Obama among the tech rich

Barack Obama has been coming to California to scoop up high tech money and support, as it starts to sink in on the nation that arm-in-arm with the plutocrats of Silicon Valley, he is using Big Data in scary ways. So it is [particularly welcome that Zombie turned his or her talent to chronicling the president's latest visit, a fundraiser at the Palo Alto home of high tech entrepreneur Michael McCue. The resulting post at PJ Media is a feast for the eye and the mind.

Like an anthropologist documenting South Sea or rainforest cultures, Zombie dissects the complexities of the fundraiser and the protests that followed. It is a perfect Saturday treat.  A brief sample to whet your appetite:

Palo Alto is one of those few places in America densely populated by the kind of citizens that don't fit in to the traditional political framework: Rich radicals. These are not your hardcore Berkeley ideologues nor your violent Oakland revolutionaries nor even your smug San Francisco ironic hipsters. Nor are they top-hat wearing high society cigar-smoking paleo-Republicans. No, these are postmodern hypocritical millionaires motivated by a desire to not feel guilty about living their lives of luxury. And the easiest way to assuage that guilt is Vote and Donate Obama. [...]

the paperboy delivers copies of Wealth magazine to people's front lawns.

Where rows of brown-skinned valets patiently wait to park your car for you...


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