McDaniel College in Westminster Maryland finds itself at the center of a controversy after it was revealed that a fraternity and sorority jointly sponsored a party themed CMT (Country Music Television) vs BET (Black Entertainment Television).  Photos show Black stars being parodied with big behinds and huge Afros.

In a statement, a McDaniel vice president told WJZ (TV): “McDaniel supports inclusiveness. Any event that promotes negative stereotypes or disrespect of others is reprehensible.”

A statement that could be translated as “McDaniel supports inclusiveness.  Except those views with which we disagree or can be criticized for allowing.”

This is because holding a party themed to ridicule gun owners, crackers, the military, conservatives, straights, Evangelicals or white men in general would be defended by McDaniel as free speech. 

Wouldn’t it?

It’s been said before but gotta say it again -- free speech entails the freedom to be offended.


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