The Left's Spin on Boston Marathon's Chechen Terrorists

The latest go-to publication of leftist sensibility, Salon, offers a hint of what the left's spin will be on the two Chechen brothers who bombed the Boston Marathon, killing three and maiming scores.

Under the headline, "Chechen Terrorism: What you need to know," Alex Seitz-Wald writes:

Chechnya, a small, predominately Muslim region in the Caucuses between Georgia and the Caspian Sea in Southern Russia, has been a hotbed of separatist violence since the start of the First Chechen war in 1994 -- the same year that Tsarnaev was reportedly born. As Joshua Yaffa, a Moscow-based journalist wrote, The "whole generation knows only conflict."

The Brothers Tsarnaev grew up in an environment of conflict and bloody violence, and are, therefore, victims. They are traumatized, not terrorists -- at least, not terrorists who are motivated by their Muslim faith, even if that seems apparent. Even if it's proven that they have links to Middle Eastern or other Muslim terrorist groups.

The link that Seitz-Wald offers to Joshua Yaffa's Twitter in its entirety:

Boston suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is 19 -- which means born in 1994, year when First Chechen War began. Whole generation knows only conflict.

The Brothers Tsarnaev have been conditioned to violence and conflict; they needed early intervention and therapy, poor fellows.

So, Chechnya is a breeding ground for Muslim youth who "know only conflict" and are merely acting out their heretofore suppressed hostilities. That doesn't make the Brothers Tsarnaev much different from inner-city youth in Chicago, Detroit, Newark, East St. Louis, and many other Democrat-dominated snake pits -- sorry: cities -- who "know only conflict."

Inner-city violence is routinely excused and rationalized by the left, why not Muslim terrorism on the part of Chechens?

The spin will come from the left once the remaining Tsarnaev brother is captured or killed. The spin will come mightily. To do otherwise would be for the left to make an admission on Muslim terrorism that would undermine its worldview, motives, and agenda. 

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