Another Obama 'pivot' toward the economy

Because we know how well the first half dozen or so "pivots" from an unrelated issue to the economy and jobs worked out before.

Associated Press:

Drawing renewed attention to the economy, President Barack Obama will return this week to an Illinois college where he once spelled out a vision for an expanded and strengthened middle class as a freshman U.S. senator, long before the Great Recession would test his presidency.

The address Wednesday at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., will be the first in a new series of economic speeches that White House aides say Obama intends to deliver over the next several weeks ahead of key budget deadlines in the fall. A new fiscal year begins in October, and the government will soon hit its borrowing limit.

The speech comes just a week before Congress is scheduled to leave for its monthlong August recess and is designed to build public pressure on lawmakers in hopes of averting the showdowns over taxes and spending that have characterized past budget debates.

In his economic pitch, Obama will talk about efforts to expand manufacturing, sign up the uninsured for health care coverage, revitalize the housing industry and broaden educational opportunities for preschoolers and college students. He will also promote the economic benefits of an immigration overhaul.

The White House is promoting the speech as part of an arc of economic messages from the president that began at Knox College in 2005, when Obama was in his first year in the Senate. Since then, Obama has sought to raise the profile of his economic agenda with periodic speeches, including one at Georgetown University in Washington in 2009 and one in Osawatomie, Kan., in 2011. The White House posted a video highlighting Obama's previous economic addresses.

The president will also speak Wednesday at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Mo.

Once again, the president will go on tour with his permanent campaign. Has anyone noticed yet that Obama is long on rhetoric and short on action and results when it comes to the economy and jobs? The president's policies are decimating the middle class as millions are experiencing reduced hours or shuttled to part time status due to Obamacare, overregulation, and the massive uncertainty that businessmen large and small are feeling over what Washington will do next.

Yes, but I'm sure the president's speeches will be glowingly reviewed.

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