The Man from La Mancha

Little did we know that tilting at windmills would be the MO of #44. Riding his skinny horse Rocinante Holder, the President sallies forth from the Rose Garden accompanied by his trusty squire Sancho Clinton to do battle with the evil dragons from the Land of Spin:

That is not the Obama/Clinton way, however, to come clean - at least not all at once or before an important election. Every tragedy is a PR problem for them, and the response to any problem is spin. That is why over a year after an ambassador and three others were murdered we still don't know what responsibility the president has, where Clinton failed, and which White House staffers fell down on the job.

And the above is from none other than WaPo's Jennifer Rubin who writes the Right Turn column from a compass calibrated to Leningrad.

Coming at the same point from another angle, NYT columnist, Dana Milbank writes:

We've seen this before on health-care reform, gun control and other subjects: Obama will speak about a topic (as he did last week on unemployment benefits) and then move on before the job is done.

Instead of tackling the real problems facing the Nation from the worst labor force participation rate since the Great Depression to crumbling student performance, Don Obama struts his victory over "core" al-Qaeda while "non-core" al-Qaeda terrorist groups are spreading like wildfire:

"Foremost in the narrative is the administration's frequent use of the 'core al-Qaeda' concept. This is a false construct in my judgement and misleading for a number of reasons. Today, there is no central al-Qaeda nucleus. References to a 'core al-Qaeda' imply that its defeat would dismantle terrorist efforts around the world and eliminate the terrorist threat to the homeland. This is not the case. Over time, the term 'al-Qaeda' has come to symbolize an ideology of hate toward the West with a goal of establishment of a caliphate, rule by Sharia law and the pathway there through violent jihad," McCaul continued.

"Terrorist groups are multiplying. They are spreading like wildfire across Northern Africa...Our lack of leadership has damaged our standing in the world, and created a power vacuum being filled by terrorists who are prospering in our absence."

Meanwhile, mesmerized by the chivalric code of good and evil dunned into his mind in halls of academe, Alonso Obama  leads his ménage to tilt at every mirage from phony wars on women, the elderly, the poor and immigrants to phony evils like pipelines and racist  banks and racist schools and racist Islamophobes who dare utter the phrase 'Islamic terrorists.'  

The humor of the President's Don Quixote approach to real-world problems has not been lost on world leadership. He has become a global laughing stock.

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