Do Nothing Democrats Not At It Again

With the federal government at an impasse as to the direction of the country, the Democrats and their sycophants in the mainstream media would like to blame the lack of legislation on the Republicans who control the House of Representatives. Google "Do Nothing Congress" and there are scores of articles and quotes blaming Congress for a record low number of bills passed - even fewer than the infamous "Do Nothing Congress" of the Harry Truman era.

Look a little deeper than the rhetoric and you will find that the inaction is coming from one branch of congress and it is the one controlled by Democrats. I did a tally of the legislation voted on by both bodies of Congress in 2013. I did not include procedural, cloture, confirmation or table votes. I also didn't include trivial votes like naming post offices.

There were 8 bills voted on by both bodies. Seven of the eight bills were written and originated in the House. Only one originated in the senate. The House voted on 141 other bills. The Senate 6. That's it. None of the normal business of appropriating funds. None of the legislation which could create jobs. The Senate had not passed a budget for a number of years until last year.

Of course the Senate does vote to confirm presidential appointees. But Senate Democrats are whining about not getting enough opportunities for confirmation votes so they can hardly blame their legislative lethargy on that. It is Harry Reid who once again is not doing the job that the Senate is required to do to responsibly govern the country. It is Harry Reid, Democrat from Nevada, who is obstructing the normal functioning of the federal government.

The Republicans are doing what they can considering their efforts are impeded by the Senate. Another year, another case of the Do Nothing Democrats.

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