Congressional Act Mandated Sharia-Compliant Jails And Prisons In America
I worked in Colorado law enforcement for twenty years. During my nearly thirteen years with a major Denver-Metro Sheriff's Office as a Deputy and Detective, I remember only too well the annual approach of the month of Ramadan - the Muslim holy month of fasting during daylight hours.
By policy, prisoner meal schedules were altered, to accommodate the Shariah (Muslim law). During Ramadan, a hot breakfast was served to all inmates before sunrise. Sack lunch dinners were brought to fasting Muslims' cells after sundown. Year-round, an Imam came into the jail on Fridays for afternoon prayers.
If you're wondering, as I always do, how a theo-political totalitarian ideology such as Islam, the doctrines of which are bent on the destruction of Western Civilization, has sunken its tentacles so deeply and broadly into our nation's institutions, where is the answer to the question: How and why did our jails and prisons become legally Sharia-compliant?
Following a little research, during which I found this interesting 2010 report in the Colorado Springs Gazette about religious practices in Colorado prisons and jails, I also discovered the seminal federal law which finally cemented Shariah-compliance into our penal systems. It's called the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIP).
Believe it or not, it was passed by a "unanimous Congress" in 2000. Bill Clinton signed the act into law.
Isn't it interesting that thirteen years later, Bill Clinton's wife, former Secretary of State and presumed 2016 Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has Huma Abedin, a credibly alleged operative of the Muslim Brotherhood, as her long-time closest aide.
Care to guess which members of Congress sponsored the RLUIP? They were Senators Orrin Hatch and Ted Kennedy. Now, there's bi-partisanship at work for you.
If Islam's supremacist doctrines are so ignored or misunderstood by the vast majority of today's Congressional representatives, one must presume that this "unanimity" among the members of both legislative houses to pass the 2000 RLUIP was a farcical demonstration of America's naievete in its most abject form. And September 11, 2001 came in its own time.
The problem is that I don't see anyone in the media or Congress awakening to reality, thirteen years into the War. And da'wa continues in our prisons and jails.