The Missing 43 Million
During the misinformation campaign that launched Obamacare we were told that 46 million Americans were in desperate need of health insurance. This was the noble reason for the Federal Government to take over 1/6th of the US economy. This was the humanitarian excuse to toss free enterprise aside, once again, and insert the much needed hand of mother government.
The Obamacare Program has been accessible for nearly 5 months now, and a paltry and questionable 3 million people have enrolled, if not paid.
One must ask, "Where are those in the highly touted state of dire need?" Where are the 43 million?
Lost of course are the facts. As noted by George Will's article in the Washington Post, the uninsured are a group delineated in three tranches.
Almost 39 percent of the uninsured are in five states -- Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, all of which are entry points for immigrants. About 21 percent -- 9.7 million -- of the uninsured are not citizens. Up to 14 million are eligible for existing government programs -- Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, veterans' benefits, etc. -- but have not enrolled. And 9.1 million have household incomes of at least $75,000 and could purchase insurance. Those last two cohorts are more than half of the 45.7 million.
In rough numbers, for all such endeavors are imperfect, one third of the "uninsured" are illegal aliens. The second third are people who CAN afford to buy health insurance, but choose not to. And the final third are people actually in need. This third, this 13 million or so, is the group that all factions wish to assist. Yet even they seem slow to the starting line.
This explains and reveals the disinformation, one more ruse on the American public delivered by the great communicator BHO, upon which the push for Obamacare was propelled.
Is it not time to reveal the fraud of it all?