American Thinker Blog
March 31, 2014
NYT Gushes over Freed TerroristMarch 31, 2014
Senate Democrats Want $65 Billion in Business Tax BreaksMarch 31, 2014
Trayvon Martin and the Flat Earth SocietyMarch 31, 2014
UN Puts the 'War' Back in 'Global Warming'March 31, 2014
Iran pokes a finger in Obama's eyeMarch 31, 2014
Europe Runs Out of Other People's MoneyMarch 31, 2014
'Opening Day' gives our friends in Venezuela a chance to talk Cabrera rather than MaduroMarch 31, 2014
The 'first lady of justice' and the convicted abortion Medicaid fraudsterMarch 31, 2014
60 Minutes details what everyone in the industry knew...except the SECMarch 31, 2014
Putin covets Finland says former advisorMarch 31, 2014
Christie apologizes for 'occupied territories' gaffeMarch 31, 2014
68,000 criminal aliens released last yearMarch 31, 2014
California Dems cook-up strategy to deflect Leland Yee scandalMarch 31, 2014
Obamacare website crashes on final day of enrollmentMarch 31, 2014
GOP establishment turns to Jeb BushMarch 30, 2014
A great American hero died this weekMarch 30, 2014
Flood Plains are for FloodsMarch 30, 2014
EPA Budget Focus: GHG Trumps More-Serious Environmental IssuesMarch 30, 2014
'Influential Republicans' back Bush in 2016March 30, 2014
Climate hysteric suggests arresting 'deniers'March 30, 2014
Noel Sheppard, R.I.P.March 30, 2014
A Fully Funded, Shovel Ready Racial DivideMarch 30, 2014
Kerry looks for 'compromise' in Ukraine talksMarch 30, 2014
Did Justice Kagan embarrass herself during the Hobby Lobby oral arguments?March 30, 2014
More recall trouble for GMMarch 30, 2014
Obamacare Goes to HollywoodMarch 30, 2014
In Caracas, students shame OAS with peaceful protestMarch 30, 2014
Is George Orwell Working in the White House?March 30, 2014
Paul, Huckabee lead in latest presidential snapshot pollMarch 30, 2014
Bilingual Nations: Language as a pretense for invasion.March 29, 2014
'War against Doctors'March 29, 2014
Why didn't President Obama tell the Europeans to get serious about NATO?March 29, 2014
Governor Quinn holds the dying hostage in IL budget fightMarch 29, 2014
Top Ten Things Putin Said to Obama about UkraineMarch 29, 2014
Report: Russia threatened countries in advance of UN voteMarch 29, 2014
Can Obama Coax Putin With a Basket of Seeds?March 29, 2014
Gallup: Young Americans trending more DemocraticMarch 29, 2014
A quiet coup ratchets up the propaganda quotient in education with Advanced Placement examsMarch 29, 2014
Maryland to give up on $125 million Obamacare exchangeMarch 29, 2014
Rahm Emanuel puts some daylight between himself and ObamaCareMarch 29, 2014
Ebony Magazine issues apology to black conservatives for racist commentsMarch 29, 2014
Obamacare support craters at 26%March 29, 2014
Should Putin have been careful what he wished for?March 29, 2014
Government Austerity Drives Private Sector GrowthMarch 29, 2014
Julianne Ortman: The Solution to America's Franken ProblemMarch 28, 2014
'So God Made a Trial Lawyer'March 28, 2014
House Intel Chair Rogers to retireMarch 28, 2014
Putin deploys 100,000 troops while Obama admin deploys...a selfieMarch 28, 2014
Obama Saudi trip: Mission ImpossibleMarch 28, 2014
Feminism's internal contradiction exposed in BritainMarch 28, 2014
Court upholds tough Texas abortion standardsMarch 28, 2014
Biden: Illegal immigrants are 'already American citizens'March 28, 2014
Harry Reid claims he never called Obamacare horror stories liesMarch 28, 2014
Cowardly lawmakers use legislative skullduggery to pass Doc fixMarch 28, 2014
Pope and President disagree about what was discussed in their meetingMarch 28, 2014
Sebelius claims she can't rule out more ObamaCare delaysMarch 28, 2014
College athletes and UnionsMarch 28, 2014
Will Brazil's leaders remember what happened in Mexico during the 1968 Olympics?March 28, 2014
Two Modern False GodsMarch 28, 2014
Michelle's Message to China Meant for America's EarsMarch 27, 2014
Bin Laden Son-in-Law convicted, but alive; Detroit is still deadMarch 27, 2014
Dem gun control advocate charged with gun-runningMarch 27, 2014
Why your wallet is feeling a lot lighterMarch 27, 2014
Vulnerable Senate Dems plan Obamacare tweaksMarch 27, 2014
Harry Reid used campaign funds to give granddaughter $17,000March 27, 2014
US Intel sees greater chance of Russia entering Eastern UkraineMarch 27, 2014
World's two most recognized anti-capitalists meet in RomeMarch 27, 2014
Maybe the 'uninsured' want to stay 'uninsured'March 27, 2014
Hilarious: Only one person slow claps after Obama speaks in NetherlandsMarch 27, 2014
CHEF: Myriad loving close-ups of gorgeous ediblesMarch 27, 2014
Who is a Refugee?March 27, 2014
Coal-Fired Plants on the Chopping BlockMarch 27, 2014
California State Sen. Yee's Arrest PartnerMarch 27, 2014
Russia, Only a 'Regional Power' -- That Neighbors the U.S.March 27, 2014
Unpacking Putin's Crimea SpeechMarch 26, 2014
Big political corruption arrest in CaliforniaMarch 26, 2014
Maybe the 'uninsured' want to stay 'uninsured'March 26, 2014
Democrat's class warfare pitch 'fizzling'March 26, 2014
The 'political gaffe of the year' might just hand GOP the Iowa Senate seatMarch 26, 2014
Calling out liberal racismMarch 26, 2014
Obama calls Russia a 'regional power' but Putin has different ideasMarch 26, 2014
The most powerful woman in the worldMarch 26, 2014
All in the family: Valerie Jarrett and the Chicago communistsMarch 26, 2014
Loyalty to a stricken friend costs little girl a day at schoolMarch 26, 2014
Removing Maduro may be the only way to save VenezuelaMarch 26, 2014
Famous Illinois Democrat bolts from the party's nominee for governorMarch 26, 2014
Dem Demonization FailMarch 26, 2014
Never mind that March 31 Obamacare enrollment deadlineMarch 26, 2014
Race bullies are losing the voter ID battleMarch 26, 2014
This Year's Margaret Sanger Award Goes to Nancy PelosiMarch 26, 2014
Let's pretend in La-La Land vital recordsMarch 25, 2014
Where is the Daddy?March 25, 2014
A Preposition too far at the NYTMarch 25, 2014
Beating the Mohammed MemeMarch 25, 2014
Gallup Poll Predicts Dem Midterm WipeoutMarch 25, 2014
California Money Flooding into ArkansasMarch 25, 2014
Administration to cancel Hellfire and Tomahawk missile programsMarch 25, 2014
Missing plane coverage an endless stream of speculationMarch 25, 2014
Another day, another royal Obamacare decree resetMarch 25, 2014
Get Putin's attention by reviving the missile defense in PolandMarch 25, 2014
A New Study Says Benefits of Global Warming Greatly Exceed CostsMarch 25, 2014
Hosting Obama costs Belgium 20 times as much as hosting EU SummitMarch 25, 2014
Getting away with murder the Chicago WayMarch 25, 2014
Give us your 'Huddled Masses, Gangsters, and FSB'March 25, 2014
Harry Reid blames Republicans for Crimea annexationMarch 25, 2014
Nothing to see here, move alongMarch 24, 2014
Why the 'hipster elite' isn't cool.March 24, 2014
Leading scientific body to review its support for global warming 'consensus'March 24, 2014
529 Muslim Brotherhood members sentenced to death in EgyptMarch 24, 2014
Who called the pilot of missing plane right before takeoff?March 24, 2014
Hilarious: <em>Mother Jones</em> says MH 370 debris not found because of...March 24, 2014
Japan to allow US to control stockpile of enriched uraniumMarch 24, 2014
Government waste chroniclesMarch 24, 2014
Study: Obama most well travelled president in history after 5 yearsMarch 24, 2014
Michelle Obama: China's First Amendment Rights AdvocateMarch 24, 2014
The UN Renounces BiofuelsMarch 24, 2014
NYT Faults Israel for Going After Palestinian TerroristMarch 24, 2014
Mayor Nutter in Need of DictionaryMarch 24, 2014
Cold is the KillerMarch 24, 2014
Douglas Mainwaring on the airMarch 24, 2014
Rommel International Airport?March 23, 2014
Racism in AmericaMarch 23, 2014
Biden blames Putin homophobia for Crimea invasionMarch 23, 2014
Democrats try to go on offense for 4th anniversary of ObamacareMarch 23, 2014
Ukrainian soldiers sing national anthem as Russian troops storm their baseMarch 23, 2014
NATO general expresses concern over Putin's intentions in MoldovaMarch 23, 2014
US-Russian tensions aren't affecting space operations at ISSMarch 23, 2014
The Washington Post has fallen and it can't get upMarch 23, 2014
The case of the dancing flight attendantsMarch 23, 2014
Turkey shoots down Syrian planeMarch 23, 2014
Obamacare: Arbitrary and UnfairMarch 23, 2014
Obama's second term appointments more radical than the firstMarch 23, 2014
Another glitch discoveredMarch 23, 2014
Race and the Secret ServiceMarch 23, 2014
Michelle: 'My husband has dragged me kicking and screaming into things that I wanted no parts of'March 23, 2014
Irony: Patrick Henry's 'Liberty or Death' Speech and ObamaCare share the same AnniversaryMarch 22, 2014
Blinded by Green EnergyMarch 22, 2014
Our choices are not war with Russia or doing nothing of consequenceMarch 22, 2014
Drudge provokes lefties to demonstrate their ignorance on Obamacare and small businessMarch 22, 2014
Obama's scare tactics for mid terms not based in realityMarch 22, 2014
'People-to-People' Berating of Beijing Hotel StaffMarch 22, 2014
Yet another hate crime hoaxMarch 22, 2014
FBI clears agent who shot Marathon bombing suspect's friendMarch 22, 2014
Mooch and her mother making no friends among the Chinese proletariat serving themMarch 22, 2014
Media shield law moves forward in Senate - Without bloggersMarch 22, 2014
Is it time for a Koch brothers drinking game yet?March 22, 2014
Treading on others' health care is just fineMarch 22, 2014
Missing plane was carrying flammable lithium-ion batteriesMarch 22, 2014
Greedy liberals prefer cheap oil over peoples' livesMarch 22, 2014
NYT Violates Basic Journalism RuleMarch 22, 2014
The Grand Budapest HotelMarch 21, 2014
Guess who's coming to terror?March 21, 2014
Washington Post busted!March 21, 2014
Not a lot of love for Obama at last night's Hispanic networking hourMarch 21, 2014
Telling You Not to Use the Word 'Bossy' is, well, Kind of Bossy. Isnâ\冲 it?March 21, 2014
The End of Chavismo in Venezuela?March 21, 2014
Obama-appointed judge: border fence may have a 'disparate impact' on minoritiesMarch 21, 2014
What is Iran doing building a mock-up of a US aircraft carrier?March 21, 2014
Death throes at a pillar of the American leftMarch 21, 2014
Half of cigarettes in NY come from black marketMarch 21, 2014
Fauxcahontas sending her Indian heritage down the memory hole?March 21, 2014
Another warmist fantasy crashes to earthMarch 21, 2014
IL Dems seek to put millionaire tax on November ballotMarch 21, 2014
Fed Chair Yellen Politely Indicates Higher Rates AheadMarch 21, 2014
WaPo and NYT Blame Israel for Syrian AggressionMarch 21, 2014
Modern Journalism: We Report, We DecideMarch 20, 2014
Putin Wants Crimea's Oil and Gas RightsMarch 20, 2014
Possible debris from MH 370 spotted in Indian OceanMarch 20, 2014
President LaughingstockMarch 20, 2014
Let's not forget that Argentina is a first rate mess tooMarch 20, 2014
The 'Obama is weak' message is coming from our alliesMarch 20, 2014
News you won't be hearing about Michelle Obama's China junketMarch 20, 2014
Ukraine to pull troops out of CrimeaMarch 20, 2014
The story of the fake spy writing air quality rules at EPA despite no expertiseMarch 20, 2014
Jesse Jackson does Silicon ValleyMarch 20, 2014
Should voters be required to prove they are citizens?March 20, 2014
Rand Paul does BerkeleyMarch 20, 2014
Unsettled science: New study questions link between heart disease and saturated fatMarch 20, 2014
Hilarious: Notorious Democratic Underground blogger tries ObamacareMarch 20, 2014
WaPo: 'Obama doesnâАЩt grasp PutinâАЩs Eurasian ambitions'March 20, 2014
This guy actually writes for a major, serious publicationMarch 19, 2014
Malaysia 370: A Tragic Accident (and Nothing More)March 19, 2014
Retired USAF general says Malaysia 370 may have landed in PakistanMarch 19, 2014
Who has paid their Obamacare premiums?March 19, 2014
White House pastry chef quitsMarch 19, 2014
Sign of the Times: Transgender woman blames murders on pre-op male selfMarch 19, 2014
When the going gets tough...March 19, 2014
Just Go Ahead and Criminalize Freedom, Why Don't You?March 19, 2014
Insurance industry predicts skyrocketing Obamacare premiums next yearMarch 19, 2014
If Paul Ryan is a 'racist,' then so is ObamaMarch 19, 2014
Dem AG shuts down investigation of Dem reps caught on tape accepting bribesMarch 19, 2014
It's Rauner vs. Quinn in hot IL governor's raceMarch 19, 2014
Russian forces invade and occupy Ukraine naval base in CrimeaMarch 19, 2014
Jerry Brown resorts to old people joke to sell faltering high speed rail projectMarch 19, 2014
Greens seek to derail expansion of natural gas exportsMarch 19, 2014
After 'bossy' is eliminated 'meritocracy' may be next on the feminist ban listMarch 18, 2014
Jonathan Tobin on Obamacare 'fake enrollment numbers'March 18, 2014
Fast Food workers to rally against 'wage theft'March 18, 2014
Epitaphs for the Obama presidency (3)March 18, 2014
Epitaphs for the Obama presidency (2)March 18, 2014
Epitaphs for the Obama presidency (1)March 18, 2014
Does Obama have the scariest 'A Team' in American history?March 18, 2014
Another Obama nominee faces confirmation struggleMarch 18, 2014
The Hillary '16 propaganda machine launches a second forayMarch 18, 2014
Michelle Obama leaves for China tomorrowMarch 18, 2014
Massachusetts fires CGI from healthcare exchange website workMarch 18, 2014
Russian leader laughs at Obama sanctionsMarch 18, 2014
Young people are a huge part of the opposition to Maduro in VenezuelaMarch 18, 2014
Obama Retracts Jewish Identity of IsraelMarch 18, 2014
Putin's Desire for New Power StatusMarch 18, 2014
Exceptional Mexicans Support Second AmendmentMarch 17, 2014
Navy SEALs to the rescue in tanker dramaMarch 17, 2014
Russian TV anchor says Moscow could turn US into 'radioactive ash'March 17, 2014
Not so fast, MichelleMarch 17, 2014
The best Obama 'diss' in recent memoryMarch 17, 2014
Jobs numbers: The real storyMarch 17, 2014
When US Ambassador to UN Speaks, It's Just AirMarch 17, 2014
Did the Chinese accidentally shoot down Flight 370? - and other speculationsMarch 17, 2014
The Real March MadnessMarch 17, 2014
Obama's circusMarch 17, 2014
You want to see a 'war on women'?March 17, 2014
North Korea's reassuring sign of aggressionMarch 17, 2014
Venezuela: Cracking heads is how you listen to the opposition?March 17, 2014
RNC Chair Priebus plans changes to presidential nomination processMarch 17, 2014
The Future of the InternetMarch 17, 2014
What causes most air pollutionMarch 16, 2014
Truth or Dare and the Great DivideMarch 16, 2014
Hey Ukraine, Thomas Friedman Has Got Your BackMarch 16, 2014
You Bought His Ticket; He Took You for a RideMarch 16, 2014
Are we watching the 2014 version of 'Malaise'?March 16, 2014
Allah's Sword of TerrorMarch 16, 2014
Russia vetoes UN resolution on CrimeaMarch 16, 2014
Affirmative action drama in CaliforniaMarch 16, 2014
Obama's anti-gun surgeon general nominee in troubleMarch 16, 2014
GOP blasts decision to cut ties with ICANNMarch 16, 2014
Obamacare marketing desperation mountsMarch 16, 2014
Pilot of Flight 370 an 'obsessive supporter' of jailed opposition figureMarch 16, 2014
Car dealer fighting back against unionMarch 16, 2014
Below the radar: Tatars in CrimeaMarch 16, 2014
Gun store owner defies ATF demand for his customer listMarch 16, 2014
Sunday in Caracas: 'Cubans go home'March 15, 2014
What Did W.E.B Griffin Know And When Did He Know It?March 15, 2014
Hysterical Russian anti-Ukraine propaganda at fever pitchMarch 15, 2014
Obama unintentionally reveals his insecurityMarch 15, 2014
US voluntarily gives up control of internetMarch 15, 2014
US-Russia talks on Crimea break downMarch 15, 2014
Progs start to realize the disaster ahead, but still are in denialMarch 15, 2014
New CNN poll shows Americans think Russia a threatMarch 15, 2014
A Criminologist Questions: Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Hacked?March 15, 2014
A SCOTUS 'fix' in the works?March 15, 2014
Run Scotty, Run!March 15, 2014
Jay Carney may be bailing outMarch 15, 2014
Gates: Software to replace millions of human jobs in 20 yearsMarch 15, 2014
This is why I voted for McCain in 2008March 15, 2014
The political equivalent of a solar eclipseMarch 15, 2014
Members of Congress: Your Friendly Insurance AgentsMarch 14, 2014
A glimpse inside the dysfunctional federal bureaucracyMarch 14, 2014
Putin playing for keepsMarch 14, 2014
Workers file suit to prevent VW, union from collusion on voteMarch 14, 2014
Malaysia Airlines scariest scenario getting more thinkableMarch 14, 2014
Beyonce sex video may help push STD rates even higherMarch 14, 2014
DoJ blocks FBI from investigation Senators Reid and Lee corruptionMarch 14, 2014
Kerry's ultimatum to Russia, translatedMarch 14, 2014
August, 1914? Or the Rhineland, 1937?March 14, 2014
The face of Obamacare's uselessnessMarch 14, 2014
What Libraries Can Teach Governors About How To Purge Ineligible VotersMarch 14, 2014
Buying a Presidency with a Bag of Beans and Glass of MilkMarch 14, 2014
Pure coincidence? The 'ban bossy' movement and Hillary's campaignMarch 14, 2014
ObamaCare: Does President Obama understand that he is making things worse?March 14, 2014
WaPo Peddles Anti-Israeli Poison PillsMarch 14, 2014
Against Social LiberalismMarch 13, 2014
Government Workers Cost 45% More Than Private SectorMarch 13, 2014
Sheila Jackson-Lee, performance artist?March 13, 2014
Obama: Forget Your Cable TV and Cell Phone, Buy Insurance InsteadMarch 13, 2014
Hard to feel sympathy for Democrats who didn't read or understand Obama CareMarch 13, 2014
Can the White House please get its story straight on the CIA spying on Congress?March 13, 2014
Gloomy Dems take comfort in bizarre post-election spinMarch 13, 2014
Compassionate, tolerant, understanding liberal academics in actionMarch 13, 2014
Congressional Dems getting that sinking feeling from latest pollMarch 13, 2014
Business groups blindsided by Obama's proposed overtime regsMarch 13, 2014
Florida TV station documents ineligible voters as DoJ sues to prevent state from purging rollsMarch 13, 2014
Welcome to BadBlue News: Breaking News, Sourced by Social MediaMarch 13, 2014
Wendy Davis has a 'problema con el aborto' in South TexasMarch 13, 2014
More Dim DemsMarch 13, 2014
Was Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 Stolen? A Brief Criminological InquiryMarch 13, 2014
Kerry's Right -- it's not the Nineteenth CenturyMarch 12, 2014
Is Henninger Right about the 'Carterization' of Obama?March 12, 2014
What happened to Malaysia Air flight 370?March 12, 2014
House Oversight Committee lays groundwork for charging Lois LernerMarch 12, 2014
DHS using bogus deportation numbers to inflate Obama enforcement claimsMarch 12, 2014
Nations dependent on Russian supplies plead for US gas exportsMarch 12, 2014
Obamacare enrollments down in FebruaryMarch 12, 2014
CIA and Senate at war over torture docs, spying on lawmakersMarch 12, 2014
Obamacare is not funny - so dieMarch 12, 2014
Bossy Is The New 'N Word'?March 12, 2014
President Obama should listen to FDR's fireside chatsMarch 12, 2014
David Jolly's huge 2% victory in bellwether congressional special electionMarch 12, 2014
North Korea's Dear Leader Sails Into the MediterraneanMarch 12, 2014
The Dead Parrot of Man-Made Climate ChangeMarch 12, 2014
Dartmouth surrenders to threat of 'physical action' and offers $31 millionMarch 12, 2014
Why America overpays for bridges, highways, transit, and other transportation infrastructureMarch 11, 2014
Dems running into more Texas troubleMarch 11, 2014
Obama's Surgeon CorporalMarch 11, 2014
Will any one be able to govern El Salvador after this election?March 11, 2014
Echoes of Edward R. Murrow in Sharyl Attkisson's departure from CBS NewsMarch 11, 2014
Obama to cut AWACS fleet by 25%March 11, 2014
Stupid Democrat Tricks: the all-night 'climate change' <em>faux</em>libusterMarch 11, 2014
Down to the wire in FL 13th special electionMarch 11, 2014
Interpol: Malaysian jet disappearance not likely related to terrorismMarch 11, 2014
Feds to investigate Maryland's Obamacare exchangeMarch 11, 2014
Frontiers of Victimology: female black obesity editionMarch 11, 2014
Ted Cruz's Winning WeekendMarch 11, 2014
Rand Paul vs. Ted Cruz?March 11, 2014
Cake WarsMarch 11, 2014
Obama To Cut Non-Union Military Pensions By 10%March 11, 2014
At WaPo, Only Israeli-Bashing Will DoMarch 10, 2014
NLRB cites Longshoremen for intimidation, beatingsMarch 10, 2014
Rev. Wright's chickens come home to roostMarch 10, 2014
The Obamas' Hyde Park mansion after 2016March 10, 2014
DHS tells border guards to run away from illegals who throw rocks at themMarch 10, 2014
The Bitcoin OmenMarch 10, 2014
Let's party like we're $100 trillion in debtMarch 10, 2014
Honoring a Venezuelan tyrant amid bloody protestsMarch 10, 2014
Giving peace a chance the Iranian wayMarch 10, 2014
ObamaCare: Frankly some union leaders need to refund duesMarch 10, 2014
When You Can't Think, You Need to ThinkMarch 10, 2014
Another Well-Deserved Obama âАШWork Your Butt OffâАЩ VacationMarch 10, 2014
An Empty StatementMarch 10, 2014
As China and India Back Russia, Ukraine Crisis Is OverMarch 10, 2014
Take the Moral High GroundMarch 10, 2014
A Boneheaded AdministrationMarch 9, 2014
A Bridge to TranscendenceMarch 9, 2014
Did Al-Qaeda In China Blow Up Malaysian Airliner?March 9, 2014
CMT vs BET?March 9, 2014
We should call the "Castro-Chavez" axis in Latin America the new 'evil empire'March 9, 2014
9 Reasons Why Public Schools Wallow In MediocrityMarch 9, 2014
California Seeks Obamacare Funding for Voter RegistrationMarch 9, 2014
A law so stupid California legislature seeks to repeal it two months after it took effectMarch 9, 2014
Rand Paul wins CPAC straw pollMarch 9, 2014
Could Putin get Cuba back by bailing out the Castro regime again?March 9, 2014
California legislative stupidity (continued)March 9, 2014
Obama tells Democrats it's time to get worriedMarch 9, 2014
Lefty blogger reveals White House censorship of tax-exempt nonprofit's writingsMarch 9, 2014
Palin thrashes GOP 'Beltway Boys' in CPAC Keynote SpeechMarch 9, 2014
Harvey Weinstein wants more tax breaksMarch 9, 2014
Turley: 'The President's Power Grab'March 8, 2014
Call to Black AmericansMarch 8, 2014
When Democrats Defended the ConstitutionMarch 8, 2014
Share Your Burrito 'So Someone Else Can Have More'March 8, 2014
Russia's Power Play in UkraineMarch 8, 2014
California gun shop drops the smart gun after furious backlashMarch 8, 2014
Obama, Hispanics and the limits of 'si se puede' campaigningMarch 8, 2014
Russia not waiting for Crimea referendumMarch 8, 2014
Malaysia Airlines mid-air horrorMarch 8, 2014
Saudis name Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist groupMarch 8, 2014
'Change is Novelty'March 8, 2014
Is the IRS using a 'modified limited hang-out' strategy?March 8, 2014
Rand Paul and Rick Perry give 1-2 punch at CPACMarch 8, 2014
Where did all that extra Obamacare money go?March 8, 2014
Mayor de Blasio has a Twisted need to Punish the RichMarch 7, 2014
McCain least popular senator in the countryMarch 7, 2014
Amid crisis in Ukraine, Obama will vacation in FloridaMarch 7, 2014
Buyers' remorse in NYC as De Blasio polling tanksMarch 7, 2014
Economy adds 175,000 jobs in FebruaryMarch 7, 2014
A Response to AT's Comment ThreadsMarch 7, 2014
First state passes Article V Convention of States resolutionMarch 7, 2014
Christie, Rubio fire up CPACMarch 7, 2014
Run, Bernie, Run!March 7, 2014
Only one in ten uninsured enrolled in Obamacare: SurveyMarch 7, 2014
Knives and guns in city governmentMarch 7, 2014
Oops! Was Section 8 a giant mistake?March 7, 2014
Our Asian allies must be thrilled that we are cutting and the Chinese are expanding their military spendingMarch 7, 2014
NPR's Liberal GeographyMarch 7, 2014
A Pence for your thoughtsMarch 7, 2014
Who is Ray Madrigal?March 6, 2014
Two images: Obama and PutinMarch 6, 2014
Shocker: IRS estimates cheapest Obamacare plan $20k per family in 2016March 6, 2014
The Abbott vs Davis race is onMarch 6, 2014
Obama budget guts joint missile defense research with IsraelMarch 6, 2014
RT anchor resigns on air citing Ukraine 'whitewashing'March 6, 2014
US announces sanctions against RussiaMarch 6, 2014
Ezekiel Emanuel lets the cat out of the bag on ObamacareMarch 6, 2014
Obama calls rejection of Debo Adegbile 'a travesty'March 6, 2014
Obama Budget is Rainbows, Butterflies, and UnicornsMarch 6, 2014
Hope for Illinois GOPMarch 6, 2014
Is the CU-Boulder Sexual Harassment Scandal Falling Apart?March 6, 2014
Football is No Place for Political CorrectnessMarch 6, 2014
Free Lois Lerner!March 6, 2014
Palin's MistakeMarch 5, 2014
Rachel Maddow: Ukraine is Bush's faultMarch 5, 2014
Putin Teaches Kerry and Obama How to Play ChessMarch 5, 2014
Leftist leaders fondly remember Hugo Chavez one year after his deathMarch 5, 2014
Did the Koch brothers buy The Washington Post?March 5, 2014
Doomsters foiled by new study of ocean fishMarch 5, 2014
War on Women Chronicles: Alan Grayson under investigation in domestic violence complaintMarch 5, 2014
Russian TV host condemns 'military aggression' in UkraineMarch 5, 2014
Is Putin in touch with reality?March 5, 2014
Another George Bush wins in TexasMarch 5, 2014
Yet another hate crime hoaxMarch 5, 2014
Lawmakers probe CIA failure in UkraineMarch 5, 2014
OFA caught selling access to Obama officialsMarch 5, 2014
Cornyn, Sessions roll in Texas GOP primaryMarch 5, 2014
Lois Lerner Pleads the Fifth AgainMarch 5, 2014
Senate rejects Obama nominee for DoJ Civil Rights DivisionMarch 5, 2014
German Homeschool Family Can StayMarch 5, 2014
Ukraine Crisis Means Drill Baby DrillMarch 5, 2014
Law, Logic, and the Tendency to OvercomplicateMarch 4, 2014
Bastiat, Obama, and the RussiansMarch 4, 2014
Russian Stock Market Crash Won't Mean Much to USMarch 4, 2014
China watches Ukraine, eyes TaiwanMarch 4, 2014
After Hawaii and Aspen Michelle Going to ChinaMarch 4, 2014
Report: Obama plans new Obamacare delay to help Dems in midtermsMarch 4, 2014
Michelle Obama's help for 'confused and bewildered' grocery shoppers is lameMarch 4, 2014
Out and in Drag in OkinawaMarch 4, 2014
Emails revealed on Lois Lerner's attorney agreeing to her testifyingMarch 4, 2014
Can Putin pull back from the brink?March 4, 2014
Playing the Green race cardMarch 4, 2014
Vulnerable Dem Senators on the spot tomorrowMarch 4, 2014
TNR: Romney got Russia rightMarch 4, 2014
Warren Buffet disses global warming extreme weather fear-mongeringMarch 4, 2014
GOP Texas primaries not likely to surpriseMarch 4, 2014
The future of parent-child relationshipsMarch 4, 2014
Belmont Club's Richard Fernandez guests on Moran's showMarch 3, 2014
For Obama, the fun is goneMarch 3, 2014
Ho-hum: Hollywood had a big self-congratulatory party last nightMarch 3, 2014
Markets doing the job Obama and the west can't doMarch 3, 2014
Corruption costs Democrats their California supermajorityMarch 3, 2014
Bill Clinton's idea of heavenMarch 3, 2014
Lerner's attorney says she won't testifyMarch 3, 2014
Even WaPo sees Obama foreign policy is based on a 'fantasy'March 3, 2014
Ukraine naval officers reject appeal to defectMarch 3, 2014
Man sues McDonald's over this?March 3, 2014
Putin's Gambit: A History Lesson.March 3, 2014
Hundreds of kids arrested at White House in Keystone protestMarch 3, 2014
Obama paints Bibi as obstacle to peace, lauds AbbasMarch 3, 2014
MSM Refuses to Hold Democrats to a Standard of Basic Human DecencyMarch 3, 2014
Breaking: Investors Still Hate ObamaCareMarch 3, 2014
Does Russia Want Alaska Back?March 2, 2014
Rogers: 'Putin is playing chess and we're playing marbles'March 2, 2014
Darrell Issa: Lois Lerner has agreed to testifyMarch 2, 2014
Russian troops surround 3 Ukraine military bases in the CrimeaMarch 2, 2014
Obama skipped Saturday's meeting of national security team on Ukraine crisisMarch 2, 2014
Half a League, Half a League, Half a League onward rode the Obama Foreign Policy Team.March 2, 2014
A New Age now beginsMarch 2, 2014
Valerie Jarrett Confirms Obama Going RogueMarch 2, 2014
California's serious assimilation problemMarch 2, 2014
Russia and China play the 'long game' while Obama dithersMarch 2, 2014
Majority Leader Reid's remarks confirm that Democrats are getting very desperateMarch 2, 2014
NY Times editorial on Russia's move on UkraineMarch 2, 2014
The Media: Obama's KeeperMarch 2, 2014
The Ukrainian DilemmaMarch 2, 2014
Iran, through the WaPo Looking GlassMarch 2, 2014
The Two-Cent RuleMarch 1, 2014
Boston Globe: 'Mass. may give up on still-failing health site'March 1, 2014
Palin Predicts President's Putz-Poor PolicyMarch 1, 2014
2.4% Q4 growth : Is anybody arguing that the stimulus worked?March 1, 2014
Obama signals Putin he isn't really serious about UkraineMarch 1, 2014
Is Putin using private military contractors in Ukraine?March 1, 2014
President Selfie strikes againMarch 1, 2014
Trapped by Obamacare!March 1, 2014
Jimmy Carter plans trip to VenezuelaMarch 1, 2014
Does the 1994 'Budapest Memorandum' obligate the US to intervene in Ukraine?March 1, 2014
Mrs. Obama Schools 'Confused and Bewildered' Grocery ShoppersMarch 1, 2014
The Brother Barack Obama Doesn't 'Keep'March 1, 2014
The Difference between God and ObamaMarch 1, 2014
A Marine Returns HomeMarch 1, 2014
A Little Help for Sister DarlaMarch 1, 2014
Let Them Eat Cake...but Not Have to Bake It
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