President Obama Targets 'Promise Zones'

President Obama is addressing income inequality by declaring five "promise zones" which will be targeted for tax incentives and government grants, all for the purpose of lifting them from their economic despair thanks to the largesse of the federal government. These five zones are the cities of Los Angeles, San Antonio and Philadelphia, the state of Kentucky and the Choctaw Nation. These entities have nothing in common other than they are economic train wrecks and the fact that the three cities are run by Democratic mayors and the state of Kentucky is run by a Democratic governor.  The Choctaw Nation is totally independent of political influence as long as one ignores the influence over them of the Department of the Interior.

It would not be a very speculative reach to suggest that the enterprises that the government would be prepared to bestow their favors on would have to be consistent with the agenda of big government, green energy, unions, crony capitalists and local Democratic politics. None of these goals, of course, have ever increased economic prosperity and growth. But, at least, we have the gold standard of a Barack Obama promise.

 Victor Keith writes from Burbank, California and can be contacted at


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