Governor Perry touts Texas business climate to California companies
This is more than an "in your face" response to California Governor Jerry Brown's sneering dismissal of Perry's invite to California companies to come to Texas where they will be welcome with open arms.
The flight of California businesses is real, and Perry is seeking to give it a boost by visiting the Golden State.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry is on a four-day recruitment trip to California this week, trying to lure Golden State businesses to set up shop in the Lone Star state.
The trip, which began Sunday, will take Perry to San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles and Orange County, but the recruitment started last Monday when Perry made an ad buy in California inviting Golden State businesses to enjoy the tax and regulatory benefits available to them in Texas
"Building a business is tough, but I hear building a business in California is next to impossible. This is Texas Governor Rick Perry, and I have a message for California businesses. Come check out Texas," Perry says in the 30-second ad. "There are plenty of reasons Texas has been named the best state for doing business for eight years running. Visit and see why our low taxes, sensible regulations and fair legal system are just the thing to get your business moving to Texas."
When Perry began making his overtures to California businesses last week, California Gov. Jerry Brown said the attempt didn't amount to much.
"It's not a serious story, take a little radio ad, all you guys run like lapdogs to report it," Brown said. "It's not a burp, it's barely a fart."
The attempts may not be registering on Brown's radar, but California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom seemed to have a different idea about the effectiveness of Perry's campaign. He told a radio station last week that Perry is "getting in our heads."
"Perry's getting exactly what he wanted," Newsom told KQED Thursday. "He's getting all kinds of press up and down the state, and why? Well, because he's leaning in. He's in the game. He's getting in our heads."
Poaching business from a high tax blue state is nothing new. When Illinois doubled its business tax rate in 2011, Republican governors from Indiana and Wisconsin moved quickly to encourage business migration to their states. They concentrated their efforts on border counties and it seemed to pay some dividends - at the expense of Illinois' tax receipts.
People - and businesses - vote with their feet. California is just beginning to learn that painful lesson now.