Obamacare may kill Brick Williams

Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit highlights the story of his friend Brick Williams, who is missing lifesaving treatments because of Obamacare:

My friend Brick Williams has a genetic immune deficiency disorder that requires a weekly blood transfusion so he has the antibodies that keep him healthy. Without the weekly transfusions he quickly gets sick to life-threatening degrees.

His private insurance was very expensive but was keeping him alive. In September his private insurance carrier notified him that his policy would be cancelled due to Obamacare. He struggled for weeks and weeks to get a policy through the exchange and finally was able to get one after countless hours of effort, much to his relief.

When he went to get his first treatment his pharmacy contacted his new insurance company and was notified that the government had sent the insurance company a letter instructing them to cancel his obamacare policy.

The website Dontletobamacarekillbrick supplies details on Brick's attempt to replace the health insurance that was deep sixed by Obamacare:

I didn't have insurance about 8-9 years ago for a while and so I wasn't receiving infusions. I was on my deathbed within a year. They were literally preparing my wife to be a widow. I was able to get infusions again (without insurance) and it saved my life. I racked up a $25,000 hospital bill in just a few weeks, but I'm still here. Since that time I've been paying for my own insurance through the state of Utah. Paying an ungodly amount to have insurance for the uninsurable. Starting on Oct. 1st (the first day you could start trying to sign up for obamacare) my wife and I started the process of trying to get me insurance. We had to do this because the insurance I've had for the last 8-9 years doesn't exist anymore as of Jan. 1st.

I cannot adequately describe the funny farm that the obamacare joke is. There simply are no words, and I ran out of swear words long ago. We spent about 40 hours trying to do things through the website, you know, healthcare.gov.loadofcrap/thiswon'twork/youaredumbforeventrying.goaway. Yeah, that website. Since a million hours on the website didn't result in a damn thing I had to call them at least a dozen times from October-December. Each call lasting anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. I had to call my infectious disease doctor a dozen times, my pharmaceutical provider a couple dozen times, etc. etc...I even called God a few times. To make a long story short, 1 out of 50 people you talk to will actually give a damn about you. All 50 of them will tell you a different story, and if you happen to be lucky enough to get on the phone with the "1″ it won't matter. Something will go wrong with the website, with the phase of the moon, with a server crashing somewhere, with a whale farting in the ocean. Something will go wrong, and any progress you made trying to get your application completed so that you can sign up for insurance will be undone. Well, after much trial, after many swear words and with the help of "1″ I finally got my application completed by some miracle. So I signed up for a plan right before the deadline. An awesome plan that was going to save me a large amount of money each month and relieve some of the financial burden that my disease has had on my family. After all, obamacare is supposed to help people like me. We paid the premium, got pre-authorization from my infectious disease doctor and contacted my pharmaceutical provider that sends me the infusion medicine.

When the pharmacy contacted my insurance company the insurance company said they had got a letter from obamacare today, and that letter cancelled my policy...yep, you read it here folks, obamacare cancelled my policy. Of course no one on the face of the planet knows why it is gone, and Lisa and I only spent 4 and half hours on the phone today trying to figure it out. Meanwhile, I've missed one infusion already and it looks like I won't be getting one this week either. All that means is the potential for me to get horribly sick goes up by the day. I am so frustrated by obamacare, by our government, by insurance companies, by my infectious disease, by press 1 to speak to so-and-so."

I regret that in the current atmosphere of reviving lame 1960s slogans, we may soon be able to say, "Obama lied, people died," with Brick as one of the first examples.

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