GEICO Gecko Puts a Fork in the Great American Experiment

Have you seen GEICO's latest commercial? Where the gecko drops his tea bag in Boston Harbor and declares "I guess this party's over"?

How fitting from a company built on government largess. From GEICO's web site:

Well, the name goes back to the beginnings of the company. Founder Leo Goodwin first targeted a customer base of U.S. government employees and military personnel. Today, of course, the company has grown to provide insurance to a wide range of customers, whether they're employed by Uncle Sam or the private sector.

I'm sure the commercial is intended as a nuanced and multilayered message. On the surface, a partisan comment on the greatly exaggerated demise of the modern American Tea Party, you know, that loosely unorganized and unaffiliated movement of American citizen taxpayers who have had quite enough of big government corruption and cronyism, hence the acronym TEA for Taxed Enough Already.

Between President Obama, his Democratic allies and operatives including the mainstream media and the Republican establishment, the Tea Party has become a quite popular and very easy target. To hear them tell it, it is the root of all evil and all that is wrong with American politics and our political discourse today. Given this environment, is it any surprise that a company whose origin and continued success are directly attributable to big government is eager to pile on?

Yet in associating the "end of the party" directly with Boston Harbor, the cute little gecko may have overstepped his bounds. This goes beyond the modern American Tea Party, which has no connection, beyond symbolically, to Boston Harbor and directly to the great American experiment in self governance that can be said to have started at Boston Harbor.

The experiment that resulted in the constitutional republic that, with all its fleas, remains to this day unparalleled in the world. The one that every elected official in the land, Democrats and President Obama included, have sworn an oath to protect and defend.

And this is what we've come to in the age of Obama. The declaration of the end of the great American experiment in self-governance by a cartoon character with a foreign accent representing a corporation who owes its existence and continued success to big government, declaring an end to all that generations of American patriots have fought and died to defend.

I don't patronize GEICO and if I did, needless to say, I wouldn't any longer. 

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