Obamacare website crashes on final day of enrollment

Enrollment on the healthcare.gov website is ending the way it began - very badly.

The site crashed this morning and although it has been somewhat revived, visitors are being put into a queue where an email will tell them when they can register.


Healthcare.gov, the online marketplace bedeviled by bugs since its launch last fall, went down for several hours Monday morning, a statement from the Department of Health and Human Services said. The "tech team is working now to bring the system online as soon as possible," HHS said in a statement.

The site later appeared to be operating, but it was putting customers in a "queue", meaning they'd be notified by email when they could proceed with enrollment,

"Consumers may also complete their application by calling the call center at 1-800-318-2596. The federal data services hub is working normally," HHS said.

Monday at midnight ET is the deadline to sign up for insurance in the online markets created by President Barack Obama's signature health care law.

Million of people have piled onto the sites in the last days, and the federal government said as of last week, 6 million people had applied for insurance.

The administration announced an extension for those who had started an application by Monday but didn't finish, perhaps because of errors, missing information or website glitches. HHS says as long as people have gotten in line by Monday, they will be allowed to finish their applications.

As I've said many times before, and will keep saying every time some liberal celebrates; it doesn't matter how many people sign up for Obamacare insurance. It's the law of the land and you will have the IRS after you if you fail to get insurance. Buying insurance has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not someone supports Obamacare. The only thing you can take away from the numbers that will gleefully be announced by the White House is that 6 or 7 million people don't want to pay a fine or are terrified of the IRS.

That said, if things stay true to form, about 20% or 1.2 million people will sign up for insurance and then fail to pay the first month's premium. You can be sure the White House won't announce that number, or any other metric that doesn't make happy talk about Obamacare.


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