Apparently Tony Bennett also left his brain in San Francisco

Call the irony police. Tony Bennett has argued that unless America controls guns, it will become like Nazi Germany. (Text and video here.)

It's the kind of turn that happened to the great country of Germany, when Nazis came over and created tragic things, and they had to be told off. And if we continue this kind of violence and accept it in our country, the rest of the world's going to really take care of us, in a very bad way.

We should learn that we're the greatest country, because we're all different nationalities and all different religions. And we should show the rest of the world how to behave.

The Nazis, of course, confiscated guns, which ensured that when it came time to haul away the Jews, it could be accomplished with almost no casualties, except for all the Jews.

Born in 1926, young Anthony Dominick Benedetto was a child as the Nazis assumed power.  My colleague Rick Moran thinks it is "sad" that the 86 year old Bennett has embarrassed himself.

But will Bennett receive enough scorn to learn anything? Ridicule, Alinsky teaches us, is powerful. The dominant entertainment/news culture will leave him alone, so it is up to the right to generate funny and compelling enough ridicule to break through the liberal bubble.

The gun-grabbers have never had facts and logic on their side, so mindless appeals to emotion form the primary thrust of the current political campaign against gun ownership. So is the use of celebrities to reach and persuade low information voters with emotional appeals.

Unless it hurts to make a fool of yourself in an emotional appeal, celebrities will keep on enlisting as soldiers in the progressive struggles and ignoring fact and logic. Tony Bennett may be a beloved old crooner, but he has revealed the vacuity of the gun grabber mentality. Laughter at him can even reach low information voters and teach a good lesson to bigmouth lefty celebs.

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