Choice of Weapons

The advocates of gun control seem to believe that, by restricting or eliminating private possession of guns, all violence can be eliminated. However, recent events have tragically demonstrated that would-be assailants have a wide choice of weapons, including knives, explosives, automobiles, bacteria, radioisotopes, poisons, and the oft-forgotten weapon that a colleague, (who wishes to remain anonymous) describes thus:

In the possession of a reckless high school kid or college student, this weapon can be lethal; it can kill, maim for life, smash future dreams, or lead to untold pain. When used as a toy, as it sometimes is, it becomes a tragedy waiting to happen.

While using the weapon makes some people feel dominant by giving them a sense of power, the indiscriminate way they use it betrays their lack of understanding of what being a human person is all about and how precious life really is.

Yet, in our country, there are those who say, "Its use is a protected right. Any attempt to restrict its use violates constitutional freedom." Others demand its responsible use, saying, "Only those who understand its force, who are ready to accept the consequences of its power, should be encouraged to exercise their freedom to use it, and only under very strict limitations." They are laughed at.

This concealed weapon has even become a part of our teenage culture. God knows the number of kids looking for ways to use it on some innocent victim or with someone else foolish enough to play the dangerous game.

But fashionable attempts to control its use aren't working. Statistics tell us that each year deaths are increasing, that more lives than ever are being destroyed or permanently injured. And we wring our hands feeling helpless to stop the insanity; some of us ignore the issue entirely, pretending there's nothing to worry about.

It is a symptom of a society that is losing its way, where attempts at sane solutions are scorned and blocked by those industries that make billions by encouraging the virtually unrestricted use of this weapon. After all, we are a free country, aren't we?

In recent years, the almost unconditional and unrestricted use of this weapon, which seems to some to be harmless, perpetuates the cycle of violence, destroys families, inflicts pain and death, and costs society millions. yet, it is nonetheless encouraged by what we see on TV and in the movies, and by what we hear from politicians and powerful self-interest groups.

And to think we can stop all this insanity by telling a guy to wear a condom, makes about as much sense as telling a kid with a gun to keep its safety on. At best, it's naïve. At worst, it's criminal.

Recent example of the deadly effects of this weapon can be found here, here, and here. And there are thousands of unreported cases every year.

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