Obama Has Always Been Against Gun Ownership

In his new book At the Brink, well known author and economist John R. Lott Jr. recounts a conversation with Obama at the University of Chicago Law School. Mr. Obama, who was a lecturer at the time, told Lott "I don't believe people should be able to own guns."

Also Lott writes:

Despite his assurance to Fox News that he understands the Second Amendment, it's a good bet that the positions Obama took on guns during his time at Chicago reveal his true convictions.

Lott's latest revelation brings to mind the President's early days as a director of the Joyce Foundation. 

According to National Review, during Obama's tenure there from 1994-2002, Joyce donated $15 million to the Violence Policy Center, an organization which called itself "the most aggressive group in the gun control movement."

By 2001 Joyce also gave over a million dollars to the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research. One of the Center's main arguments centered on guns in the home, contending they were "more dangerous than protective."

Lott points out in chapter three of Brink that Obama supported a ban on handguns in 1996, then in 1998 a ban on the sale of semi-automatic guns; and in 2004 he pushed for banning gun sales within five miles of a school or park.

Obama has no problem shipping guns to Mexican drug cartels and heavy weaponry to Islamic extremists, but when it comes to gun ownership in America he doesn't "believe" in it.

h/t The Ulsterman Report

Read more M. Catharine Evans at Potter Williams Report



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