2014
Soros and the Bundy RanchApril 17, 2014
NBC against money in politics, except when it is for itApril 17, 2014
Bundy and 'Civil Disobedience'April 17, 2014
In his own words: Barack Obama on Christianity and IslamApril 17, 2014
Nightmare time for Jews of eastern Ukraine (updated)April 17, 2014
The Games Democrats Must PlayApril 17, 2014
Income Inequality for Thee, But Not for MeApril 17, 2014
Iran to Execute Woman for Fending Off a RapistApril 17, 2014
Fed Chair Yellen to Follow Reagan's 'Taylor Rule'April 17, 2014
Oppenheimer cautious about Latin AmericaApril 17, 2014
High Praise for Obama's New SebeliusApril 16, 2014
University Wants Fewer Whites: Fears 'Mediocrity'April 16, 2014
Cubans remember something else that happened on April 15thApril 16, 2014
NYPD drops surveillance of mosquesApril 16, 2014
Ukraine splintering as government 'crackdown' fizzlesApril 16, 2014
Al Qaeda holds big rally in YemenApril 16, 2014
Obama administration gives Detroit $100 million for 'blight removal'April 16, 2014
Both sides cry 'foul' over changes in Census Bureau surveyApril 16, 2014
Mary Landrieu's video fakery reveals desperationApril 16, 2014
10% drop in greenhouse gas emissions since 2005April 16, 2014
More prog-on-prog class warfare in San FranciscoApril 16, 2014
Can't the IRS get its story straight?April 16, 2014
Vice President Clinton?April 16, 2014
Bundy: Obama's Jump-the-SharkApril 16, 2014
Global Arms Transfer Trends During the Reagan/Bush 41 AdministrationsApril 16, 2014
Gay and Lesbian Segregated Old Age Home and CemeteryApril 15, 2014
'Race card' Holder is a disgraceApril 15, 2014
Paying more than your fair share of income taxesApril 15, 2014
People who get food stamps outnumber women who work full timeApril 15, 2014
HHS nominee Burwell a poster child for rich progressives cashing inApril 15, 2014
Obamacare premiums to rise at record paceApril 15, 2014
Time for a little Koch jiujitsu on DemocratsApril 15, 2014
What was that again about Al-Qaeda on the run?April 15, 2014
Kansas Jewish Center Gunman didn't just Appear out of NowhereApril 15, 2014
Harry Reid and 'It's Not Over'April 15, 2014
Social Security stops seizing tax refunds from children of parents who received overpaymentsApril 15, 2014
Eric Holder's dog whistleApril 15, 2014
Better Soviet posters for Jay Carney and Claire Shipman's houseApril 15, 2014
Sylvia Burwell has got a lot of explaining to doApril 15, 2014
Yes we can tell you what to do with your bodyApril 15, 2014
U.S. Oil Independence by 2020?April 14, 2014
Bob Woodward thinks 'There's obviously something there' in IRS scandalApril 14, 2014
Portents of the looming Democrat nightmareApril 14, 2014
Sebelius: Obamacare rollout timeline 'just flat out wrong'April 14, 2014
Wendy Davis's halo tarnishes with ethical questionsApril 14, 2014
Ukraine president calls for UN peacekeepers for Eastern provincesApril 14, 2014
Democrats are the race baitersApril 14, 2014
It's prog-on-prog class warfare in San FranciscoApril 14, 2014
Was Hillary the 'Secretary of State from Boeing'?April 14, 2014
Coming attractions for the Obamacare disaster filmApril 14, 2014
Public humiliation as judicial punishmentApril 14, 2014
Let my people go to freedom!April 14, 2014
Lack of U.S. Clarity and Decisiveness in Europe May Stumble America into WarApril 14, 2014
How do you say 'it's the economy, stupid,' in Spanish?April 14, 2014
Beating the Bushes for 2016April 14, 2014
Gunman kills three at 2 Kansas City Jewish CentersApril 13, 2014
Would You Like to Be Interviewed in the Media?April 13, 2014
Paul, Cruz, and Huckabee at conservative meet in New HampshireApril 13, 2014
President of True the Vote responds to Cummings allegationsApril 13, 2014
The Democrat Platform, IllustratedApril 13, 2014
Carney's Red ArtApril 13, 2014
Augusta blanketed with anti-Obama art for the MastersApril 13, 2014
Union threatens Dem House members on anti-Keystone voteApril 13, 2014
Brendan Eich and censorshipApril 13, 2014
IRS seizes refunds of taxpayers whose parents owe the government moneyApril 13, 2014
Justice Stevens thinks he knows how to 'fix' the Second AmendmentApril 13, 2014
Feds back down in Bundy Ranch confrontationApril 13, 2014
Obam's HHS nominee Burwell is a political hatchet womanApril 13, 2014
Shooting war begins in UkraineApril 13, 2014
Caution Warranted on a Mozilla BoycottApril 13, 2014
IPCC recommends 'massive shift' to green energy to avoid catastropheApril 13, 2014
Apollo 13 before it was a movieApril 12, 2014
Why do Jay Carney and Claire Shipman decorate their house with Soviet propaganda posters?April 12, 2014
Illegal Tax Refund Seizures in Our Corrupt RepublicApril 12, 2014
Students, teachers, parents lash out at Common Core standardized testApril 12, 2014
Witness to Sharpton drug deal: 'It was greed. He just wanted money'April 12, 2014
Iran to challenge US denial of visa to hostage takerApril 12, 2014
The New York Times' contempt for 'ordinary Americans.'April 12, 2014
Vermont embarks on single-payer health care planApril 12, 2014
Heckuva job, KathyApril 12, 2014
Conservative professor wins promotion and 50k in discrimination caseApril 12, 2014
The 'illegal immigrant' surge has a lot to do with what's happening in Central AmericaApril 12, 2014
More from "The Race Files"April 12, 2014
Dear Nancy: Why didn't you introduce immigration reform when you had majorities in the House?April 12, 2014
ObamaCare FailApril 12, 2014
Tax Return Preparers Exemplify a Gaping Hole in the Treasury's VaultApril 12, 2014
The Boy Who Cried Wolfism?April 11, 2014
Teacher suspended because school employee thought science project looked like a weaponApril 11, 2014
Ugly divorce exposes spoils of progressive shakedown racketApril 11, 2014
Hillary ducks shoe thrown at her during speechApril 11, 2014
Nightmare: Feds seizing money from children for old debts of their parentsApril 11, 2014
Can Steve Colbert be funny without mocking conservatives?April 11, 2014
PC persecution in SwedenApril 11, 2014
Obamacare in picturesApril 11, 2014
Why it costs more to clean and iron Michelle's blouse than Barack's shirtApril 11, 2014
I hope that the Brazilian team plays 'futbol' better than the government has planned The World CupApril 11, 2014
Black legislator called out over racist remarks on transracial adoptionApril 11, 2014
Sebelius resigns HHSApril 11, 2014
Police release video capturing thugs having shootout at hotelApril 11, 2014
Making Sense of Schuette v. CoalitionApril 11, 2014
Judge Hammers San Diego County Zoning Against ChurchApril 10, 2014
WaPo Humanizes Palestinian Terrorist KillerApril 10, 2014
A Serial KnifingApril 10, 2014
Dr. Gross on a hunger strike in CubaApril 10, 2014
Cows and Illegal AliensApril 10, 2014
Pathetic: Holder plays the race card before Al Sharpton's groupApril 10, 2014
Cliven Bundy and Eric Holder's 'Rule of Law'April 10, 2014
Ruby Ridge Redux?April 10, 2014
Emails reveal IRS collaboration with Democrat Rep. Elijah CummingsApril 10, 2014
Ayaan Hirsi Ali responds to Brandeis snubApril 10, 2014
Gender pay gap at White House twice as large as that for DCApril 10, 2014
'Why are liberal cities bad for blacks'?April 10, 2014
New evidence on Lerner leads to new criminal referralApril 10, 2014
Senator King mulls party switch after mid termsApril 10, 2014
House has ability to jail Lois Lerner without Holder's cooperationApril 10, 2014
Holder Is a Basket Case When It Comes to Fast and FuriousApril 9, 2014
EU Court Dumps U.S. Surveillance CooperationApril 9, 2014
Caesar vs. Obama in the RingApril 9, 2014
Remember the one about 'throwing stones and living in a glass house'?April 9, 2014
Washington Post in hole, keeps diggingApril 9, 2014
Selling them the aircraft parts to bomb usApril 9, 2014
The Sexual Revolution: The Last Domino Is FallingApril 9, 2014
Kirsten Powers: 'Mob rule' by liberalsApril 9, 2014
Firefox Expands Into Censorship Update: HOAX!)April 9, 2014
Look who's criticizing Showtime for trying to scare people about global warmingApril 9, 2014
Pennsylvania AG caught lying about Dem corruption case she wouldn't prosecuteApril 9, 2014
Brandeis U withdraws invitation to Ayaan Hirsi Ali to receive honorary degreeApril 9, 2014
Small number of doctors billed Medicare for over a billion dollarsApril 9, 2014
Pot Legalization and Crime Rates in Denver, ColoradoApril 9, 2014
NYT Promotes Arch-terrorist as PeacemakerApril 8, 2014
Holder claims 'vast amount of discretion' in enforcing lawsApril 8, 2014
Racial spoils system starting to fall apart in CaliforniaApril 8, 2014
Hilarious - Hitler parody video on losing his doctor under ObamacareApril 8, 2014
White House decrees Medicare Advantage cuts should disappearApril 8, 2014
A sobering poll for the GOP establishmentApril 8, 2014
Sharpton fingered as mob snitch for FBIApril 8, 2014
OKCupid CEO donated to anti-gay marriage candidateApril 8, 2014
Obama has fallen into the 'pay equity' trapApril 8, 2014
House to pursue criminal charges against Lois LernerApril 8, 2014
Food-free Fridays?April 8, 2014
What's wrong with undermining a tyranny?April 8, 2014
California Assembly Demands Unionized JanitorsApril 8, 2014
23 Veterans Commit Suicide Every DayApril 8, 2014
Obama Sandwiches HimselfApril 8, 2014
Revenge of the GaysApril 8, 2014
Cognitive Dissonance for the MassesApril 7, 2014
Brazil Military Storms Ghetto near World CupApril 7, 2014
Californians Pay $.72 More for Gasoline than TexansApril 7, 2014
Hindsight: Handle with CareApril 7, 2014
Putin's next gambit?April 7, 2014
We're back!April 7, 2014
What Israel could learn from Egypt's General SisiApril 7, 2014
Washington's stationary banditsApril 7, 2014
Las Vegas is not the place for the GOP conventionApril 7, 2014
Pathetic: New York Times writer <em>justifies</em> Mozilla's ouster of EichApril 7, 2014
Ray Hutchinson of Texas had quite a lifeApril 7, 2014
Rangel stiffs NY taxpayers on rent for district officeApril 7, 2014
We're sick and tired of Democrats complaining about 'too much money' in politicsApril 7, 2014
The Children's Crusade against Michelle O's school lunchesApril 7, 2014
Jeb Bush: Some illegal immigration an 'act of love'April 7, 2014
Gangsta Grammar and Gun Free ZonesApril 6, 2014
A Sober Thought for the End of an AgeApril 6, 2014
'Music is God's Voice'April 5, 2014
I think that I'll get me a browser that doesn't care about my political viewsApril 5, 2014
Paper: It's OK to lie about climate changeApril 5, 2014
Hilarious: When Hillary is asked to name <em>one</em> accomplishment as Secretary of Stateâ\¦April 5, 2014
Conservative activist launches boycott of Firefox browserApril 5, 2014
State Department can't account for $6 billion in last 6 yearsApril 5, 2014
'Abortion is a gift from God'April 5, 2014
The horror! Muslim parents decry flyer advertising church-sponsored Easter egg huntApril 5, 2014
Why is the US Government easing a critical sanction on Iran now?April 5, 2014
Holder defends using DoJ airplane for 27 personal tripsApril 5, 2014
Why Do 'Progressives' Love Moving Backward?April 5, 2014
Has Nancy Pelosi stepped in it again?April 5, 2014
NYT Decries 'Divided Loyallties'April 5, 2014
13 Sins -- A Film ReviewApril 5, 2014
The Pruning of AmericaApril 5, 2014
The other currency, Food StampsApril 4, 2014
A first world problem for the Israel haterApril 4, 2014
Buh-bye, David LettermanApril 4, 2014
The NYTimes should have spoken with the bishops before publishing Maduro's Op EdApril 4, 2014
Women with guns save lives - AgainApril 4, 2014
Obama asked for free April Fool's Day prime time network slot to celebrate ObamaCare enrollmentApril 4, 2014
Self-identified 'middle class' radically shrinks under ObamaApril 4, 2014
Rep. Moran: 'A lot of members canâ\冲 even afford to live decently in Washington'April 4, 2014
Hillary decries 'partisanship'April 4, 2014
Most Americans dismiss climate change as a major environmental issueApril 4, 2014
Splintering the 'comprehensive immigration reform' coalitionApril 4, 2014
Hiring picks up in March: Official unemployment rate stays at 6.7%April 4, 2014
Obama Channels Stalin in Rose Garden SpeechApril 4, 2014
House Oversight Committee to vote on contempt citation for Lois LernerApril 4, 2014
Mozilla CEO forced out over opposition to gay marriageApril 4, 2014
Macy's Falls Short on Their 'Commitment' to VeteransApril 3, 2014
Another Phony Obamacare PollApril 3, 2014
Report: Study reveals thousands of possible double voters in North CarolinaApril 3, 2014
The Government Motors scandal deepensApril 3, 2014
NASA suspends communication with Russia over Ukraine crisisApril 3, 2014
The EPA channels Dr. MengeleApril 3, 2014
Former Obama official: Employer mandate won't happenApril 3, 2014
CFPB employee alleges discrimination, bullying at the agencyApril 3, 2014
Yes, the Hispanic media is liberal but the GOP should keep talking to themApril 3, 2014
Biden, the buffoonApril 3, 2014
Another slaughter of disarmed soldiers at Fort HoodApril 3, 2014
The Wages of Political CorrectnessApril 3, 2014
Leftists apoplectic over SCOTUS free speech ruling in <em>McCutcheon</em>April 3, 2014
Oil Trains Start Rumbling Into CaliforniaApril 3, 2014
The Koch Ness MonsterApril 2, 2014
A 'pep rally' without Democrats?April 2, 2014
White House celebrates 7 million people forced, by law, to sign up for insuranceApril 2, 2014
Wind turbine farms becoming electoral poisonApril 2, 2014
'Bad optics' for gun control advocatesApril 2, 2014
DC Mayor Vincent Gray defeated in Democratic primaryApril 2, 2014
The poster boy for liberal hypocrisy ignored by national media, but outrages San FranciscoApril 2, 2014
For want of a dollar, lives were lostApril 2, 2014
Obama's Rose Garden phony numbers 'tell'April 2, 2014
'My 7-Step Plan to Destroy America'April 2, 2014
A curious incident did not happen at the White HouseApril 2, 2014
Now we know why Mexico needed public education 'reformas'April 2, 2014
Backwards Missouri Persecutes the AilingApril 2, 2014
French Socialism Melting Like the Wicked WitchApril 2, 2014
Respect the GameApril 2, 2014
Afghan TwilightApril 1, 2014
April Fool's Day ObamaCare Enrollment NumbersApril 1, 2014
US weighs releasing Jonathan PollardApril 1, 2014
CIA Station Chief confirms no protests before Benghazi attackApril 1, 2014
Is Yellen Howlin' mad?April 1, 2014
Is there a minimum wage deal in the works?April 1, 2014
As November disaster looms, Dems forming circular firing squadApril 1, 2014
6 to 1 liberal bias in news on Spanish language TVApril 1, 2014
Allen West -- Guardian of the RepublicApril 1, 2014
Bad day for socialism and a good day for common sense in FranceApril 1, 2014
April Fools?April 1, 2014
The Israeli One State SolutionApril 1, 2014
New Cold War with Russia Heating Up in SyriaApril 1, 2014 Is Who's on ThirdApril 1, 2014
America's Oil Boom is All about TexasApril 1, 2014
Rachel Ray does ObamaCare
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