The priest, concealed carry, and the stalker

Chicago's notoriously liberal priest-agitator and local media darling, Father Michael Pfleger, is glad President Obama has been re-elected. Pfleger is, not surprisingly, continuing to push for more gun control (while looking the other way as the Obama administration persecutes the Church that ordained him).

From NBC Chicago:

An outspoken Chicago pastor is fighting to keep Illinois the only state in the nation that prohibits its citizens from carrying concealed weapons.

'Those that are concerned about pushing for concealed carry: read the papers, look at the facts, look at the blood, and wake up and care about life more than money,' Fr. Michael Pfleger said at a Monday press conference at the Chicago Temple.

Meanwhile, a woman was recently arrested for stalking the renegade priest.

From the Chicago Tribune:

A Deerfield woman charged with stalking the Rev. Michael Pfleger told authorities that God told her she was supposed to marry the priest, prosecutors said ....

The priest ... had obtained an order of protection against the woman, Assistant State's Attorney Lorraine Scaduto said....

'It's just progressed and gotten more serious,' Pfleger said during a telephone interview Monday night. 'It's very disturbing.' The woman was not armed but 'people really felt threatened,' the priest said.

Well, at least he allowed individuals with guns-police officers, of course-to make the arrest.

As for authentic Catholic teaching and the issue of gun ownership, one of my favorite Catholic apologists, Jimmy Akin, has written.

It would be wonderful if we lived in a world in which all weapons could be beaten into ploughshares and nobody would make individual war any more, but we're not in that world, yet, and ordinary people still have that right and/or duty to defend themselves and others, using lethal force if necessary. So there is [in line with Catholic teaching] a significant case to be made that ordinary, law-abiding, mentally-stable people ought to be able to own guns....

Click here to read Akin's blog post in its entirety.

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