You Think You'll Get a Free Pass?

Our empathetic president and his vice president took time out to see well-dressed individuals "who are in the country in violation of U.S. immigration laws but who have received "'deferred action' allowing them to stay in the country," as per Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.  On the other hand, President Obama refuses to meet with border security enforcement officers.  Thus, one is entirely correct in stating that "violating immigration laws now, in and of themselves, is just entirely inconsequential."  How galling!

So we know where the "undocumented Democrats" -- I mean immigrants are.  But we still do not know where Obama was when three brave soldiers and an ambassador called for help numerous times as they were viciously attacked and murdered in Benghazi. 

Nor can we elicit additional information about Fast and Furious, since Obama invoked executive privilege about something he claims he knows nothing about.  This, of course, makes the use of executive privilege odd, indeed, since "use of the presidential communications privilege would require that the president himself or his senior-most advisers were involved in the discussions."  Either the president was involved or he was not involved.  Fast and Furious is more like Smoke and Mirrors.

Nor is anyone coming to apologize to those who continue to learn how the IRS exercises its ugly power and stifles lawful actions by Americans of certain religious and political persuasions.

You think the average Joe Legal Citizen will get to meet Obama to complain about ObamaCare medical decisions, ObamaCare taxes, or ObamaCare intrusions into personal matters?  Heck, even some IRS advisers have cautioned that the lack of transparency and secretiveness of the IRS could undermine the credibility of the tax-collection system.


It is patently clear that "the idea of liberty doesn't remotely animate Obama."  In fact, "[h]is focus is on using government to reorder society in his Utopian image; individual liberty necessarily be damned."  He is shamelessly wooing the illegal aliens in order to augment the Democrat voting base -- plain and simple. 

Well, we could all enter Mexico through the porous border after receiving Spanish lessons in Iran, courtesy of terrorists, and then ring up 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to sit and schmooze with the president...although we still may not be able to tour the place! 

Or we could consider trekking to Canada, where common sense is beginning to reign again.

Or we could stand our ground, re-animate the Tea Party and work hard to change the Senate in 2014 and break the Democrat stronghold.  We can reassure ourselves that our peaceful goals and our deep concerns are genuine and have proven quite correct, as evinced by the scandal-ridden Obama administration.  We can speak out and expose the corruption from the White House and stop equivocating and falling for faux appeals to emotion.

And by the way, we can also respect those who do try to enter the country legally, for they are being abused by this administration as well, whether they come from Mexico, South Korea, or Morocco. 

Eileen can be reached at

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