Detroit billboards give wrong election date

By this time, anyone who is left in Detroit is probably wondering, "What else can go wrong"?

Fox Detroit:

Billboards reminding Detroiters their vote is their voice are all over the city. They also mistakenly say the general election is September 2.

Apparently the Detroit City Clerk's Office wanted the billboards updated on September 2 with the date of the general election. Clearly, the person responsible for the work got a little confused. No one caught the mistake until Clerk Janice Winfrey spotted the botched billboards and called the president of International Outdoor on Saturday, the same day the billboards were updated.

The executive told us it was an honest mistake and his company's first in twelve years of business.

The president of International Outdoor said all the billboards will be corrected Tuesday. The work will not cost the city a dime, and the company is even throwing in a few additional billboards for the city's trouble.

The general election is November 5.

Not even close:

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