Round up the usual suspects: guns
This past Mother's Day, the "Big Easy" was uneasy again. On a day that's nationally designated to celebrate mothers, the "Big Un-Easy" was preoccupied with saving the lives of local moms and nineteen others (including two ten-year-olds) who were shot while attending the annual parade. After reading the initial headlines, I immediately knew that the usual suspects were responsible. My "guilty" verdict was rendered in the span of an eye blink.
Living in the "hood," I've learned to recognize urban terrorism whenever it occurs and habitually maintain a vigilant eye. Just who are these evil doers that routinely commit atrocities across America, especially urban America? Ummm, guns of course! Well, at least that's what the liberals would have us believe.
Moreover, they insinuate that it is racist to even hint that Black males are responsible for urban terrorism, regardless of statistics, video, or eyewitnesses. Furthermore, simply blaming black males isn't "keeping it real" because black males are only bdoing the evil bidding of their malevolent masters... guns. Seemingly, those menacing armaments communicate telepathically to black males and force them to commit disproportionate amounts of armed violence. In fact, the gun-induced hypnosis of blacks has propelled their national rate of firearm homicides to 14.6 per 100,000, compared to 1.9 for whites, 2.7 for American Indians / Alaska Natives, and 1.0 for Asians / Pacific Islanders [Bureau of Justice statistics].
For blacks in New Orleans, a city that has accumulated consecutive titles as America's most murderous city, those harrowing numbers are worse, much worse. Even so, while speaking to the Times-Picayune newspaper about the parade shootings, New Orleans Police Department's director of public affairs decided to disregard this inconvenient truth by stating, "This is an extremely unusual occurrence."
Fortunately, this disingenuous statement was contradicted by a local parade attendee that used wisdom for survival guidance and not this public affairs propaganda. She told the Times-Picayune newspaper, "Me and my mom were going to the second line. I told her I didn't want to go because there are always shots at a second line. And the second I heard shots, I heard shots fired, we ran outside and one man fell in my lap who had been shot."
This week, the police apprehended a parade-shooting suspect (who just so happens to be a black male). Hopefully they'll use enhanced interrogation techniques until he snitches on the gun that forced his indiscriminate shooting. Liberals need to understand that enhanced interrogation techniques are necessary because these mind-controlling guns are destroying our inner-cities. According to a study labeled "Crime in New Orleans: Analyzing Crime Trends and New Orleans' Responses to Crime," from 4/2009- 5/2010, ninety percent of New Orleans' homicides were committed with a gun and ninety-one and a half percent of the victims were... wait for it... black. See, it's evident that guns have cast a spell on black males and thus, need to be banned. If not guns, parades.
Taleeb Starkes is the author of a controversial book that confronts the subculture within the African-American community titled, "The Un-Civil War: BLACKS vs NI**ERS."