Iranian Terror Cells All Over South America, Says Prosecutor

South America is being overrun with Iranian terror cells.  So claims the Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who has handed in a 500-page indictment of the Islamic Republic.  And a lot of leftist South American governments, including Nisman's own, are following suit.

The Argentine-Israelite Mutual Association was car bombed in 1994, with 85 people dead.  Argentina could not have been more furious at that time.

Initially, Argentina blamed Iran.  The attack had come from operatives out of the notorious triad of Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil.

One would have thought it was an open-and-shut case.

However, there was a problem.  A lot of crooked  Argentine politicians had been behind technology transfers to Iran prior to the bombing.  So to go after Iran meant going after local politicians.  As the investigation progressed, it became apparent that a lot of high-end Argentine politicians were going to get hammered.  Nisman indicted former President Menem.  Also accused was the former head of Argentine intelligence and a major police official. 

Whatever the motive of the Argentines involved in these transfers, they were going to cover up their activities as best they could.  So the investigation stalled.

In the  intervening years, Iran has pumped massive amounts of money into South America.  Alliances were formed with Hugo Chávez in Venezuela.  Iran set up HispanTV, a Spanish-language propaganda network.  Venezuela set up TeleSUR TV, which broadcasts anti-Israel propaganda to the continent.  Ten Latin American nations have signed on.  The leftist government of Argentina was one of them.

All the money and propaganda have had an effect.  Earlier this year, Argentina and Iran reached an agreement to form a joint committee to study the AMIA bombing and find the culprit.  Considering Iran's role in said bombing, this is equivalent to letting Eichmann be a judge at the Nuremburg trials.  

So what possessed Argentina to suddenly cut a deal with the nation that bombed its capital not merely once, but twice?  Money, no doubt.  Palms must have been greased, and trade agreements promised.

President Cristina Fernandez, wife of the late Nestor Kirchner, rebuffed both Israeli and Jewish  complaints.  The Argentine Senate approved of her decision, but not without a large minority protest.

However, on Wednesday, May 29, Prosecutor Alberto Nisman threw a monkey wrench into the whole sellout.

He slammed down a 500-page indictment aimed at Iran for waging a terror campaign across South America.

In a 500-page indictment released today, the General Prosecutor in the AMIA case, Alberto Nisman, accused the Iranian regime of "infiltrating" several South American countries "by building local clandestine intelligence stations designed to sponsor, foster and execute terrorist attacks, within the principles to export the Islamic revolution.  (Source)

Argentina's Jewish community had been afraid that Nisman's investigation would be derailed by the Argentine government's new rapprochement with Iran.  Apparently,  Nisman has come out swinging.  Latin America has a bulldog who will not back down.

This is a slap in the face at Iran, at an Iranian-Argentine rapprochement, and at the whole Argentine government's ruling party.  Prosecutor Nisman has thrown the gauntlet down in the face of Islam, not to mention in the faces of crooked Latin governments across the continent, including Nisman's own, which have tolerated this.

It will prove interesting to watch.

Mike Konrad is the pen name of an American who is not Jewish, Latin, or Arab.  He runs a website,, where he discusses the subculture of Arabs in Latin America.  He wishes his Spanish were better.

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