Regarding 'sin' and the 'sinner'

By Bogie

The histrionics of the gay, the outraged and the media - calling Phil Robertson's definition of sinful behavior hateful, derogatory and disparaging - are missing the point as usual.  Also whiffing on this one are defenders who insist that the issue is Robertson's freedom of speech.  From a Christian perspective, in other words from Robertson's perspective, this is about freedom of religion.

How to put this nicely to the perpetually sensitive Left?  When a Christian calls the behavior of a homosexual a sin, it makes the homosexual nothing special.  You see, in the Christian cosmology, we are all sinners.  Each of us has a spiritual rap sheet and only the particulars differ from one person to the next.  To Christians, therefore, homosexuals are just fellow human beings.

For a believer like Robertson, it's also a sin to think of himself as better, with fewer or lesser sins, than others.  When he calls the homosexual act a sin, he also believes that the homosexual is no worse a sinner - and quite possibly a better man - than he.  As a Christian, Robertson is a bearer of the good news that we are all equal in the eyes of a forgiving Lord.  So all you outraged lefties need to get over yourselves -- to sin is human, nothing more and nothing less.   

That gets us back to Robertson's suspension from Duck Dynasty. The GQ reporter who asked him to define sinful behavior was asking Robertson to express his faith.  The outrage is that when he spoke his faith, the Left tried to shut him up and put him in the back of the bus.  This kind of thing has got to stop.

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