A Cuban wife tells the world about her dissident husband

For years, we've admired the work of Dr Oscar Elias Biscet. His story is good reading for who those who do not understand how lucky we are to live in a free country.

Dr Biscet has been in prison several times and is not allowed to leave the island.

Like Dr. Biscet, there are hundreds of Cubans harassed by a dictatorship that survives by imposing a repressive state and boasting about its economic reforms.

Elsa Morejon is Dr Biscet's wife and a human rights activist. It was great to see  her article in The Washington Post:

"A few weeks ago, President Obama invited my husband, Oscar Elías Biscet, and me to a dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Many thought that in light of Obama's efforts to improve relations between the United States and Cuba, Gen. Raúl Castro, Cuba's president, would approve a passport for Oscar so that he could attend. Such was not the case.

Oscar is a physician, but he is not allowed to practice medicine. Amnesty International has named him a prisoner of conscience for his years in jail for defending human rights.

He is a follower of the philosophy of Gandhi and King. In 2007, President George W. Bush awarded Oscar the Medal of Freedom.

But he could not receive the award in person because he was in prison, where he had been sentenced to a term of 25 years.

Oscar was released in 2011, but in many ways he's still a prisoner because he can't leave the island."

Elsa speaks for so many and it was good to see a major US newspaper give her the space to tell the world the truth about Cuba.

Remember Dr Biscet the next time that you hear of all of those "bargains" about traveling to Cuba!

Show your support for Dr Biscet and other dissidents by taking "your vacation dollars" elsewhere!

P.S. You can hear CANTO TALK here & follow me on Twitter @ scantojr.

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